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Short-Term Bullish Bitcoin Breakout


I don't know about you, but Bitcoin crossing 2 resistance lines in a tiny bounce up seems pretty bullish. My stop-loss to buy Litecoin is still set to $60.77, so I'm on the razors edge of buying. I guess there's a chance it could crash from here but honestly I'm expecting a third flag up before that happens. The bottom could very much be in and we are working our way out of it.

I'm almost as bullish now as I was when Bitcoin hit the doubling target of $3200 exactly.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
$100 $200 $400 $800 $1600 $3200 $6400

Could Bitcoin dip to $6400 at year's end?


However, in this climate we can hardly expect that.

The banks are printing money again. Bitcoin has never existed during a time like this. How many boom/bust cycles did it take before Bitcoin could make it to a single legacy system bust cycle? The explosive growth of Bitcoin is absolutely astounding, and we all get to ride the coattails up the chain.

Rather than allow bitcoin to become a stable source of growth that could help everyone, the market will become unstable once again. Why is this a guarantee? Because people are greedy.

The stable value of Bitcoin at the end of the year is $6400,

but the unstable value is more like $64,000.

I imagine it could fall anywhere inbetween depending on the decisions of big money players.


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Short-Term Bullish Bitcoin Breakout was published on and last updated on 10 Oct 2019.