edicted's posts

Be careful to only argue about topics on the approved list.

Q3 is halfway over. Another 6 weeks to go.

wen moon wen soon

Official UK account not suspended I got tricked again.

Bingo cards all over the world in disbelief.

The crab is still crabbing but won't crab forever.

Not a big deal until you run out.

Try not to look at the spot price it's too depressing fam. Can devs do something?

Aint no way.

Said some boring stuff then Trump got shot in the ear.

Can't tell if serious meme.

UG... WOOF. EW Brother what's that?

Wow, this is a great upgrade... we should probably use it to scam.

Manic Bitcoiner makes some good points.

Took a little break but we back.

Transition is transitioning

Holdout until the end of the year methinks.

Yeah but wen moon?

The word salad SEC does some more word salad... and then resigns in disgrace.

Ah, shit... here we go again!

Looking at the macro side of income reporting and psychological conditioning therein.

Greedy apes wage war in space.


Darkest before the dawn vibes.

I hereby ban you from the thing that anyone can use permissionlessly!

Sounds a lot like heathy competition. What's the difference?

He said he was going to do it but now he's actually doing it. Weird.

Never a dull season of Clown World.

So you're telling me I'm playing this game bad on purpose? Damn.


Trust me bro: we're protecting investors bro. Please.

After all this time he pops in and acts like he had no idea? lol

Why actually free Ross when we can just virtue signal for free votes?

Assume makes an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me'.

The art of getting nothing done before lunch.

That's because no cryptocurrencies are securities.

A topic too simple for programmers and too complex for everyone else.

Are we really going to get a bullish summer? The signals are signaling.

They really thought they pwned their account. Noobs.

Bitcoin just went x4 from the bottom but this $3 fee is a problem I tell ya hwat.

Is it actual data or is it just a pointer to the data?

How many hours does it take to write four lines of code?

Always take some gains if summer performs well.

QR codes are way more complex than anyone thought.

Finally figuring out how this search function works.

"I've never been proven wrong." --- A person who was just proven wrong.

My word is my bond.

Wow that was WAY TOO CLOSE.

Michael Saylor fanboys about to get a rude awakening?

Mail Fraud Declared: allegedly.

Is it a streaming swap... or is it a new innovative way to piggy back atop market makers?

MUDs are the alpha and the omega of gaming.

Bitcoin is worth $0 according to clearing house. Nice try feds.

Harder battles please. Increase difficulty asap.

You'll sue me? I'll sue you first!

They're... the... same... exact... thing!

We can't trust anyone to create our password for us.

The Lightning Network is not the silver bullet solution everyone assumes it is.

Think you know better? Show me and I'll give you $100.

Insane block rewards follow in the wake of Bitcoin's fourth halving and fifth epoch.

The puzzle that took 1000 hours to solve. FML.

Aint no way I'm remembering it that incorrectly.

"Here's why this thing I don't understand is broken," he squealed.

Don't worry it's priced in.

Who is this red-haired marvel?

I don't think it means what you think it means.

SEC sets themselves up for most embarrassing defeat yet.

The cult of Bitcoin has been angered by their most revered ~~profit~~ prophet.

Oh no I lost the bet... or did I?

The key missing piece of XMR has been found.

Pay 50% tax or loan 50% collateral? The Choice is obvious.

The bones were not rolled in your favor.

Wait... how long has this been a thing?

In a world of distrust anything is possible.

Should I risk $24k just to do a stupid test? YOLO!

If it was easy we would have already solved it by now.

Crystals girls think we need to be careful. Shouldn't we always?

Math and movie-stars don't mix.

You don't see that every day!

The empty/junk block attack spun as "disruptive innovation" was not on my bingo card.

The rally that was actually just another dead bounce.

Maya listing pivoting to Arbitrum layer two.

It's shocking this doesn't exist yet.

Man draws line and proclaims genius.

What are UTXOs and why should I consolidate them?

DPOS on the stock market!?!

He can't keep getting away with this.

If you can't explain the yield you are the yield.

Bull market vibes. Make it rain.

Best lending protocol is best.

Wen will we be so back?

Will Blackrock manipulate Bitcoin? How could they not?

Things are not going according to plan. How do we adjust?

Freezing prices in place using a futures contract.

tRaDe reSpoNsiBLy!

Thrill: coming to a blockchain near you!

Please be right?

