'We Cannot Afford Inaction': Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Plan
So apparently people are mad that Biden isn't proposing $2000 stimulus checks, but rather $1400.
He has described recent $600 coronavirus relief checks as a "down payment" and said he would push to see Americans receive an additional $1,400 payout.
Funny how that works.
It should be obvious about now that the FED can actually afford to bail out the American people several times over, but the push and pull of politics does not allow that kind of thing by design. Not that I care about these handouts. I certainly won't turn my nose up to free blood-money but I'm not going to complain if it doesn't show up.
The plan also calls on Congress to invest $170 billion in K-12 schools and higher education, including $130 billion for schools to safely reopen.
Call me crazy, but going by what I've read this money is going to be used to further turn schools into indoctrination prisons. Now they'll be fully equipped with facial recognition, body scanners, and whatever else. Got to prepare them young so we can push this New Normal through without a lot of resistance, amirite?
While we're at it, lets teach our kids to believe falsities on purpose like Santa Claus. That way they won't question the invisible prison all around them. That's just the way it's supposed to be.
Core memories and personality traits are permanently embedded into children at a young age. What kind of programming did you receive as a child, I wonder?
Furthermore, Biden has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, as well as providing billions for child care assistance, federal nutrition programs, rental assistance and tribal governments' pandemic response. The package also includes $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments.
Increasing the minimum wage sounds nice, but that socialist tactic has a way of crippling free-markets and further attacking struggling small businesses trying to compete. If only companies too big to fail can afford their employees, then all small business will die and insane monopolies will be forged. And I say this as someone who considers themselves a radical-left socialist.
Rather than bandaid the problem we need actual solutions, and that means building real value, actual communal ownership of business, and a return of work ethic. Even the concept paying people hourly is offensive and promotes wage slavery and feeds time vampires.
Can't say I have any real solution at the moment. Only problems.
More than 385,000 Americans have died from coronavirus-related illness, and as many U.S. hospitals once again have reached crisis levels in capacity for aiding those affected by the virus.
Blah blah blah, 0.1% is such a huge number. "This emergency means I can impose whatever measures I want."
The president-elect has also said he will urge the country to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency. Wearing masks is a practice public health officials advocate in slowing the spread of the virus but one that had become a political issue during President Trump's tenure in the White House.
Yep yep sure sure... keep politicizing wearing masks so that the other side hunkers down even more. Got it boss.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in a statement said it welcomed Biden's economic recovery plan. "Specifically, we applaud the President-elect's focus on vaccinations and on economic sectors and families that continue to suffer as the pandemic rages on."
"I know what I just described does not come cheaply," Biden said on Thursday, "But failure to [act] will cost us dearly. The consensus among leading economists is we simply cannot afford not to do what I'm proposing."
Does it not come cheaply? What's the cost? Seems like you guys are just printing money "for free". Tax hike incoming.
I can't wait to airdrop my enemies for billions of dollars in fake crypto with zero liquidity so I can report them to the IRS after they impose unrealized capital gains tax. Get wrecked, suckers.
U.S. Says Rioters At Capitol Aimed 'To Capture And Assassinate Elected Officials'
Looks like I finally figured out that NPR is a propaganda machine for the left. Took me a while but I got there. Did you guys watch videos of the "mob" that "stormed" the capitol with zero resistance. Tell me, did they really look like they were in the killing mood? As someone who experiences manic bouts of extreme energy... I'm gonna go ahead and say no. Yet there were gallows and even IED bombs on the premises. Hm, where did those come from?
Give a mouse a cookie, they want a glass of milk. People hear "$2000 stimulus check" and when they get $600 and $1400 they complain. Math is hard.
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