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Tether Still Bleeding (Summer 2019 Bulls?)

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Half a billion dollars worth of Tether has been vaporized, and I couldn't be happier. It's time to see what Tether is made of. BitPay, a service that lets one buy things with crypto, is now incorporating two stable-coins into their arsenal: Cloud and Gemini. Sorry Tether, better luck next time.

It seems as though Tether is bleeding into every single stable-coin. TrueUSD has been trading > $1 for over a week. Tether has been trading under a dollar for even longer. Dai is strong and every new stable-coin that seems to come out these days is more trustworthy than the top dog.

Tether is going to become insolvent and we are going to have front-row seats to witness just how much of a fractal-reserve they were running.


An event like this has not occurred since April 24, 2017. What was going on with Bitcoin at this time?


Absolutely nothing, except for the fact that we were at the base of the x20 run up. Could this crash be a sign that we are eight months away from another insane spike?


Crypto has been known to spike in the summer time. For the longest time, I was making predictions that we'd see a bull run this summer. Perhaps I was a full year off.

This is investment advice. Dump every last penny you have into crypto. Take out a third mortgage on your house. Max out all your credit cards because moon.

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Tether Still Bleeding (Summer 2019 Bulls?) was published on and last updated on 17 Oct 2018.