Lot's of weird stuff doing on in the world today.
Honestly I can't be bothered by any of it. Lot's of people were talking about aliens again the other day. Blah blah blah congressional hearing blah blah aliens are real blah. Like... duh, right? People are so self important to think they are the most advanced clump of meat in the universe. Of course there are aliens. The evidence has been around for many decades.
Then again perhaps I'm so unbothered by such things because of how deeply I roll within conspiracy theory circles. Compared to flat earth, underground lizard people, and birds aren't real... aliens are child's play. Wake me up when something interesting actually happens, amirite?
It also always feels like this alien stuff is a distraction away from some other pressing issue. Don't look at this rampant corruption in government or whatever: check it out aliens are the real deal holyfield. Yeah sure but how about we fix all this broken stuff we have control over first? Aint nobody got time for that. Not in our best interests, friend.
The whole alien thing also feels like a smokescreen for testing advanced military technology that probably shouldn't exist in the first place. We always have to assume that the top secret stuff is 10-20 years ahead of the mainstream, and with the technology curve being exponential: a linear 10-20 years ahead creates a bigger and bigger gap over time. To be honest I'm surprised we haven't accidentally blown up the entire Earth yet, but maybe that's why we have aliens around to avoid those failed states of existence.

Prime Directive
In Star Trek the prime directive is a rule that states you shouldn't mess around in primitive cultures because that basically ruins everything. Considering how some people are acting to this news of aliens from the government (a totally trustworthy entity) it's quite obvious that our culture is painfully primitive.
On a very real level it would be extremely devastating to the entire planet if anyone got ahold of alien technology. Humans are simply not equipped to wield power in a fair manner throughout society. Of course there are many conspiracy theories out there that claim this has already happened dozens of times. Some even go so far as to say that the transistor and computers/electronics themselves are simply reverse engineered alien tech. As with most conspiracy some of it is probably true but then most go off the deep end and start making completely outrageous claims based on rampant speculation & projection.
There's even some deep conspiracy out there that claims that not only are aliens here but there are also like 8+ different species and cultures all with their own political motivations and rulesets. Perhaps there is trouble within the galactic federation? Imagine the politics. lol what a nightmare. Honestly though I'm not sure we're that important. Might just be more delusions of persecution and grandeur materializing as conspiracy across the board.
This morning my girlfriend made some offhand comment about the alien situation. Something like, "Good thing they leave us alone because otherwise they'd destroy us." Which I thought was extremely out of character. That is such an imperialist thing to say, which is how I responded to the statement.
It tickles me when hardcore democrats make such binary
statements. Either the aliens leave us a alone or they enslave/destroy us. Really? What about help us? What about study us? In fact, how do you know they haven't already captured the entire world government and pull all the strings? Certainly that would make more sense than the fresh hell we've been putting ourselves through seemingly on purpose. In fact an alien race of underground lizard people increasing the temperature of Earth so they can come to the surface makes more sense than reality sometimes within this context. How do you know Biden isn't some alien robot? He certainly acts like one, eh? Yeah, it's fun to talk nonsense.

But on a real level
Humanity's fear of violent imperialist aliens who are here only to plunder our resources reflects more on our own society than that of an alien culture. I don't think it's possible to get to another planet in the galaxy without first solving the centralization of power problem. Earth does not have any resources that aliens want or need. Matter is matter and energy from stars (splitting matter) is infinite. We can't create or destroy any of it; only manipulate it into a useful form.
We all know that technology creates abundance, so once a society has the technology to actually get to another planet... it's not possible that the planet in question could actually have any resource that isn't readily available in a more convenient location.
The only unique resource that Earth has is life itself and millions of years of uniquely combined genetics via evolution. That's it. Perhaps these unique combinations of DNA are valuable to aliens, but again that seems a bit thin and might not be accurate. In this sense the only resource Earth has is actually "time" (time in the field of evolution), which is weird to think about, especially considering gravity and time operate in very odd ways when combined with lightspeed and other cosmic properties.
Twitter Rebrand X
Circling back to less speculative current events... Elon Musk rebranded Twitter to "X"... which is so stupid. Sure bro, name your kid x-ae-a-12, (which I like to pronounce Xashar; a definitely much cooler name) but leave Twitter out of it. Musk always had an issue with the bird app, but the brand was good. Now it's rebranded to look exactly like a porn site, in fact there are a dozen porn sites that all use an X that look exactly like the one Twitter is using. The meme made me chuckle. What a chucklehead. Billionaires sure are getting bored, aren't they?
Society has reached some kind of weird tipping point in which every year is going to become weirder and more volatile than the next. What a crazy time to be alive. As the powers that be continue in their quest to maintain dominance there are going to be some very unexpected upsets within the balance worldwide. Everyone wants the biggest slice of the pie, but who will actually get it? The rules are changing, and I firmly believe crypto is at the center of it all. The problem of centralized distribution must be solved. We are on the cusp of solving it, and it shows. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. I wonder what the aliens think about it.
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