So I went to work today for the first time in like two weeks. Been taking a lot of time off lately because it's being offered constantly. Been nice just chillin at home writing blog posts and messing around. Maybe one of these days I'll pay my rent with LEO earnings... wouldn't that be a story.
In any case, I go into work last night and the entire vibe of the warehouse has changed. Hard to describe, but there was an eerie quietness throughout the entire place. Hardly anyone was there compared to Christmas time peak... no surprises there I suppose: we are now running on a Skeleton Crew.

This reminds me just how bearish Q1 is during a time like this. The economy is in hibernation after the Christmas season, as per usual.
Even stranger, it almost feels like the warehouse is being set up for more automation. All of the logistics routes were changed, and many of the plastic USPS pallets and site to site wooden pallets have been replaced with these large metal cages on wheels. These cages are much more reusable and I would imagine they'd be much easier to use in a fully automated facility rather than pallets themselves.
I was jarringly reminded last night that I desperately need some kind of exit strategy. As a millennial, it's almost a running joke to talk about a 5 year or a 10 year plan. Everyone is just trying to get by day by day, one foot in front of the other, living paycheck to paycheck with zero financial buffer. What could possibly go wrong?

It was around this time that I started to realize just how grateful I need to be of the cryptosphere. This is my safety net. This is what I'm bound to transition to after shit really hits the fan. Most people in the world do not have what we have, and by the time they figure out that Bitcoin and crypto is the answer, it will be too late and we'll likely have to endure another grueling 3-year bear market cycle (only 1 if you're a Bitcoin maximalist).
In my younger years, gratitude was never part of the equation. What do I have to be grateful for? The world is shit and the light at the end of the tunnel just seems to get farther away... But honestly, no matter how bad life is, it can always be worse, and perpetually having a toxic attitude with no reprieve is extremely counterproductive. We have to walk the line between being grateful for what we have while also realizing the system is rigged against us.
Bullish on Hive/LEO
Why am I so bullish? Because we are set up in such good positioning it's not even funny. Show me another network that can do what we do. Show me another network where one can generate currency at the click of a button. Do we realize how insane that is? What can be done with this technology? Clearly, many have no idea what kind of evolution is going to occur around here. It's going to be pure insanity: guaranteed.

Even though I only make $12k a year and live in California... one of the most expensive places in the world to live, I've still been able to acquire a staggering amount of crypto. It honestly doesn't even make sense a lot of the time, but then again I do owe friends/family quite a bit as the custodian of their crypto investments.
But the real reason I'm so bullish is that I'm clearly pretty good at managing money, even though a lot of my gambles have fallen flat on their faces. I'm probably in the top 1% of people able to manage money well, and that number is constantly justified when I look around me and see what other people are doing.
I've made many many networking connections over the last three years as it pertains to crypto, and let me tell you, people like to work, and people like to spend the money they earn. I feel like I'm almost the opposite of that... lol. I'd rather not work and save every last penny. Perhaps that's why I haven't been to Amazon in 2 weeks... leveraging my $600 stimulus check to sit on ass talking to y'all.
In any case, I've already met about a dozen developers around here who are thirsty to break away from the corporate system we live in. So many people around here are willing to work for peanuts as long as they don't have to take orders from some dipshit in a suit while having provable ownership over their work. That's the thing about corporations: they own you and everything you do.
I've touched on this once before:
Oh look at that I actually found it in my files...

Silicon Valley Fail
If you work on a personal project for one single second on company time, the company legally owns that entire project no matter what. The fact that corporations have way more rights than people is insane. Many on the left want to end "corporate personhood" but hell it seems like they have even more rights than a person does. Corps legally own their employees; a frightening revelation indeed!
Crytpo is the answer.
With crypto, we all PROVABLY own a piece of what's being built here. You might not realize it, but anyone that owns Hive also owns a piece of LEO. LEO is a derivative of Hive. Hive is the main chain, and by owning Hive we own a piece of everything built on Hive. Guaranteed.
LEO and LEO-related products are going to generate massive value for Hive... along with HiveEngine products, games like Splinterlands, etc etc etc. They're all built on Hive, because Hive is crazy and can facilitate all this cool shit that other platforms just can't do, and if they can it will take them years to catch up to where we are. Years. How long is that in crypto-time? Decades?

In any case, there is so much to talk about it's difficult for me to even get to the point. The point is people want to work, and they want to be paid for that work, and the Hive network facilitates that wish in a big way, we just need to build a lot more things here to get where we need to be.
Again, developers around here are willing to work for peanuts because that work comes with a promise: provable ownership over a piece of the work completed. This is something corporations refuse to give their worker-bees, therefore they will be absolutely disrupted to the core.
I know people around here who think that me making $16/h is a lot of money. Turns out, not everyone lives in America. I personally know devs (COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS) who would be willing to work for $10/h. What happens when we are in a mega bubble and my upvote alone is worth $100?
Do you know what the starting salary for a random dev is in Silicon Valley (San Jose)? Like $80k/year. Sound like a lot? That's because it's not! Cost of living in Silicon Valley is out of control.
Now we are entering an era where working from home has never been a "safer" option. The economy is downright fucked. Unemployment rate will continue to skyrocket. Millions of people are going to be looking for work, and I can tell you now they aren't going to be picky when it comes to salary. Beggars can't be choosers.

So where does that put Hive in terms of all these variables? It means there's going to be a flood of desperate people looking for any kind of work they can get. You know I really hate to be happy about profiting off of other people's misery, but that kinda feels like exactly what is going to happen.
When life gives you lemons...
As one of the only platforms equipped to actually pay people for work, Hive is in a position to create insane business models that work out because labor is so cheap and abundant. All this during quite possibly one of the worst Greatest Depressions of all time. Think on that for a while, because the dynamics are, once again, pure insanity.
Bearish on Q1
Again, going to work last night reminded me just how bad Q1 is for the economy. Post-Christmas hibernation in addition to potential lockdowns, automation, unemployment, evictions, velocity, rampant FUD, and everything else? Yikes!
Yeah, Hive token price has been scraping the bottom of the barrel during a massive Bitcoin x10 bull run. That's demoralizing, but I'll take long-term potential over short-term gains any days. I can read the writing on the wall, and our positioning when it comes to Web3, the Global Reset, and the New Normal, is flawless.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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