Just stop doing it. Stop giving the trolls a voice and free curation with zero risk.
It's actually really embarrassing how Hive frontends haven't evolved at all. Every single social media site has a unique algorithm that creates trending tabs and personal feeds. Not Hive. No one is even talking about making one or even that it's necessary. Whatever gets paid the most goes to the top. Again, that's so lazy and embarrassing I really don't know what else to say about it.

When someone can just create an account for free and just downvote every single post and then stand out as the only account that downvoted that post... seriously what are we doing here? Why are frontends making zero development? Why are they just content to just sit there and be the same for years at a time? I truly don't get it.
If I was running a frontend I'd be upgrading that thing all the time... I had an idea for one but I want it to be more decentralized. I want users to be able to torrent Hive blocks and store the data locally and build their own frontend without even having to talk to another node. The only information they would need are the last week's worth of blocks (and probably the last day or two would be fine as well).
Clearly there should be some kind of threshold for things like notifications on upvotes and downvotes. Some people only want to see an upvote if it's higher than 5 cents. Other's might be as high as a dollar. Same goes for downvotes. Many don't want to see them unless it's higher than a certain threshold (say 15 cents).
And there is really no reason to not allow Hive users to customize this stuff on their own and have good defaults set up for those who don't want to do the work to customize it. Instead what we have is some basic bitch setup that doesn't look any different as when we called this place STEEM. It's crazy when you think about it.
I'll keep this rant short and sweet. I'm not even mad just venting some light frustration as to how decentralization takes place. Not having tyrants in charge is great until you realize that nobody is working together and the entire thing completely lacks direction. These are the things we need to work on if we truly want to scale up.
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