Flexibility is important.
In all aspects, if one isn't flexible, unintended injury could occur.
The more volatile our environment/actions, the more flexibility is required. If you're about to sprint a quarter mile you might need to stretch a little more than if you are sitting at your desk. If your investments are in bonds you might not have to worry about stock market crashes.
Stress is a resource.
A liability resource that must be dealt with carefully. There are diminishing returns at play.
Stress can literally kill you.
Don't worry, it's a slow painful death. No biggy. Even if it doesn't kill the damage can be severe. Ranging from all kinds of aliments.
Idealism dies in the real world.
Yeah, it was nice in theory, but it didn't work the way you thought it would, did it? It's easy to complain when things go wrong, but what are you actually going to do about it?
Can the legacy economy adapt?
In some ways yes, in some ways no.
This is all a process.
They're already at the top of the pyramid. Did we really think we'd dethrone them with Bitcoin alone? That's just foolhardy thinking from a maximalist.
It will take decades to mend wealth inequality gaps. Some will be given more opportunities than others. The more things change the more they stay the same.
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