Are we doing everything we can to create a better future?
I mean I'm certainly not, but then again what does that even mean? Nobody can give 100% of their effort all the time. At a certain point burnout will occur. In fact we have a categorized mental illness for those who try to accomplish such feats. It's called being a workaholic. In fact most billionaires are workaholics and tend to expect everyone around them to maintain that same type of disfunction.
Work work work work work work
Just like anything else, working too much can be an addiction. If it interferes with critical parts of our life it becomes a problem. It's no secret that many struggle with a healthy balance of family and work life. Of course it doesn't help much that the 40 hour work week has been in affect since 1940. You'd of thought that the amount of hours we needed to work over the last 84 years would have decreased due to technology, but now most middle class families often have to work twice as much as they did back then (both parents with a full time job). Aint that a bitch?
Taking unnecessary risks?
We've all done it for one reason or another. I have $10k sitting on a centralized crypto exchange. LoL? Why would I do that? Shouldn't I know better? Ah well I assure you all that I do, but perhaps I need to learn the hard lesson before I start taking the proper precautions.
Today I watched a movie and when I came back to my computer my DMs were blowing up. I've got a few IRL friends into crypto who were freaking out about the light pump above $45k BTC. Is this the signal we've all been waiting for? Does an ETF gold candle happen soon™? That's certainly what we'd all like to know but of course nobody has the answer.
Honestly though does it really matter? I mean... it so doesn't. Everything happening now is complete and utter noise. We'd be better off just disappearing off the face of the Earth and coming back 2-years later. Ah, if only that was an option. Reminds me of those stories were people woke up from a coma and realized their crypto went x1000 or whatever. Were those stories even real? Does it matter?
Playing it safe?
Should we always be striving to play it safe? Or are there legitimate reasons to increase risk and go for broke? Certainly it all depends on the circumstances. Some will increase their risk just to feel the thrill of taking that risk. Just ask anyone that does extreme sports.
Sometimes life itself forces us to take more risks. Mother nature can be unforgiving like that. Even the systems we've created can trap us into a bad situation. Would you steal bread to feed your family? Stealing is wrong. Letting your family starve is also wrong. So which one are we going to pick? This is a classic philosophy question. Between a rock and a hard place.
Does fate even exist? Do we control our own destinies with our actions or are the paths we tread predetermined? Is this all just a simulation? If it was all just a simulation, isn't the entire point of a simulation to see what happens? Perhaps the future is not set in stone after all. Do we have free will, or are we all just biological robots running around and responding to external stimulus? Perhaps it's a bit of both. Who knows?
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