This is the opposite of mid-curve. This is the 80 IQ target.

The grass is always greener.

BTC to five million. Yeah I said it.

omfg it's happening

Can you do it, Anon? Or are you an unhinged degenerate like all the rest?

Is HBD even debt? Not really. New money is new and owed back to no one.

Probably not but also YOLO.

Wait I don't like those people. Do you think we should ban them from the network?

Magic bullets kill vampires and werewolves; not greed.

If it centralizes the chain it's a shit idea. Nuff said.


Trading is a terrible idea but degens gonna degen.

Too much talking not enough coding!

Money on paper vs realized gains are two completely different things.

Will it ever be a thing? Nobody knows!

A broken clock is right twice a day.

How has nobody done this yet?

Everyone point and laugh at the cypherpunks!

Everyone has to start somewhere.

We'd stored it all on-chain just to realize it needs to be archived.

Working as intended? No thanks!

Getting likes is not curation; the centralized algo is curation.

Well that went better than expected... flywheel incoming?

We think we know, but do we know? IYKYK

Go play in traffic or you're blocked.

I liked it before it was cool, anon.

Jim Cramer says it's on.

What's the best way to present content?

They can't all be winners.

Sometimes less supply is less demand too.

How many, anon?

Someone put the banks out of their misery already.

Is Bitcoin's fate to be the ultimate in pristine collateral?

Will automation and distribution kill the need for debt?

Can you believe that? My word!

That's bait.

You just fell victim to the world's most classic blunder!

To trade or not to trade.

Wow it actually happened.

Let it snow.

The devil is in the details.

How has nobody doxed this impossibly hard puzzle yet?

Oops he did it again.

They can dish it but they can't take it.

Why play it safe when you can gamble gamble.

Buy the rumor, sell the news.

Never dull in crypto.

It's been too long!

Where does value come from and what does it all mean?

Get more corn.

Arbitrary and capricious SEC gets called out by super PAC.

Indie games are the best games.

Looks like government is only incompetent when it benefits government.

Our intelligence is insulted, but still we carry on.

Elizabeth Warren is an insufferable placeholder.

When compulsions fade to oblivion.

Let's pop the housing bubble! On purpose!

Vaultec Smart Contracts coming in hot.

November sucked but we still get 5 more weeks of action at least.

In depth discussion on reward pool sustainability.

Is a bonding system worth it?

Can Litecoin and Bitcoin be paired like a checking/savings account?

The "biggest" attack vector to Bitcoin doesn't even exist on a practical level.

A constant state of annoyance builds character!

Sink or Swim

CZ get's wrecked and I DGAF

Argentina's new president is totally batshit and it's kind of hilarious.

Hive bonds good

What happens after the lawsuit?

Do Over!

World First!

hextech up and running but Bitcoin disappoints

Say goodnight to the bad guy.

Or was it?

Why is Bitcoin going up?

Aint no way.

Learn how to generate a seed using 4 dice and 12 rolls.

How risky is BTC over long periods of time?

Custodial wallets create more non-custodial wallets.

Very simple things take a very long time as always.

Did Nakamoto know about the purge?

The thing that everyone knew would happen, happened.

Get ya head out da clouds, Bitcoiners.

Why Bitcoin is better than gold, silver, and real estate.

Is this really a good idea? It's not though.

It's not as bad as it sounds.

Blackrock will make money on ETF using this one simple trick.

Another crazy day in Cryptoland.

The broken clock was right.

Wizard Miners? Is this an Ordinals thing?

There's no such thing as diversification in crypto.

Crypto is boring until it's not.

What are bonds and how can crypto adapt them?

Blackrock gets ETF approved... NOT!

Targeting Abundanace

Spot ETF incoming?

Could a purposefully volatile derivative asset have value?

They're more centralized than you think.

It's so over.

Tick Tock

"I'm something of a Middle East expert!"

Have the day that you deserve.

The fly in the ointment.

Stars Arena HACKED!

Reflecting on reflection

Wife Changing Money, Bro.

Wen Moon?


Gamble Gamble.

Koinos moonboy makes some good points.

I have become thoroughly annoyed! 😤

Community is the tip of the spear.

Can humanity escape debt or nah?

How much power does Blackrock have and what are they planning next?

How to stop the rich from getting richer?

Will the brat that is Bitcoin grow out of their teenage years?

