The meme that took Twitter by storm.
For the last couple days there has been an absolute invasion of this meme. At first I had no idea what it was. Do we like this person? Do we hate them? Are they slightly annoying? What's going on here?
So I did a reverse image search (which ironically was recommended by my girlfriend) thinking this would surely instantly tell me what was going on. It did not. Every hit on Google was just a Tweet from the last 24 hours... the very ones I had already been subjected to. What is going on here?

It was all just so odd.
The rules of the meme are unclear. And those who were asking what the meme was were told if they don't know then they are the meme. So that was my first hint right there... just a nondescript woman that might be out of the loop a bit?

Interestingly enough the meme didn't seem to be particularly degrading toward women... which is actually uncommon on my feed full of crypto nerd incels. Instead it seemed like at worst it was very subtle ribbing and light teasing for those who were implementing the meme correctly.

Most of them seem to just be totally relatable slices of life. Not either good or bad. Just things that happen.

I found this one personally funny because it's such a random thing to say but also I've heard women say this on multiple occasions over the decades. As if you could "accidentally" get ripped overnight without being able to stop it from happening.

Is she nagging?
Is this annoying? Or is it a helpful reminder? The key to the meme is that it's usually ambiguous and up for interpretation.

Of course some people don't get it.
This meme is supposed to be relatable.
So of course when Bitcoiners get ahold of it they completely botch it.
Clearly Bitcoiners are not very relatable.
Better luck next time, Bitcoiners.
Nobody talks like this... except people (men) balls deep into BTC.

Ah the dreaded spider or otherwise bug that needs to be neutralized.
Relatable. Neutral. Balanced Spot on.

Wifejak, sometimes misspelled Wifejack, is a Wojak variant depicted as a woman with long red hair, a grey sweater, a necklace and freckles that's typically used in memes to portray a stereotypical wife. The character was designed by Redditor u/AvaSpelledBackwards in 2021 and was first used as a meme alongside a caption representing the stereotypical wife as early as July 2022 on X / Twitter, becoming notably popularized on the site in April 2024.
And then I finally found it deep within the comments.
The origin of the meme is a Reddit post from THREE YEARS ago.
That is crazy.
It just went viral out of nowhere overnight.

Again just totally basic slice-of-life statements.
I've heard these two pretty often personally. It's funny because I never comment on having a low battery. I can even remember the last time my battery was below 50% now that I think on it.

Yes...... ?

I'm not a mind-reader, babe.

And then there are the ones that definitely do have a slightly annoying tone to them but they tend to be extreme micro-infractions. Just basic stuff everyone has to put up with. Cost of doing business, as they say.

This one is particularly good because of how relatable it is.
In fact just yesterday my girlfriend showed me this video. Which is basically the exact same idea.
Reverts to being a trash-goblin
lol yes. too real.

And then the women started leaning in.
And the meme became meta. Saying you aren't the meme ironically and paradoxically means you are. The meme has become self-aware.

See because she has glasses on.

And then there are ones like this that go too far.
Tapping into basic stereotypes like "woman drivers bad". Funny how some of the worst users of the meme seem to be women themselves. Maybe they don't get it? Although several men did the same "hit the curb" adjacent joke as well. It's just a bad derivative imo. Not in the correct spirit at all.

Best one I've seen from a woman.
See this one is great because it's one of those hypotheticals that always seems to pop up in real life. Asking a weird hypothetical question to qualm some kind of irrational insecurity. Nice work.

Ew gross... haha also accurate though.
Also another good one by a woman. Yes, we do it. Sorry, not sorry.

Classic wifejak
wen shitcoin?

And then of course they tried to make the male version of the meme but it hasn't been as successful. Some of them are alright though.

Hm yep been there done that.

But what if I need it later?
This is the weirdest meme I've ever seen to go viral in such an explosive manner. It's so boring and tame... but that's also exactly the point. Life is often boring and pointless. It's almost like a personified existential crisis in meme-form. I even created a couple myself:

Lived experience is weird.
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