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Taxation is Theft; Citizenship is Slavery

This is a very libertarian view, but then again, crypto is a very libertarian space.

tax theft.jpg


I read this article and I was really blown away. It's actually happening. People are truly abandoning their citizenship because it's no longer a symbiotic relationship. Government has been a parasite to its citizens for quite some time, and crypto is beginning to make renouncing one's citizenship extremely viable in order avoid the soul-sucking taxes imposed by the most warmongering terrorist organization in the world.

This is all part of the shift to decentralized governance. In this process, decentralized city states will be formed, and we already see that starting to take place today. Crypto cities will be huge in 10 years. Hong Kong will likely lead the charge as it is already a fully established city-state.




Why is barbed wire facing America?

We have to ask ourselves if the conspiracy theorists are actually on to something. Is the border wall actually meant to keep citizens contained in the USA? I guess we'll have our answer if they spend billions trying to build one on the Border of Canada. Not sure if that's even viable considering the distance, but you never know. Perhaps we'll just trust that Canada will do our bidding as they have in the past, ever the neutral spectator.

I suppose one reason to put the wire on our side is to make it harder to remove from the other. However, this type of wire really sends a powerful message to everyone that sees it, and that message is rooted in control, totalitarianism, and slavery. It doesn't matter who that wire is meant for; it remains a human rights nightmare either way. I've also seen the blueprints for internment camps that haven't even been built yet, but that is a other can of worms altogether.


The government is supposed to take care of its citizens, and people are slowly starting to wake up to the fact that this is no longer the case. It hasn't been for a long time, and it's getting worse.

As the jaws of obsolescence and instability begin to clamp around our established archaic power structures, you can be sure those in control will lash out and attempt to maintain their rank, no matter the cost.

They aren't going to care how cruel or ineffective their methods become.
They will claw and scrape everyone else as they slip down the pyramid.

Stay alert, Don't get hurt.

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Taxation is Theft; Citizenship is Slavery was published on and last updated on 12 May 2019.