In spectacular fashion and as predicted, NO DIP NOVEMBER is not disappointing. I'm defining a dip here as a 10% drop or more, and we haven't even come close to that. We could "crash" all the way back to $14k and that still wouldn't be a dip. November strong. $14k is now the strong support traders will be looking to buy if possible.
Litecoin is darkhorsing
Again, as predicted, Litecoin is one of the only networks keeping up with Bitcoin's gains. As institutions FOMO into Bitcoin they can't diversify into anything else. Expect altcoins to continue to lag behind until Bitcoin hits 20k$ again and the entire sphere goes bonkers.
GOP calls foul
As far as the election is concerned, what a shitshow! Republicans are making claims that Trump votes are being thrown out, millions of votes have been forged for Biden, dead people are voting, out of state people are voting... yada yada yada.
How much truth is there to it?
I'm not sure. I've seen several Excel sheets showing how more people have voted in swing states than there are registered voters. WOW! What damning "evidence"! How are Dems gonna spin this one?
So of course I asked my girlfriend because she is balls deep into politics. She said oh don't worry about that because lots of states allowed people to register to vote the day of and none of that info is being reflected on those spreadsheets...
Just because it's mathematically possible that more people could have voted than are registered... doesn't mean it's STATISTICALLY possible. A lot of people don't vote. Statistically we know this. We have a good idea of how many people vote percentage wise. To see a greater than 100% turnout is... lets face it... suspicious... even in the event that it is mathematically possible. 1 point for fraud.
Meanwhile, Democrats have been predicting the "red mirage" for a while now. Mail-in votes go blue and they get counted last. Everyone knew this was going to happen before hand. At the same time, I'm hearing reports that 100k votes came in with ZERO for Trump, which is obviously statistically impossible. I'm not sure if that's just an exaggeration or what. Probably... I guess we'll find out. More likely that someone simply said 0 votes for Trump when the spread was really something like 80%/20%. 1 point for/against fraud.
Put on conspiracy cap
The problem with all this is that nobody gives a shit. Democrats have been in full-on ends-justify-the-means mode since COVID began in March. Trump is the most hated president of all time by like x10. Democrats are suddenly looking back at the Bush era like, "Awwww, wasn't he so adorable." Seriously, it's weird. 1 point for fraud because we'd do anything to get him out of office, but also 1 point against fraud because he's so hated that we shouldn't need to cheat to win.
Trump said from day one (over a year ago) that if he were to lose the election for any reason that he would claim there was voter fraud. He's completely undermined his position by being such a dipshit over the years. How can you take him seriously when he's been calling for this moment for over a year? 1 point for no fraud.
Several of Trump's lawsuits pertaining to fraud have already been thrown out as baseless. The court asks for evidence and they provide none, telling the court to look at the evidence for themselves and that "it's obvious". Really? 1 point for no fraud.
If Republicans want Dems to take them seriously on this, they need to admit that voter fraud did occur with the Diebold machines back when Bush won. That sets a precedence for said fraud. The problem? The side that wins never admits that maybe fraud happened. Both sides are totally full of shit. 1 point for fraud.
Global thinking
When we look at this issue globally without a lot of evidence, there are 4 points for fraud and 4 points against it. I'm sure there are many more points I'm missing here but that's not the "point". The reality of the situation could go either way.
However, as I've said before, I can't imagine this "new normal" taking place with a Trump victory. The Dems have shown that they're willing to do anything for "safety", and that's exactly what this administration needs to push through all manner of draconian commandments. This doesn't imply that fraud did/didn't occur, only that it seems likely to me had Trump been lined up for a win. All speculation obviously.
Again, I'll say that Trump is the most hated president of all time. Families are turning on each other over this shit. People are being called "pure evil" based on voting for the incumbent. It's pretty crazy when you think about it.
People are saying there is no way Biden got a record voter turnout because he is such a turd. I agree. Biden didn't get a record voter turnout. It's not like Dems are super excited for him to be president. He doesn't have the zealots that Trump has.
This doesn't mean that fraud occurred. It means that people came out to vote in record numbers for "Not Trump". Fucking anyone but Trump, PLEASE. That's what people voted for. Funny how quickly the GOP forgets that when it suits them to call fraud.
I'm excited to see how this turns out. It's pretty obvious the GOP isn't going to let this one go. I don't think they have any legs to stand on. If fraud occurred, the system will not admit it because that would undermine the system. In my experience, voter fraud will always go unchecked. Doesn't mean it happened in this case or not, but there certainly is some crazy stuff going on.
The funniest part of this are the calls for civil war and shit like that. Yo, there isn't going to be a war. The military industrial complex is a million times stronger than us, and they'd only let us go to war if they wanted the war, which they don't. They want obedient workers who wear a mask and are ready to enter the age of automation. They want people who are willing to lay down face first and die in the muck by choice or be chosen for a new round of time-slavery. I have faith that's exactly what will happen. Happy holidays!
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