Not wearing a mask on public transport is now a federal crime.
- instruct people that wearing a mask on the conveyance is a requirement of federal law and that not complying with the requirement is a violation of federal law;
What could possibly go wrong? My roommates cheered. Nothing to see here.

My cat's health is improving.
What seemed like what might be an imminent death scenario is slowly improving. If it is indeed vestibular disease should be cleared up in a couple weeks.
She is very mad that she doesn't have control of her faculties. She tries to do all the things she usually does and gets mad when she can't. Try to help her and she gets more angry. Very proud.
She's also lost a lot of weight over the past few days, but they only have to eat like a tablespoon of food a day to avoid catastrophic liver failure (fatty liver disease). Turns out cats can't fast as well as people can, surprisingly.

I was alerted by a friend last night that Wallstreetbets is planning to continue pumping XRP for the next week and a half or so. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but the live streaming Youtube of it was shut down and the group was invite only.
My friend wanted to let me know just in case I wanted to jump in on it, but I think the ramifications of all this "manipulation" are going to be quite severe. Don't want to touch it with a ten-foot pole, and I don't want to touch XRP with a 10-foot pole either, so thanks but no thanks, friend.

The price of PAL has gone up over the past week. Over 2x sustained value after a big pump. I haven't been following too closely but I know they want to add actual functionality to the coin. I still haven't given up on the token that seeded LEO, and still have quite a bit of stake considering how many tokens there are total.
If PAL does eventually take off many will realize that I've been upvoting them with it via comments on my blog. Always fun to realize you have crypto that you didn't even know you had. Speaking of which, I just checked my blogging rewards and I had 2000 liquid coins. Just powered them up to show my support. Now sitting at around 44k stake. Pretty good considering less than 8M tokens in circulation. That's more than half a percent of all coins.

HBD got pumped in the last 24 hours to $4, and now is hovering around the $1.60 mark. Many are just assuming "Those crazy Koreans are at it again," but with all this Wallstreetbets madness out there who knows what's going on. HBD/SBD are some of the easiest assets to pump because of such thin liquidity.
On that note... I'm losing money for the next week because my payouts are 100% powerup. I need to switch back to HBD rewards, and by the time that kicks in HBD might be back to $1 and I'll have missed out. Not a big deal but still noteworthy.
IMO it is not worth speculating on HBD going higher, and it's much more worth it to just automatically sell out if the price is above $1.50. Although we all now it can spike harder and faster than Hive itself due to liquidity issues.
I'm bullish on this scenario, not because I think it signals are altmarket or means Hive is next, but because breaking the peg to the upside puts more pressure on @blocktrades to implement conversions from Hive to HBD to maintain the peg, or better yet implement my system for CDP collaterlized loans using the savings accounts. (far more work) But then again @blocktrades is very busy and the optimizations & other projects they are working on likely still have priority. Give it time... better yet, lets hope that we can get more devs here that know C++ and want to learn Graphene/Condenser. Crypto has a constant dev shortage on all fronts. Just ask the Ethereum Foundation. All the money in the world... two years to get one thing done.
It's important to point out that during this time that HBD is trading higher than $1 all bloggers are getting paid extra. Not only that, because we now have the dev fund in place that funds devs 100% in HBD it gives all of our devs more money too. This should put more downward pressure on the price in these situations, which is good for the network. Keep pumping the stablecoin... whoever you are.

LEO still rocking it obviously. We should have the full details on the upcoming airdrops in a week or so. I have some BTC and ETH floating around somewhere and I may cash in just to get some extra drops.
If Bitcoin is indeed bottomed out and bound to make new all time highs soon™, Hive is likely going to catch a bid upwards. We've been consolidating at rock bottom while huge accounts have been powering down aggressively over the last 13 weeks. Hive can only scrape rock-bottom for so long before liquidity runs out and the only place it can go is up.
Again, there are many users around here (especially ones who retreated to LEO) that are quite salty about Hive's price-action. Not me. For me this is still an opportunity to get in cheap while the value of all my other assets are mooning. I still think 10 cent Hive is on the table should Bitcoin crash to $20k support, but again this is not really a loss in terms of Satoshi value. Let's check that value right now while we're at it.

Don't be surprised if 289 sats is the lowest Hive goes... ever. Hive has a way of making epic comebacks during times that you'd least expect. Our volume has been very good lately and there is no reason that anyone would be wash-trading Hive due to the lack of centralized authority. This is legit volume, and many many coins are exchanging hands into the bags of more trustworthy users. This has been going on for months now. We are due for a reversal within three months IMO.

I'm strongly considering reupping my prescription for Adderall for the first time in like ten years. Looking to kick my brain into overdrive. The ADHD stops me from getting a lot of stuff done, and while the side-effects are heinous, it might be worth it in the short term. Plus if I have extra I can always drive out to Davis and sell them to college students, amirite? JK, fam.
There's a ton of stuff going on in the world right now. While I'm still bearish on Q1 it's almost impossible to sell any assets into fiat right now when Reddit & retail is just throwing money at everything. We've all surmised that it was institutions responsible for this latest pump, wondering what retail was going to do eventually. I guess we are finding out they are in a short-squeeze frenzy. Very strange times.
With so many fundamental and speculative developments going down, again, I can only recommend being out of the market slightly to have just enough to "buy the dip" as they say. After all, how can stonks and crypto go down when the FED is determined to print USD to infinity? I guess we'll find out come March. Dreaded dreaded March. The Ides are upon us.
The Ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar, corresponding to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts.
Deadline for settling debts... how fitting.
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