Another winter in PA.
Today was the first day of snow of this year. Ah the cold unforgiving landscape of winter. We are experiencing our own unforgiving landscape in crypto, eh?
Contrary to what might be inferred by the title, I like the snow. After a lifetime of zero seasons in California it's nice to actually have the traditional four, previously learned about from storybooks as a child.
The partner and I thought this move was going to be a lot more like the pacific northwest. We've both lived in Oregon/Washington and assumed that it would be overcast and raining all the time. Far from it, the drudgery of the northwest Americas is no where to be found.
I woke up over an hour earlier today than I normally would. Why? Light was blasting through the window due to the snow on the ground reflecting the sun. That's the crazy thing about winter round these parts. It's sunnier in the middle of winter than it is during the summertime. I look outside my window and it looks pretty nice, then I realize it's ten below freezing.

S.A.D light
I have one of these things but I haven't used it in many many years. I'm not even sure if it still works... probably does but I should just throw it away at this point as it just takes up space. It's called a S.A.D light. S.A.D. stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Low light levels in the winter can make you depressed or otherwise low energy. This thing can take the edge off.
I don't know how many of you have used one of these artificial lights, but it almost has a similar effect to caffeine. How weird is that? If you use the light too much, it can make you feel odd and even give you the jitters. I used to keep it on behind my computer monitor because direct light from it would have this effect on me.
Like any drug, you can become resistant to the effects. Again, it's very weird to think of light as a drug, but it is. At least it is a derivative drug because light will kickstart your body into making certain drugs that are very much real. I have to wear these ridiculous looking blue-blocker glasses when night-driving or looking at a computer/phone screen at night. If I don't use the glasses, my eyes get strained and sleeping becomes a big problem.
It's also worth mentioning that the mood we are in can dictate our actions. Depressed or low energy people don't make the best crypto traders, amirite? That's an easy way to go on tilt and lose money for no reason. The same is true for many activities in life. It's weird to consider, but someone who doesn't get any exercise could be losing money in like a dozen different ways (medical bills being the biggest one).
Like I said earlier, these things used to be called SAD lights. Wouldn't you know it, they rebranded them to Happy Lights. Go figure! I guess people don't want to be buying something that implies they're sad? I'm sure that's a lesson in psychology worth studying at one point or another.
All things being said, there's really no substitute for the real thing. This is true about pretty much all the short-term quick-fixes that humanity has invented for itself. Looking at you Big Pharma. These SAD lights can give you the weirdest feeling. Your body can tell it isn't natural. Like I said, I should probably just throw mine away considering I haven't used it in 7 years.

Speaking of snow...
Although common, water is one of the weirdest molecules in the galaxy.
It has:
- high surface tension.
- the ability to dissolve other solids.
- a frozen state that is less dense than liquid state.
- the ability to float as a solid within the liquid.
- etc etc etc
Life itself is bound to water in a way that nothing else is. And speaking of frozen water, there are multiple different kinds. Obviously an ice cube and fluffy snow are seemingly completely different. It's quite strange when we actually start looking at this molecule scientifically.
Sometimes it's the little things that can add up to something big. No one thinks about snow or water or light as amazing things, but they absolutely are. It's all a matter of perspective. One person's annoyance is another person's miracle. Which side would you like to be on? Choose wisely.
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