Technology has been progressing exponentially for over a hundred years now. However, we are approaching an impasse. The way currency is created and distributed no longer makes sense. This system is broken.
Enter stage-left: cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is smart-money that can be programmed to do anything we tell it to do. Compared to the legacy banking system it is superior in every way except for established infrastructure. It is only a matter of time before it takes over. Once this process starts and the tipping point is reached it will accelerate out of control until it gobbles up the entire economy and replaces the grid as we know it quite quickly (say ten years).

The powers that be are trying to fight this reality, but all they can really do is delay the tipping point. At the end of the day technology can not progress without cryptocurrency because legacy capitalism consolidates all the money and power back to the owners of production. Crypto allows communities themselves to become the owners of production which fixes all the problems society has been having for the past century.
Without crypto, too many people will lose their jobs and the gap between rich and poor will become too wide and unstable. This inevitably leads to one of two outcomes:
- The poor people revolt and create a new system that inevitably devolves back to the old systemic problems over time.
- Genocide of the lower class.

Think about it.
What is the value of poor people? They are a cheaper form of "automation" than robots. You hire a person for $15/h because paying $100k for a robot with high upkeep costs is more expensive than the person. Once the robot costs $10k with low upkeep the people are no longer necessary in this equation.

When dehumanized slaves do nothing but take up space and suck down resources there is only one option left: kill them or stop them from procreating. This is why many conspiracy theorists will tell you that the COVID vaccines are 'obviously' a tool used in the inevitable Depopulation Agenda. To them, it doesn't matter how thin the current evidence is. They final outcome is the same. 7 Billion people is too many when 50%+ of the jobs are about to be automated out of existence.
This will break the entire economy.
Because the legacy economy has no way of properly distributing resources back to the poor they'll have to come up with some "innovative" solutions. It's quite clear that UBI (universal basic income) combined with CBDC (central banking digital currency) are the way to go. However, if you think the government is just going to give out free handouts just because, you've got another thing coming.
Do not be surprised if a citizen's UBI status is 100% dependent upon their vaccination status. Much like AI in the Matrix turning humans into batteries, there is a chance that citizens who have no perceived worth within legacy capitalism will be turned into science experiments via injection. That is the fate of the lower class who cannot pivot within this New World of automation: genetic experimentation (eugenics).
Now, the future I've described probably sounds pretty bad; horrific in fact. Honestly, I think even the worst case scenario probably isn't as bad as we think it could be. Life has a way of constantly breaking boundaries.
"Life finds a way."
The next couple decades are going to be absolutely insane. What happens if the military industrial complex creates genetically modified super soldiers? What if AI becomes too advanced and breaks free from the control of its creators? Blah blah blah. What if What if What if. It never actually works out how you think it will. Too many variables and misinformation floating around. The entire point of this simulation we call Earth is that is CANT be predicted. Sorry speculators, better luck next life.

It's been a while since I've written something so outrageous, so this may come as a shock to many of my readers. However, don't I have my own motivations and hidden agendas? Aren't I being paid to shock and entertain you? Why... yes I am. In fact, my biggest supporters from back in the day before anyone was paying attention to me was from my conspiracy theory content (#informationwar). I literally have a direct hardcore financial incentive to exaggerate and sensationalize my blog to the fullest.
For entertainment purposes only!
Everyone on the left thinks the right is full of racist morons, and everyone on the right thinks the left is a bunch of "communist" boot lickers. They are both right, and they are both wrong. It's important to pay attention to all the information and try to parse the truth for oneself: this is the anchor of critical thought and the foundation of the scientific method. If you aren't questioning the data and remaining skeptical: you're doing it wrong.
"Trusting Science" is an oxymoron.
But honestly I am way off topic. All I wanted to do is talk about how fiat is becoming completely irrelevant. The Depopulation Agenda, even if it's real, is going to fail. Life finds a way.
Everyone keeps speculating on a future in which the central banks and corporations are still in control. LOL! How silly of us! The future is going to be far far more frightening than that. Communities themselves are going to be in control. That's right... the COMMUNISTS WIN! Scary thought.
Humanity is in for some hard times ahead... that much is certain. And when humans experience difficult times, what happens? They go into survival mode. Trust me: you don't want to mess with a community in survival mode. Just ask Justin Sun. I'm surprised he got off as easy as he did if I'm being honest. Others will not be so lucky. The war between crypto and fiat hasn't even started yet, and fiat is going to lose. Think about what the means for a second.

Fiat controls the military industrial complex.
If we know in advance that fiat is going to lose the currency war, think about how much damage they are going to do before that happens! Yikes. Now that is a truly terrifying thought. One doesn't even need to generate specifics to realize that fiat will do ANYTHING to maintain control, and that includes genocide. In fact, genocide is expected, as it gets employed throughout history all the time and largely ignored by the communities that it doesn't affect.
Everyone is tribalist.
On a certain level, everyone is racist. Everyone has their people. Their friends, family, race, whatever. It's them against the world (especially during survival mode). We see this pop up in crypto to the extreme as well even though crypto is supposed to mitigate the damages and scale higher than current forms of tribalism (nationalism/corporatocracy).
- BTC maximalists
- Link Marines
- XRP army
- Hive Swarm
- Dogecoin... puppies :D
Doesn't matter if they give themselves a name or not, these communities are already fierce and ready to fight for their survival. Crypto is creating a breeding ground for cult-like behavior that will escalate exponentially when they come under attack. I can't even imagine what kind of crazy stuff is going to go down as fiat is in the death throes. The fate of the dinosaurs is sealed, but they are still laughing at the furry little mammals getting smashed underfoot. Run for cover if you see a dinosaur, would be my advice. They're very hungry now, and will be starving later.
If you want to make it through the next decade or two unscathed you must stay ahead of the curve. Never assume you know something to be true, as this creates blindspots and sinkholes in logic that can be exploited to the fullest later.
The one thing that everyone needs to agree on is that the world as we know it doesn't make any sense. There will be exponential changes happening over the next few decades, and with exponential change comes mass evolution combined with mass extinction. The question we must ask ourselves is simple: are the dinosaurs worth saving? Or should we be paving the way into the unknown and abandoning the past?

As far as the Vax injections are concerned...
How much is enough? I already know multiple people who thought the first two jabs were absolutely imperative, but now that a third is being suggested they are starting to realize this path has no end to it. Six months ago the idea that the virus could have been made in a lab was a ridiculous conspiracy theory and now it looks more and more to be conspiracy fact. Are you going to be one of those people who just accepts the current narrative even though it directly contradicts the previous narrative from only a few months ago?

Or maybe you'll be one of the first X-men born from the new eugenics program. That would be pretty cool. What do I know. I'm just a writer looking to get paid. Send it.
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