Much like the Titanic, the economy is doomed.
This great lumbering beast has sustained too much damage from the iceberg (greed).
It's only a matter of time before all the occupants without a lifeboat freeze to death in the icy waters below.
This was the thing that bothered me the most about the situation:
The Titanic panic!
So much shit floats on that boat. Bookshelves, bed frames, chairs... You all know exactly what is going to happen and you have HOURS to prepare. 2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact.
Why weren't people creating makeshift lifeboats and trying to survive? Why were they just running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's so aggravating to watch.
An aside.
This movie came out when I was in high school. I didn't see it for many years after that. All the boys hated it and all the girls watched it twenty times in theater. Never understood why they swooned over Leonardo DiCaprio like he was the last man on Earth. Ah well, I get it now but back then I was absolutely clueless. Same goes for Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, although those made more sense to me at the time.
Regardless of my musings.
These people had all the time in the world to prepare for hardship, and they didn't. It's the exact situation we find ourselves in today. Crypto is our lifeboat.

Yeah, our lifeboat looks like shit...
But we are going to survive this disaster. A lot of other people are not.
While everyone else was blissfully ignorant of the situation...
We took action and built something with the resources we had.

Meanwhile: The elite have an 'inspiring' message for us.

Couldn't help but chuckle at this. It is so nice to see people pointing out how ridiculous these celebrities are as they send out their propaganda on screen and convince the majority that they're doing the right thing by "saving lives".
Just like the Titanic, most of the rich people are going to make it out just fine without so much as a scratch. Sure, they may have to endure some psychological damage, but that's to be expected. You wanna make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs, amirite?

Let's not mix messages.
This COVID lockdown is a controlled demolition of the economy. The elite don't want the economy to implode, but if it's going to you can be damn sure they want to decide when and how.
This is only the first wave of three.
You heard me right! There will be three waves of COVID, just like the Spanish Flu.
How do I know?

Because Tom Hank's son Chet Hanks has a tattoo with 3 viruses on it.
Checkmate sheeple! Score +1 for predictive-programming!
That's what you get for naming your kid Chet, dipshit!
JK bro I've seen Forest Gump like 20 times, and everyone loves Cast Away because you get shit on the entire movie.

When Lambo?
I can't believe how often I hear this garbage.
You're about to die, and you're thinking about what car you're going to drive tomorrow?
WTF is wrong with you?
Call me crazy, but survival is a higher priority.
Only the penitent man shall pass
What do you think is going to happen if people are starving in the streets and you are driving around in a Lambo?
I'll give you a hint.
That's right, I'm talking full on French Revolution on your ass. My advice? Grow your own food. Buy solar panels. Plan a way to collect water and filter it if possible. Build a greenhouse. These are the things I would do if I had the resources. Back to the basics.
Food and water are like air. It's not a big deal until you run out.
Imagine the 2.7 hours it took the titanic to sink would be 2.7 years for the legacy economy to sink. Help is coming in one hour (year) after that. Can you survive the icy waters that long, or will you perish from exposure to mother nature like so many others?

#weareallinthistogether #eattherich
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