It's like watching one of my own dreams.
- Hey guy: you like sci-fi.
- Didn't you just watch the new Dune movie recently?
- Remember all those rappers from high school?
- Oh let's not forget to put a Shibu Inu in there for good measure!
- Millennial nerd thirst trap.
Mash them all together and behold this abomination!
It's really insane to see the direction the world is going on. Watching Snoop Dogg go all Sci-fi and going all in on NFTs on Ethereum? That can't be real... yet it is real. The paradox that is existence seems to be coming full circle.
The planet: Snoopiter... lol what?
It's honestly pretty crazy to see all these black celebrities come out in favor of crypto and Bitcoin. Random Football and Basketball players telling everyone to buy Bitcoin and whatnot because it provides the economic freedom that no other currency before it could ever hope to achieve.
These downtrodden communities have been searching for something like Bitcoin for generations, and only now do they have access to such things. Soon they will realize that they can create their own token that will serve their sub-communities, and then link that to Bitcoin for even more control and value generation. Going to be a wild ride I tell ya.
At this point in the game the only people really involved in coin creation are the devs, but as the barrier to entry gets lower and lower, it will be less about the tech and more about the communities and the distribution. This is exactly why a token like DOGE can gain so much traction. No one cares that the tech isn't that great. Meme coin wins; deal with it, theory-masters. Your theory didn't account for that curveball, did it?
This will continue happing over and over, where the reality and the game-theory diverge and crazy things start happening. Just like an economist who tries to say Bitcoin is worthless, so will the crypto theory-crafters to totally and utterly perplexed as these events unfold over time. Either pivot or be left behind. Evolution is happening before our very eyes.
Think it's weird watching Snoop Dogg prance around in purple and gold armor on another planet with a Shibu Inu by his side? I guarantee you this world is about to get exponentially weirder. We can see it happening right before our very eyes. Some will deny this new reality and retreat to the comfort and security of the past. Bow to the Empire, peasants!
Which fate will you choose?

Where do I sign? -- @edicted
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