Woke up today feeling very low energy.
It must be a no-bones day.
Then I looked outside:

Today was the first day it's snowed since I moved across the country to PA. It's also the first day of being back after visiting my girlfriend's family for half a week shortly after a death in the family. It's definitely a day to chill out. I suppose Sunday is the day of rest after all.
That being said my life is not very stressful.
If I'm being honest at this point I feel like I'm on vacation pretty much all the time. I haven't worked a "real job" since April. I survived the "multi-year bear market" in May without any problems. Now Hive is sitting at $2 and it feels like I've truly made it. From this point forward: I am my own boss. I just need to make sure I don't fall into a trap of inaction and laziness.

Speaking of Hive,
The floor is quite obviously $1.50 in case you were wondering. We should be expecting a crash back to this level either very soon or after the the double airdrop in January. Does that mean it won't spike to $20 a coin before crashing into the mountain at $1.50? No, no it does not. As always: maintain balanced positions and don't bet the farm one way or another.
I can however, almost guarantee that we return to $1.50 (and probably also 80 cents) during the end of the next devastating bear market. Never count your chickens before they've hatched. Hedge bets accordingly.
Writer's block...
I really don't know what else to write at this point... This doesn't happen very often.
I do have a lot of random things written down that are candidates for full posts, but I guess I'll just do a rundown on a couple of them and strike them off my backburner list.

I finally got approved for a credit card. https://www.nerdwallet.com/
After months and months of ignoring my girlfriend's advice, I finally went to Nerdwallet and found a pretty good deal on a CapitalOne card. I picked up a secured card that only required a $49 deposit and offers a $200 line of credit.
Now I can finally start building my credit score back after months of my score being totally stagnant. I'm also considering buying a car which would also be a huge boon to my credit score, but ultimately I don't really need a car so it's a complete waste of money at the moment. I probably won't buy a car unless I'm a crypto multi-millionaire.
I'm also fulling willing to build up my credit score to the maximum just so I can exploit the system, take out a bunch of debt, and then never pay it back. I've already done it once with around $15k worth of credit card debt. If I was actually trying to game the system I bet I could take out like $100k worth of loans and avoid getting sued. Imagine how much that $100k would be worth 10 years later after I pump it into crypto. Probably nothing because I lost it in a boating accident.

Ethereum is already sharding with EVM forks.
There are so many EVM forks coming out that we can already see ETH scaling before our very eyes. ETH itself might not be scaling up, but ETH code is very obviously scaling up as more and more devs start booting up EVM chains.
The cool thing about EVM chains is that they have such a similar code base that they are extremely interoperable. Anyone can connect to any EVM chain with Metamask. We can see this tech scaling up before our very eyes even if it's not the way in which we wanted or expected. Crypto is breaking boundaries across all sectors.
Once Rune starts connecting to everything things are going to get insane. ThorChain's ability to connect all the EVM chains together in a decentralized way that is impossible to regulate is something that can not be overstated. Once again, we see the value in working together and the massive synergies that come into play within the cryptosphere.

https://peakd.com/@theycallmedan/svmkpvjf Theycallmedan tagged me again in his newest edition of The Cutting Edge of Web 3. It's nice to be on the radar of the biggest players on Hive. On a certain level I feel like the kid trying to sit at the adult's table. I really need to up my game in order to carve out a seat and actually deserve it.
I'm listening to it right now as I write this. 1 hours and 44 minutes into the 2 hours 22 minute total. They made brief reference to my Guys: 4 airdrops post. If I'm being honest this was probably one of the more boring segments of the episode. However, it did lead to a very nice transition, which was Dan explaining his new game Ragnarok a bit.
Apparently it's going to involve a limited supply of cards with a very complex system for battle, tokenomics, and incentives. Can't wait to hit the ground running on this one, as I have yet to find a blockchain game that I actually thought was good. I also thought it was interesting that Dan also identifies as being a gamer and has also been disappointed with the options provided by society over the years.
Interestingly enough there is already an MMORPG called Ragnarok (and the Avengers movie also called Ragnarok) so hopefully there will be no lawsuits coming down over the name. However, maybe that's the point. If the game is decentralized enough it will be impossible to regulate and we can just tell the government to fuck off. Such is crypto.
It's a no-bones day. I'm done with this post.
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