Apparently my conspiracy-theorist family-protection peeps are up in arms over this doll that makes a surprised/giggle/gasping sound when a button inbetween the legs is activated.
So apparently this is pro-pedophilia?
This logical leap seems to be made quickly and without any question or justification. Watch out America! Your children are being groomed into letting old rich white men abuse them! Is that really what's happening here?
Eh... okay...
If this kind of thing happened in Europe it wouldn't even get talked about. This is cultural outrage based on ingrained Puritanism dating back centuries. America can't handle sex things but violence is A-OK. I'll always remember when the 300 movie came out. Parents with their young kids in the theater letting them watch people get stabbed and decapitated with babies being thrown off a cliff... OH SHIT A TITTY SHIELD YOUR EYES CHILD!!! Like lol, it's a joke.

How this can somehow be equated immediately to pedophilia without question is beyond me. Normalizing sexual content and actions is pretty normal in a lot of places. Again, a European would look at our outrage and be like, "Wow, those guys are super sexually repressed violent maniacs." Truly, this is ALREADY the consensus of American culture. If we're going to be ignorant of other cultures, we should at least get to know our own.
And to further prove that point our "solution" here is to take all the known pedophiles and murder them or throw them in a torture chamber for life, as if that's going to help the problem in any way. Negative reinforcement is not very effective, and increasing the punishment will do nothing but spread more hate and pain into the world.
The same people who criticize and have no trust for authority say things like this, and in their outrage find a solution that is perfectly in line with the status-quo.
"Lock them up and throw away the key!"
This "solution" is literally the same rule-by-fear status quo that we already have. I hope we can see the absolute hypocrisy of this stance coming from a community that chastises the establishment so gleefully. Satisfying a desire for revenge is not going to make the world a better place. It never has.
Gotta have some perspective.
We really think that some pedophiles got together and thought they were going to pull a fast one on America? On the off-chance that maybe more children would start consenting to sexual activity with old white men? Like... no... never happened.

On the other hand...
The official statement from the company is that the doll was meant to make surprised/giggle/gasping sounds when simply seated in a chair? Um... why? Is that normal behavior? Does that explanation make sense? At the same time, they can still be lying and trying to cover their own asses without some diabolical intention to groom children for molestation. Seriously though.
Need more info.
Who designed the doll? What was the marketing team thinking? How many countries is it sold in? Who's the target audience/buyer? Did they have a testing group? How self-centered is it to simply assume that everything revolves around American culture? I mean it usually does, but still.
Conspiracy theory rule #1
If the conspiracy theory targets a niche subset of like-minded individuals there's a way better chance of it being complete bullshit. Conspiracy based on facts, evidence, and global thinking have nothing to do with partisan politics or fringe groups. If the actual evidence of deceit can stand on its own we should be able to find people from all walks of life that believe something fishy is going on. Proof of deception is not a political issue. Can we say that about this one in particular?
Call me crazy, but I can not subscribe to conspiracy theories pumped out by the right-wing that are notoriously pro-Trump, anti-left, and claim to be coming from some self-proclaimed hero who's risking life and limb to bring us cryptic messages while avoiding the most intricately webbed surveillance state the world has ever seen.
Seriously though. Get real.
Trump is not going to drain the swamp. The system will not be fixed from within. Get over it and stop letting that hopium paralyze you because it's all going to work itself out in the end.
What is it about pedophiles that gets them into positions of absolute power?
And no one in power will step up to fight them? Perhaps this issue is being exaggerated a bit, hm? That being said the elite clearly gets away with a lot. So much so that exaggerations are made to imply they get away with everything.
... And you point your finger, but there's no one around.
Sometimes I wonder if I have my own blinders on in this regard. Do I believe in any conspiracy theories that are tailored toward the left or any other niche group I find myself a part of? I can't even think of any in general, so I feel like it's almost guaranteed that I've fallen victim to this same hypocrisy at one time or another. No one can stay fully objective 100% of the time. Post relevant examples below for a 100% upvote.
Normalizing sexual content is not pro-pedophilia
And while we're at it how about we end the toxic relationship and heinous double standard between fathers and daughters in this country. We've all seen those dads who "jokingly" tell us their girls are never allowed to date or have boys around while the sons are showered with praise for their "conquests". It's toxic as fuck and lays the foundation of an unhealthy relationship based on slut-shaming and being embarrassed of our own identities. Call them out.
Hasbro wants to make money. They put this product on the shelves thinking they would make money, and they are taking the product off the shelves to mitigate losing money. Do we really think Hasbro received backdoor funding from a pedophillic all-powerful deep-state to push this product on the shelves just so it could be slapped down by outraged consumers?
Seems flimsy at best and delusional at worst. If there was that much planning involved, they knew exactly what was going to happen and they did it anyway. No evil plot was thwarted here; get over yourselves Q-Anon fans. Even if you're right, you're wrong, and you've played directly into your evil overlord's hands by making such a fuss over it publicly, just like they knew you were going to do.
How adorable! Said the Evil One.
Thought you were going to pull one over on an omnipotent fallen angel? Nice try. I'm sure Jesus will be so proud of us when we tell him about how we tortured all those pedophiles into submission. Kek.
Sexual abuse perpetrated against children during their formative years is exponentially damaging and continues to be an epidemic on a worldwide scale. Unfortunately, solutions to actually mitigate this problem are few and far between. All we see is outrage. RABBLE RABBLE! Not helpful.
Obviously this is a hot topic with a lot of heated emotions behind it because of how serious the issue is. This is exactly why so many false conclusions and aggressive attacks will be made in the first place. Don't be one of those people who's like, "Think of the children, you fucking monster!" That's the bad-guy line. That is the logic of a manipulator. Threats, violence, and revenge are satisfying and cathartic, but only serve to feed the Great Satan in the long run. Real synergistic strength is much more difficult to achieve and implement.
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