Bah! Humbug!
Where's my $100 Steem!? Why am I not rich yet?! These are the questions we should be asking ourselves during this time of emotional exploitation. We saw an interesting Christmas pump and dump. I expect those to become even more intense as the years go on. 2 PM on Christmas and I'm still talking about crypto. I guess I can't turn it off.
I got a killer split keyboard. Should help me with my back and shoulder issues. It's a little hard getting used to because my hands are in such a vastly different position than they were before.
Unlike other keyboards, this thing actually has hotkeys that I might use like cut, copy, paste, undo, and web forward and backward keys. Unfortunately there is no room for a keypad so I have to hit the function key and it superimposes one onto the keys jkluio7890 in numerical order.
Should be good. Pushing my arms together puts some major strain on my right shoulder and this alleviates that problem. I'm never going to buy shitty Razor products or any other overpriced garbage they market to gamers ever again.
I also got a pair of socks, but not just any socks, Pickle Rick Socks.

Sorry if you don't get it. It's best if you're a white nerd with delusions of persecution and grandeur. I'M A PICKLE MORTY!!! I'M PICKLE RICK!!!
Now is the best time of the year: where we can be thankful for all the material possessions we received and be jealous about how much better other people have it, while basking in the glory of the less fortunate. Funny how nobody says it out loud but half of us do it.
Here's to a Happy New Year full of consumerism and the debt it creates! Get ready for economic recession and "quantitative easing" AKA printing a bunch of money out of thin air and pumping it into a broken economy covered in leeches. You never know, this could be the cryptoshpere's Christmas present. Let's take 2019 for ourselves and give a win to the blockchain.
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