Lo and Behold
After Googling "world will never be the same" most of the results are in direct reference to COVID-19 and the economic meltdown, despite there being a ton of songs and other popular mediums with the same message.

Who'd a thunk it.
So many things are going to change.
However, I'd like to focus on some big ones that a lot of people might not realize.
New spending habits.
It is no secret that most people live paycheck to paycheck. We live in a disposable society that glorifies instant gratification and extreme wealth/status. Fashion was practically invented to keep people buying things after they "went out of style" but still remained fully functional.
Change coming?
The fallout of this economic disaster could have drastic effect on future spending patterns. I've already spoken to the middle-class getting utterly squeezed into oblivion. What happens if things like fashion, vacationing, socializing, and partying become far less popular because citizens are more worried about survival? If a lot of businesses don't get taken out by this shutdown outright, they very well could have a completely obsolete business model after the economy reopens.
Who's going to buy a $200 pair of shoes knowing the entire economy could be shut down the next day for months without any warning?
Sure, there will be some, but there will also be far fewer. This is a numbers game.
Retail already operates on razor-thin profit margins.
Even a 5% loss can take a company from make to break levels.

Deflation into hyperinflation fishtail?
Okay, so imagine millions of people saving up a few thousand dollars for the first time ever in their lives because of this whole shitstorm and the fear it has caused. We all know what a powerful motivator fear is.
What's happening during this time? Those same people aren't buying the things they normally would be! This causes retail to panic and lower prices. Lower prices means deflation is going to occur, even in the face of the Fed printing out trillions a day. The whole situation is insane. Purchasing power will go up even though inflation is completely uncapped because citizens are terrified to buy things that aren't essential. Kids gotta eat, ya'll.
However, at some point the fishtail will swing back. A lot of people have saved up those thousands of dollars and they now are in a place where they feel safe because this whole thing has finally blown over. Do you think these people have the self control to continue not spending their money like fools? Hmmmmm, think again. At some point the fishtail will swing back and we're all going to get slapped by the long dick of inflation due to massive capital injections into the economy.

The entire world is about to experience some kind of crazy reboot. Seriously though, we haven't even got to the first of the month when rent and bills are due. Give this whole quarantine thing a few more weeks and see what happens. It's not going to be pretty.
Huge pushes for the option to work from home.
It's always amazed me that there are so few options to work from home.
Even companies that can easily provide this option often choose not to.
What about now?
I bet those same companies are feeling pretty damn stupid currently for not catering to this obvious advantage beforehand. If it wasn't a priority before, it sure as hell is now.
This is an aspect where crypto really has a chance to shine.
As the Internet of Money, crypto is well suited to create jobs and pay people from home. Again, enough competition in this regard will push traditional businesses into the red.

Some are saying this is all part of the Globalist Agenda to take over the world. Some are saying humanity is due for a culling. Yes, well, if you look at the population of humanity over the last 2000 years that would certainly seem to be the case, wouldn't it? We've all seen these exponential bubbles before, and they don't end well... do they?
Would it be such a bad thing?
1, 2, even 6 BILLION people dead? Depends on your perspective I guess. I'm sure most would actually find it quite terrifying... perhaps even the very definition of terror. In a certain sense all I see is another boom/bust cycle; another colony of bacteria that's expended all its resources and faces the only option left to avoid complete extinction.
Ah sweet privilege.
Perhaps I only get to say things like this because I'm white... and a man... and straight... and my parents are rich... and I don't have idiot spending habits... and I understand the world better than most of the people I talk to in person... and...
Or maybe that's just what the liberals want me to think! lol
Regardless, I'm in a pretty awesome position to survive such an apocalypse if one happens to pop up. I mean, for one, I live in America, and most citizens are ignorant/apathetic, but more importantly overpopulation isn't that big of a deal here, especially if you move away from the coastline. India and China are done fucked, I tell ya.
That's enough morbid curiosity for one day.

Massive increase in libertarians, homesteaders, preppers, and skeptics.
Again, people are naturally going to start getting interested in activities that can really only help the crypto movement in the long run.
- Food shortage >> Homesteader >> crypto
- Depopulation >> Prepper >> crypto
- Authoritarian government >> Libertarian >> crypto
- Infinite money printing >> Sound Money >> crypto
- Supply line disruption >> 3D Printing >> crypto
- Energy crisis >> renewable energy >> crypto
- Distrust MSM >> decentralized information >> crypto
- Healthcare Monopoly >> ???????? >> crypto
All roads lead to crypto.
Justin Sun was the best thing that's happened for Steem, just like this COVID-19 is the best thing that's happened for the economy. The craziest part is no one realizes it yet. Remember when we were all running around screaming on Steem?
That's literally happening right now in the legacy economy and COVID-19... literally in the same month... the timing is fucking insane.
Serious Shakespeare timing. Which is why it must all be some dastardly psyop, amirite? lol.
What was the result?
We turned our back on the corrupted governance structure (distribution) and forked a new one. Now everyone is super hyped about the future. Developers are working day and night for peanuts just for a chance at freedom. I see the same thing happening in the legacy economy, only it's going to take a hell of a lot longer to accomplish.

Perhaps it's not as bad as the doomsayers make it out to be?
To be sure: we are entering a rapid state of extinction, radical environmental change, and hyper evolution. Yes, we might not all survive it (rip Koreans) but those that make it out to the other side just might be able to build themselves a better world.
One can hope.
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