Uniswap Liquidity pool up and running.
This is it boys.
Time to see if we can get any crazy speculative action in the near future.

The value of wHIVE has already spiked to $10... will we see a price increase of Hive? Maybe... although I just realized I could be dumping wHive right now for that outrageous price... I'm going to kill it here and get back to you guys... lol.
It might actually be stupid to not buy Hive right now just on the off-chance that we spike up within the next few days. Consider this insider information. 99.999% of the world is blissfully unaware of this development.
Looks like wHive still trading above market value but not nearly $10. 46 cents is still higher than 24 cents. I may spend some time setting up positions at x5 to x10 just in case of a pump. More to follow.
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