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That is Literally Gibberish.


So I was not only able to illicit a response from a Bitcoin maximalist, but the message was so dismissive and ridiculous that it really shows just how badly brainwashed maximalists are. No matter how much evidence and facts are presented they will never be able to understand how reality itself rejects their worldview.

I don't even think that bitcoin being flipped is going to change these people's mind. They will just simply decide that reality is wrong and they are correct. Prepare for extreme mental gymnastics.

I bring up the concept of velocity and how deflationary economics are known to be terrible for any economy that falls victim to it. The rebuttal? Nah, that's just gibberish not even worth a discussion. So perfect. I couldn't of asked for a better answer from a known maximalists in the space. Just wow.

There's really nothing left to say, which is good because I'm sitting here writing this while playing White Elephant. Why is it called White Elephant? Apparently an ancient king would gift these sacred animals to people he didn't like because you can't use them for work and they eat 200-600 pounds of food a day.


There's no point in trying to have a logical discussion with a maximalists. They are delusional and completely irrational. This tweet confirms that fact perfectly. Thanks Poor Man's Dan. Much appreciated.

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That is Literally Gibberish. was published on and last updated on 25 Dec 2021.