Oh yeah, I love Sports Ball
Love everything about it. The ball. The sports. Everything.
Who's winning the match?
So yeah my roommate was watching the game behind me because she had placed some bets on it. She's not a big fan of Sports Ball (not like me) she just likes to gamble in the family betting pool. She was not amused by several outcomes that happened during the game. Pretty sure she done lost that monies. Too bad, so sad. Gamble gamble.
Half time show
The halftime show was insane... they targeted my generation and my childhood so hard it actually made me uncomfortable. Kudos to them.

Oh yeah
They got us early Millennials / late gen-Xers right where they want us, apparently. Little did I know. Christ Almighty.
Didn't even watch the thing, it was just on in the background and I was like, 'what the fuck?' Like a moth to the flame. Don't do it, don't turn around and get sucked in.
I asked my girlfriend why they would be targeting our generation so hard and she was like, "Because we have all the disposable income now." Damn man, Millennials are old now wtf. Mid-life crisis incoming generation-wide. That should be a fun time.
Jim Carrey Cable Guy reference?
What is this alternate dimension I live in now?
Yikes, I bet gen-Z is loving this.

Crypto crypto
The real reason I was paying attention to it at all was I wanted to know how many crypto commercials there would be. Wow, just wow... wow.
The backlash is real.
Someone on Twitter posted this video with the caption:
When you like the commercial and then it's revealed to be crypto at the end.
Haha... nice.
This was the first one...
Starting strong, Coinbase.
I made a joke about letting the devs craft the commercial.
Said it was like watching a new season of Mad Men.
Yeah, it got some laughs.
But I guess that's kind of the point, right? Look at us, we don't even have to try :D Dare to be different. Classic.
Hilarious because I was just talking about that in my last two posts.
This one was obviously a lot better. One of my girlfriend's friends said way in advance that all these commercials were going to be comedy oriented, and obviously she was right. No one wants to risk doing something emotional or serious after the whole two-year pandemic thing.
Hm... K...
I mean we can also see that the price of crypto in general did nothing from all this. Fully priced in already, but truly the cat is out of the bag on this one. Crypto is on the verge of taking over. Next ten years are going to be insanity.
We're also hearing a lot more talk about CBDC as the powers that be continue to scramble and claim that they are still the best solution... uh huh, nice try. Solving the problem with the institutions that created the problem, that's going to work.
Top signal? Really?
Nah fam... these are clearly bottom signals. The mega-bubble may have not happened in Q4, but it hasn't been canceled. Meanwhile we see everyone that already holds crypto act like children on a sugar rush screaming, "Are we there yet?" No, we are not there yet. Be patient, children.
Etoro, crypto.com, FTX, Coinbase.
Notice a pattern here? Perhaps those Centralized entities are doing us a lot more favors than we give them credit. Centralized entities will always be better at interacting with the centralized world we live in today. That means they will be the ones who pay lobbyists to change the law in our favor and they will be the ones forking out millions for commercials. Welcome to how the world works. I don't see any Uniswap or Metamask commercials :D. Centralized bridge is centralized, and that's fine because we are building all possibilities and testing them all out.
Super Ball Sunday was a big wakeup call. The biggest I've seen in a while. It reminds me of 2017 when Bitcoin was pushing $20k and I was forced into the space in the first place. Mainstream adoption is happening, and bag holders are calling it a "top signal". Good luck trading that "top". This market needs major entrance liquidity, and I won't be providing any of it unless it's in an AMM pool providing 80% returns a year.
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