Looks like I got a cold at the airport coming back from the west coast... That's fun.
The GF demanded I take a COVID test. First one I've ever taken... it was negative. Honestly this is a very weird illness. First it started as acid reflux... Which I have never had (don't really get heart-burn either). Now it's just a mild head-cold... Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the test was wrong and this is some mild COVID. Again, this is a weird one... Last time I was sick was FEB 2020... so I was overdue.
Why is my Valentine's Day post dated on April Fools? Weird... oh never mind... it's six weeks later...
So if you can't tell, I'm pretty out of it.
But I wanted to get some info out there before anyone makes any more mistakes. A friend of mine dumped 250k CUB for polycub today... and he dumped it all into a single pool and ended up losing like over $1000 to slippage. This is easily avoided by using
As we can see above, allows one to employ the MEGASWAP exchange. I've never actually used MEGASWAP directly. Why would I? Paraswap uses it for me.
We can see above that this bot knows exactly how much money to pump into both pools in order to achieve the least slippage and losses. I've saved over $1000 in the last week using this website moving in and out of CUB and polyCUB. The more illiquid the market is, the more this bot will help mitigate losses across multiple pools.
In the above example, 10k USDC will buy us 47k CUB and only slip 2.3%. If we tried to make the exact same trade on PancakeSwap we'd end up getting 500 less CUB. Not the biggest discount I know... but it adds up, especially if the numbers get bigger. Trading 50k USDC for CUB on para gets us 221510 CUB, but on Pancake we'd only get 208712. Obviously getting 12,798 more CUB in this case is pretty damn significant. Like I said, I've already saved like $1000-$2000 over the last week.

Why are CUB and LEO getting dumped so hard?
Isn't it obvious?
PolyCUB is shiny new thing.
People holding CUB/LEO wanted to participate in polyCUB.
This was a very obvious outcome.
It doesn't matter that CUB is a good deal because of the airdrop.
The perception is that xpolycub is an even BETTER deal, for now.
I gotta say I am a bit annoyed with all the degen talk in LEO Discord these days. People popping in to talk about what went wrong and what went right and what the best deals are. Combined with being sick, I've turned into quite a bit of a dick over the last few days. Sorry, not sorry.
I also have to bite my tongue because this is a competition. I want to get the most farm and value possible out of this opportunity... so I'm treading a bit lightly on my opinion of the market and were it is going. Once I'm done making all these crazy high risk plays I'll let you all know how it turned out and my analysis of the situation. Until then, gamble gamble.
The shear volume of money flowing around these days is insane. I'm very much on my way to becoming a whale of sorts. Of course it's much easier to move the microcaps than it is to move the small and mid caps. At this point I'm only a big fish when I exist in a small pond. Maybe I make a few good gambles and change that... maybe not.
Another website I would be remiss to mention is Normally I would use Mandala to bridge value across chains, but Polygon wallets on Mandala are disabled for a moment to I had to find another way.
At first, I thought about using LEO. But considering I was holding USDC, that means I'd have to sell USDC into Matic, then Matic into pLEO, then unwrap pLEO, then wrap LEO into bLEO, then sell bLEO into BNB. This was obviously going to be really expensive. Instead I just paid $1 to anyswap to get USDC on BSC. Much cheaper and a lot less steps. Sorted.
That's it for today... too sick to do anymore work than this right here. Paraswap and Anyswap websites have helped me a lot with my polycub adventures, and I just wanted to let everyone know in case they were looking for similar functionality.
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