We can very clearly see on-chain that @community321's keys were changed a full ten minutes BEFORE the hardfork. Doesn't that seem weird to anyone?
@r0nd0n did it!!!

@r0nd0n has been pasting this into Discord as "proof". So I did the same as "proof" that I did it.

Check this out!

The Steem HF23 was copy/pasted to the point that they didn't even change the name Hive back to Steem.
The "treasury account" was simply changed from @steem.dao to @community321

So @anonsteem was used to make the @community321 account. This was the obvious biggest mistake the Steem puppet witnesses made. Obviously, the @anonsteem node probably had a log of what IP address created this account.
Also, @anonsteem tells anyone who makes an account they need to change the password immediately.

The instructions to DESTROY the password from @anonsteem are highlighted in red.
As we can see on the blockchain, the entity that created @community321 did not even take @anonsteem's advice as the password was never changed. Even if it had been changed, a month would of had to pass before @anonsteem could not perform account recovery to take the account back (assuming they keep record of the keys of accounts they create).

In any case,
Yes I believe @anonsteem absolutely needs to make a statement about their involvment.

Alright well I'm in @r0nd0n's 'emergency' MSP waves.
Let's just give it time and see what happens.
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