It's nice to see @fulltimegeek picking on someone his own size. I don't look forward to seeing another David vs Goliath battle. So, what do we have here? Again, I guess I should have been tipped off when I stopped receiving fulltimebot votes, but it seems like every time this happens I get a few huge payout posts and I just assume the bots think I'm being paid too much at the moment. NOPE! Flag war dummy!
The first thing that tipped me off what this: https://steemit.com/berniesanders/@allseeingewe/good-morning-bernie-goodbye-cruel-world#@berniesanders/re-allseeingewe-good-morning-bernie-goodbye-cruel-world-20181013t150009551z
You can thank @fulltimegeek. It’s in his control to stop this charade.
@allseeingewe is being flagged because of @fulltimegeek? It made no sense to me, so I had to do some more digging.
Ah, yes, now it makes more sense. I mean it looks like just a classic case of @fulltimegeek flagging people who upvote themselves, but of course because Bernie and Haejin are man child terrorists with stake, the situation escalates very fast.
https://steemit.com/@oddev1/comments These flagged self-votes seem to be part of it.

In the beginning.
When I first came here I thought Bernie was so cool. He really had me fooled with his whole selfless power to the people facade. After all, he was flagging all those mean ol' whales who were exploiting the reward pool. What's not to like? He's giving money away to make the platform more like the way we want it to be.
The problem here is that this "selflessness" comes with strings. He doesn't actually care about making the world/platform a better place. He cares about the status he gains from maintaining this illusion. I have seen multiple users complain about Bernie as they faced a hailstorm of flags. They try to be reasonable. They try to start a dialog. Bernie doesn't care. He buries every comment with a flag no matter what.

This is what Bernie is: a dirty cop. He wants to pretend like he's putting his life on the line for you when all he cares about is the power of the job. Bernie is a power tripping little bitch, as has been evident for the last 10 months I've been here. His clique is nothing other than a pack of ravenous wolves, and he's not even the alpha, which likely makes him even more dangerous.
These people are terrorists.
You can thank @fulltimegeek. It’s in his control to stop this charade.
Haejin pulled the same bull shit tactic. @fulltimegeek doesn't care if he loses some money, but the people that he supports certainly do. @allseeingewe is talking about being forced off the platform and unable to pay rent. These jackals attack @fulltimegeek at his perceived weakest point.
It's so easy to tell who is in the right in situations like these. Who is the one running around insulting intelligence talking about flat Earth? Who is the one blindly attacking random posts that actually have value? Who is the one saying this is all the other person's fault over and over and over and over again.
Haejin flashback:
He broke the truce! He broke the truce! He broke the truce... All he has to do is what I say and everything will be fine.
Are we really going to let this stand? These are terrorist tactics. Do we negotiate with terrorists? I've got a post about to pay out $20 tomorrow Bernie. Go ahead and flag it into the ground. I would like nothing more than to take another $20 from you as you throw this little temper tantrum.
You know, it's only about how we should be using the Twitch API to make the Steem platform stronger. It only has a few developers on board looking into it, but who cares if a post has value right? Gotta get that revenge. Well, be my guest, toolbag.
There's no reason to retaliate.
When someone flags you, they flag themselves. You both lose money. There is no reason to then lash out and then flag everything they stand for on the platform. This is the action of a spoiled brat.
The only reason to engage in these terrorist retaliatory tactics is an investment in the future. You think @fulltimegeek will not be so willing to start another fight like this if you attack every single person he's delegated stake to. Fuck... You.
It's times like these that prove that @fulltimegeek needs even more access to stake and power on this platform. Good thing he's running a witness node. If he could double or triple his influence here these fights would be over a lot quicker. There is no question that he is in the right. Don't let these abusers fool you as they have in the past. No matter what they say, their actions are transparent.
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