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Why Bitcoin Matters for Freedom

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These are not my words!
These are the words of Time Magazine.


Now, what can we speculate from such a piece? Will there be a reversal in the media about how the public should view Bitcoin? This article doesn't mention price-action, drugs, energy use, or regulation. Seems like a win to me.

Did they mention how the Venezuelan government got where it is? (American Sanctions). Did they mention central banking? Did they imply that all of these things could happen in our backyard? No! Of course not, but it's a start. Pieces like this signify a shift in thinking of the public's perspective, and any shift in public perspective is highly significant.

You'll notice that they talk about tyrants, surveillance, privacy and remittances. Who benefits from remittances right now? Well, that rumor that Facebook is entering the market is still circulating. These are the kinds of questions we should be asking ourselves when we see new perspective in the mainstream media that isn't outright FUD. What's the real angle? Spoiler alert: the answer is never world peace.

Ultimately this post is about freedom from oppression, but at the same time it has a very othering tone as if to imply that these problems don't and could never exist in America. Yeah, we'll see about that.

This is exactly the kind of publicity the blockchain needs, even if it is packaged in a way that might be obscuring the full truth.

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Bitcoin is “an insurance policy against an Orwellian future.”

Good enough for me.

I've been reading a lot of things that make me want to buy more crypto.


There are lots of articles circulating about how hardware wallets are vulnerable. Interesting, how vulnerable is my powered-up Steem? Our little Podunk blockchain is totally off the radar (except when ned fires 70% of Stinc). No one seems to know what we have going on here with 3 second blocks, zero transactions fees, 4 levels of security, account recovery, and direct control of inflation. If we just look at Steem as a currency it looks pretty damn good.

There seems to be an exponential rise in chatter of the Greater Depression being just on the horizon. Government shutdowns are the most common thing in the world now. What alternate dimension have we collided with?


And what's up with all these companies trying to make stable-coins? Duh! It's always been the wet dream of the corporate elite to become their own central bank. Oh, but all the stable-coins are audited and accounted for? Really? You trust that?

The bank that holds the money is still a fractional reserve. Which means if you give them a billion dollars they can turn around an loan $900 million out. See where this is going? All stable-coins held in a bank are automatically being double spent... by design!!! What happens if you leverage that $900 million back into the system? Now you have 1.9 Billion stable coins and you can still loan out another $800 million and triple spend that shit.

Seriously, the amount of debt banks are allowed to leverage is insane, and the way crypto works combined with astronomical volatility... we are setting ourselves up for the biggest bank run in the history of mankind. Buy real crypto, hold real crypto. Humanity has become far too trusting when it comes to believing in the "solid foundation of our economy". This balancing act is red-lining.

Seriously shit is going down in 2019. What happens if there are a bunch of natural disasters on top of all this madness? I can only imagine. Don't be surprised if the perfect storm comes to an economy near you.

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Why Bitcoin Matters for Freedom was published on and last updated on 28 Dec 2018.