Well that escalated quickly
Yesterday news broke that the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas launched a seemingly unprecedented attack against the state of Israel. Many are comparing the event to 9/11 or even Pearl Harbor. The fallout from this event will be nothing short of a spectacular extravaganza of war and death in the months and years to follow.
The images and videos surrounding yesterday's conflict were nothing short of absolutely horrific. The ones that seem to have resonated the most on social media depict attractive women in their 20's being treated like sub-human trash. Bound with zip-ties and shot in the head. You know, classic war-crime type stuff.
Not sure if I have the energy to parse out why parading pictures of attractive half naked women for engagement farming like this is super gross and problematic. Yeah maybe some other time.

Of course I'm very careful to throw around the words like "terrorism" and "terrorist" this day in age considering that they are so comically overused within the current political climate. The difference between a terrorist and a freedom-fighter is... nothing. Terrorists do not view themselves as terrorists. It should come as no surprise that both sides view themselves as morally superior to the other. Both sides must dehumanize the other if only to stay sane during times of war (which has been constant in this area of the world).
That being said, I think we can all agree that torturing, executing, and kidnapping civilians firmly falls into the category. I mean surely if we were going to come to consensus as to what "terrorism" means, then an event like this would have to qualify. It's expected that Hamas intends to barter some kind of prisoner swap with the hostages they've taken, along with any other horrors that pop up along the way. These are the kinds of tactics that are often employed by weaker opponents who intend to lash out against their "oppressors" as they often have little recourse or power to actually fight fairly.
In turn a situation like this makes it very easy to frame the "terrorists" as also "cowards" and "inhuman", even though they are fighting a war in which they will almost certainly lose. Just like we saw in the Ukraine conflict the propaganda starts by getting everyone to agree that war is horrific. This is something everyone can agree on. Then it gets a bit trickier as to the plan of action that needs to be taken as a response, but that plan of action will always be supported due to the emotional farming that was done within the first phase. Anyone who disagrees is a baby-killing monster. War Propaganda 101 type shit, that.

There is already a ton of conspiracy theory revolving around this situation. Many are saying that this type of sneak attack against Israel isn't actually possible to achieve in good faith. The borders are highly militarized at all times. Some are claiming that Israel allowed this to happen in order to create a false-flag event for what comes next. Thus the comparisons to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, which were also accused of being Black Flag events by conspiracy theorists.
What comes next?
I don't know but obviously it can't be good. Some are even saying that this is somehow a precursor to a war with Iran, which is always a thing that seems to be on the table within the geopolitical sphere of terrors.

Blood for oil?
Yeah honestly I don't have enough information to speculate further. But it all seems just so very suspect.

Can anyone remind me as to Iran's nuclear capabilities these days?
And what is up with both USA and Russia testing their nationwide emergency services at the same time just three days before an event like this happens?
A few days ago Caitlin Johnstone wrote about ten pieces of propaganda cycling through the geopolitical narratives. Perhaps it's even more relevant now.
- That the US war machine has been surrounding its top two rivals China and Russia with war machinery as an act of defense, rather than an extremely provocative act of aggression.
- That the war in Ukraine simultaneously (A) was completely unprovoked, and (B) just coincidentally happens to massively advance US strategic interests and therefore should be funded as much as possible.
- That, okay, all those other wars were based on lies and resulted in disaster, but that couldn’t possibly be the case for this current war.
- That your country’s foreign policy is determined by your official elected government, even though the foreign policy remains the same regardless of who is in office.
- That it is only by pure coincidence that your nation’s population remains in a perpetual 50–50 deadlock which prevents anyone’s votes from changing the status quo, and the status quo just happens to be perpetually frozen along lines that hugely advantage the rich and powerful.
- That the only reason anyone could possibly be critical of the most dangerous impulses of the world’s most powerful and destructive government is if they are a secret agent working for the enemies of that government.
- That the western empire which spent the last two decades murdering Muslims in the Middle East suddenly cares very deeply about the Muslims in China.
- That Putin invaded Ukraine solely because he is evil and hates freedom, and that the empire is pouring weapons into Ukraine because it loves Ukrainians and wants to protect their freedom and democracy.
- That foreign propaganda and influence operations are significantly manipulating the way westerners think and vote, but the plutocrats who fully control all the most influential platforms in the western world are not.
- That we need to be worrying about tyrannical enemies in Beijing and Moscow, instead of tyrannical enemies a lot closer to home.
Expect a lot more propaganda and division in the weeks and months to follow.
We're only just getting started apparently.
How did this happen?
You know that feeling when some random girl from your high school becomes an anti-imperialist journalist and then creates a documentary on this exact topic? No? Is this an uncommon thing to happen? lol so weird.
In any case I can't remember if I've actually watched this one yet... I know I've seen clips, but certainly I'll have to rewatch it I suppose because I know there's some good information within that allows us to understand how such constant atrocities can be committed on both sides over countless decades.
Obviously this particular documentary will lean towards a pro-Palestinian type narrative because the brand itself is called the EMPIRE FILES and is always going to lean against imperialism. I'll need to find some other content and information to get a more balanced view of the situation, if such a thing is even possible. Not that I need to have an option. I've been trying to avoid taking a side in this conflict for my entire life. But perhaps the issue will be forced if things continue to escalate like they always do.

This entire situation is just so disappointing and depressing! And you know the last thing I want is to start acting like some sidelined armchair expert like all the other ridiculous hot-takes we see on social media these days. Seems like no matter what happens the powers that be have decided we absolutely need to start another World War for whatever reason, as everyone decides which side they want to choose. Spoiler alert: we all lose. As someone who has never voted before: I pick no side I'm so over the drama and the completely psychotic games that get played with the lives of the powerless in the geopolitical arena.
It's a pretty bleak situation, but what can we really do about it other than buy Bitcoin and try to opt out of this ridiculous paradigm? Time continues to speed up, and we have no reason to believe that life is going to slow down anytime soon. Does nothing matter anymore and we should all engage in a communal existential crisis? Or should we keep pushing for a better tomorrow? You decide.
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