The slang word 'simp' is a weird one.
- Simpleton
- Someone who bends over backwards (perhaps toxically so) for someone they like.
- Usually with implied sexual undertones.
- Someone who prioritizes their girlfriend/wife above the boys.
- Or if we want to dive into the extremely toxic 4chan shit, it's an acronym for Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. Whoever came up with that thought they were so brilliant. I bet they got so many high fives.
The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English traces usage of the noun simp back to 1903, although it was made trendy on TikTok in 2019.
The word appeared in an article of the New York Times back in 1923 when the paper mocked “bachelor simps to take a chance and share their earnings with a wife.”
Simp was referred to as someone being soft and overly sympathetic in the 1980s and was frequently used as the antonym of pimp.
In 1999, the term was used in the Three 6 Mafia song Sippin' on Some Syrup.
It's funny because I've heard that song over a dozen times but I don't remember the simp part. I guess it wasn't my favorite song. lol.

In July of 2020, the official Archie Comics Twitter account said it would ban fans on YouTube if they referred to Archie Andrews as a simp.
Similarly, the popular gaming streaming site Twitch also banned the term under its new revamp of its harassment policy.
Joining simp in the ban were also the words virgin and incel.
incel is short for involuntary celibate.
There's a ton of toxicity when it comes beta men (as opposed to "alpha") trying to get the attention of women and get laid and all that. Which is kind of funny because the very term alpha comes from wolves and other pack animals and was later determined to be completely bullshit, yet the concept remains.
The most aggressive male gets the most aggressive tail!
Blah blah blah hate the player not the game.
So the word 'simp' definitely carries a negative connotation. To be called a simp is never like... a compliment, but it's also not really a huge insult either. More just like the whole "boys being boys" scenario. Friends being 'playfully' mean to each other and all that in a lot of circumstances.
But also at the same time, being a simp is... pretty lame. We've all seen them. I'm sure I've done it myself at one point or another. Those guys on the Internet or at the bar or some other social arena being "nice guys" and constantly bending over backwards for attractive women or girls they've been "friend-zoned" by. The never ending stream of aggressive-compliments and free drinks. Oh man, I'm getting triggered just talking about it. So many flashbacks.
Attractive girl hugs some guy in the group
Where's my hug?

Spoiler alert: "Nice guys" aren't nice. If you are running around complimenting women, buying them drinks, allowing them to dump emotional baggage onto you... all with the expectation that maybe one day this will maybe lead to getting laid? That's not being nice. Women are not slot machines that accept 'nice' tokens and sometimes reward sex.
I always resist the urge to say "slut machines" when I give this analogy.
Simps end up turning social interaction, relationships, and sex into this icky transactional thing and then simultaneously will shame women for being whores/sluts or whatever when that tactic actually works (for other men of course). Like, it's not cool to be entitled and think you are owed something and then play the victim and be like "no good deed goes unpunished". You weren't owed a god damn thing. Ya basic. Ya boring. Ya unattractive (mentally). That's why she "friend-zoned" you. Not because you're being punished for being nice and other men get rewarded for being 'bad boys'. Knock that shit off.
I actually have a lot of experience with this issue because of all the time I've spend gaming. Gamers and other anti-social nerds really have absolutely no idea what is going on when it comes to these issues (crypto/tech by extension also greatly applies to all of this). They just keep running around making the same mistakes and chalking it up variables that are completely out of their control. God forbid they actually try to improve themselves.

Men are brain damaged.
It is known. And if you're a man in a social setting, you should assume from the beginning that you are the idiot and every single woman in the room can navigate the setting better than you can. If you are that simp who's constantly giving out compliments because maybe you'll get something out of it? They know. They know what you are trying to do. It's obvious. You're not fooling anyone; maybe yourself.
There's a reason why "negging" became such a popular PUA (pickup artist) tactic. If all the simps are running around bending over backwards for table-scraps, do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Women have a pretty good bullshit detector. If you're desperate, they can smell it on you. It oozes from every pore. "Nice guys" don't get punished for "being nice". They get punished for being gross and unattractive and entitled and playing the victim.
Of course then men try to emulate this behavior and end up taking it way to far and end up being mean assholes. It takes a lot of grace and nuance to navigate these situations, and most men come up very very short, and it shows, and it's embarrassing.

A lot of this is society's fault.
We were all born and raised within a completely toxic environment. Men aren't supposed to have emotions. Unless of course that emotion is rage, frustration, or some other behavior that's approved by the imperialist patriarchy. We don't get taught how to have healthy relationships. Imperialism teaches domination above all else. Be the top dog or be the top dog's bitch. We live in a binary fantasy that's been plastered over the reality spectrum.
When I was a kid I was basically taught that all that matters is money, women are trophies, and the less fortunate need to be ridiculed and laughed out of the room. "That girl's pretty hot; I'd pee in her butt". "Haha look at the retard look at how stupid he is. Couldn't be me." "Check out that midget he's got no knees. What a fucking idiot."
Society is rotten to the core.
Has it ever not been? Humanity proves time and time again that it is incapable of scaling up and will constantly collapse into a fetid pool of its own corruption. Dark comedic irony rings throughout the ages. The crucifix is simultaneously a torture device that always ends in death and also the symbol of peace, love, and the Christian religion.

Speaking of religion and binary framing...
Men are lustful monsters who just want to fuck everything and women are dainty angels who are waiting for marriage.
That lamp didn't know what hit it.
And society celebrates these toxic organizations, encourages them, and punishes those who fall outside the norm. At the end of the day it is simply (simp-ly?) much easier to control a binary world in which everything is easily explained. You're either a good girl or a dirty god damn whore. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
So off topic right now...
What was this about again? Simps? Ah yes well I guess we are all a product of society. Simps included. Is society in need of help and healing? Always is, always has been.
Unfortunately the fishtail snapback we are seeing play out is still fully rooted within imperialism. Everyone can see that there are some radical pushes out there for inclusion of people who identify as non-binary. The younger generations are all becoming 'woke'. Support your local drag queen. What are your pronouns? Obligatory politically correct comment.
And again, the problem with all of this isn't the content or the message being espoused. It's the FORCE. It's the bullshit cancel culture and violence targeting anyone who doesn't want to accept the new paradigm. It's just more of the same imperialist bullshit.
And once again we see that this all circles back to governance and cryptocurrency. We need opt-in solutions. We need libertarian (borderline anarchy) governments that exist within an attention economy. The governments of the future will no longer be forced upon citizens that were born into it, and instead freely chosen by the participants. This is key the difference that all these woke jokers don't seem to understand. I didn't think I was going to need to lecture the left-wing about the diminishing returns on imperialism and force by violence. Turns out I was naïve. It's just as bad on both sides.

And the powers that be know exactly what they are doing. They create these situations on purpose and scoop up all the real power as the children bicker with each other at the children's table of politics, convincing themselves they're important as they allow the real players to swoop in and scoop everything of value.
There will certainly be another fishtail back to the right soon enough. Biden cannot win another term. Worst ever. Only won the first time because "not Trump" (and possible cheating). As we all know, there's money to be made within the waves of volatility.
Funny story: this post was titled "Hive Simps" and was supposed to about people who are always talking about how awesome Hive is (yours truly included). I guess my writing style had other plans. From simps to politics back into crypto. Classic @edicted post.
I guess the main point of this post would be to advise that we avoid being entitled and expecting favors in return for our 'good' behavior. And that advice extends far beyond the social constructs of the original framework. We're not supposed to do good deeds because we expect something in return, as this corrupts the process, makes it fake, and creates unacceptable diminishing returns.
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