These numbers have changed half a dozen times over the course of red-flags going up everywhere. Do not invest in CAKEPOP. Do as I say, not as I do.

Check out this baller website from the 1990's.
Send your money now. This site wasn't even live before the IDO launched. Pretty epic.
Also the 200k CAKEPOP required was 2M an hour ago.
This is being reported as a frontend bug.
- Liquidity Lock: 166,666,667
- IDO: 333,333,333
Now that half as many tokens are allocated to the liquidity lock, there will be enough to distribute so that IDO investors don't bleed BUSD and the opening price is how much they paid.
With this ratio, the 167M CAKEPOP will be paired to 125k BUSD, for an opening price of $0.00075. Certainly a price that incentivizes apes to jump in with extreme unit bias, while tied to a strong liquidity pool. Which is already 46% filled.
There are now 4 IDOs scheduled to go live within the coming weeks.
Now there's an announcement I can get behind.
4 IDOS... within... WEEKS... lol
Ticking clock ultimatum
The CUB CAKEPOP IDO only lasts 24 hours, giving little time for anyone except CUB money to buy in. Already the price of CUB has dipped a penny, but that only happened in between 30%-40% funded. So there's a lot of money coming in from every direction.
I'm told they are in talks with 25 different Telegram communities, trying to get the DEGENS to ape in. With this much liquidity that we are providing locked for all time, that very well may be possible, we shall see.
However, we have to proceed with CAKEPOP with extreme prejudice and try to gauge the chance of rugpull. We don't know these people. This is 100% gambling, and there are red-flags everywhere. Which is why I'm only throwing in a few days of CUB farm. Luckily I farm a lot and this will break the 200k limit, so I'll be earning dividend yield... assuming it doesn't rug... lol.
After much question about the numbers, the Liquidity Lock numbers were finally altered to equal half of the IDO distribution. That means the opening price will be correct. However, At this point I'm getting flashbacks to Justin Sun and being told exactly what I want to hear. Not a great feeling.
On the other side of the coin, this isn't a bad strategy.
Getting seed money from the diamond hands on LEO/CUB and rushing this IDO for one-days liquidity might turn out... really really well. I'll say it again: this thing could x1000 or x0 at any time. I guess fate will decide. Cheers.
There's no reason to enter the IDO until the end of the day before I go to bed, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll be contributing about 5 days worth of CUB farm. I would argue that this is a very measured and safe bet. At worst I lose 5 days of farm. Considering what I'm seeing today I wouldn't dream of risking anything more, and even this is pushing it.
Also lets not forget all the other IDOs coming down the pipe. There's going to be every opportunity in the world to take the funds out of one IDO and pump them into the next one. Let the waterfall do its thing.
There are a lot of red flags here, and a 200k minimum ($150) required to receive dividend yields (due to BSC fees). Only make this investment if you can afford to lose everything as soon as tomorrow.
Also remember that we will have every opportunity to buy more in the free market when we launch tomorrow. There's no reason to make any crazy plays with this one. No FOMO here. Move along.

A dev team comes to you with marketing as a top priority, and this is what they come up with. Do you want in? Yes please! Sign me up. What's not to love? I love cake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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