The amorphous blob of crypto squelches along.

Thinking you know is much worse than not knowing. Beware the unknown unknowns.

FOFFO or bust.

Wen green moon?

New Beginnings

What to do what to do.

All my money is on 27 red.

Your diamond hands are in another castle.

No Pain No Gain


The market has taken a turn, but for how long?

Real decisions with real consequences.

What is 'real'?

Still in a contrarian mood it seems!

It's still happening. Sorry!

Rant activated!

That funny feeling.

It's only just begun.

How many things do we assume are secure even though controlled by a single entity?

They keep ignoring Hive. Should we laugh or cry about it?

The nuance has been lost. Let's find it again.

Useful skill or complete waste of time? You decide!


Creating unit-of-account with volatile assets.

Too bad "Factorio Expert" isn't a paying job, eh?

Consumers keep buying bad products by design.

The differences between WEB3 and WEB2 are an ever-widening chasm.

Neutral Borderless Open Permissionless Resistant

Should PayPal create a stablecoin? Probably.

Stop talking about the Boogieman like he's real.

What we focus on matters. Which way, Western Man?

Why me and not Matt?

Trifles are trifles

Go home SEC, you're drunk.

Be afraid or else!

Nobody cares but I still feel like writing something.

What even is a cashier's check?

wen moon?

Automating patterns of behavior without thinking.

Life as a cooperative journey.

Do we need... greed?

That escalated quickly.

Ripple slays SEC ded.

Which Way, Western Man?

Will the farmers come to leech our WEB3 games?

Sybil attack is the primary threat vector of gaming. How do we mitigate it?

Does debt make sense within an infinite digital multiverse?

What is the propaganda machine up to?

Examples of why we need paid API connections.

An 'ass' out of 'u' & 'me'.

The problem is known but the solution is crypto.

What's my cut?

Saving low quality jobs is a gross old bandaid.

Greedy Goblins. Back to WOW. Goblin Town. In any case a buddy of mine in my hardcore D4 clan died last night. . feelsbadman. Here's another random dude dyi…

Well that deescalated quickly.

Bitcorn blues.

Baby Steps

If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you?

When should we employ scarcity on purpose?

Aren't weekends the best?

I didn't have as much time as I thought to write this. Oops.


That's censorship! Is it though? It is... but also not.

I want it now.

52 choose 5: I'll take a royal flush please.

We we continue to make the same mistakes every cycle? Probably.

The grind just got grindier.

Did Gensler do it? Hopefully.

The grind is grinding.

Quick, Cheap, and High Quality: Choose Two.

Where once there was strength a weakness is found. . "It Builds Character.". This is why we can't have nice things. . Ice example. There's also only one fo…

Thank you SEC for protecting everyone!

You've never experienced true fear and rage until you've played hardcore mode.

Surprisingly complex ecosystem is surprisingly complex.

Quckstart guide for playing Diablo 4.

One day RCs will have a non-zero value. Be ready for it.

The finer points of the Ledger recovery situation.

Liquidity between assets is the crux of interoperability.

Low Energy Day is Low Energy.

Super Size Me.

Wait a tick... I didn't vote on that...

A change of environment results in evolution.

I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

Can Hive create a shadow banking system on a centralized payment platform?


Get paid to mod.

Balkanization is coming.

Setting goals and following through preemptively to stabilize the network.

Vote the bums out.

Ew gross I hate the taste of volatility.

Damned if you do; damned if you don't.

Time to invest in beans, rice, and cheese.

The real game begins when RCs run out.

How are life itself and crypto related?

[So what is the point of this post?](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/simulated-distributions-random-doesnt-exist) . 3 is the ultimate sticking point. .…

"That's so random."

Why isn't poker free yet?

The body wants what it wants.

play-to-earn = pay-to-win :: every time

Everyone can afford to chill their pills once and a while.

The evolution of the GO economy continues.

I might start playing. It could ruin me.

NPCs rule the worlds.

The piercing howl of the Linux wolf.

Go still Going

If it's a currency it's not manipulation. Mind blown.

Idle Miner Still Going Stronk.

Wen will blockchain gaming finally not be trash? We need more infrastructure!

Which will you chose, Western Man?

Consensus is a weird thing.. How do we force people to follow the rules?. Looking at Hive:. Of course maybe that's all just bullshit semantics & nitpicking.…

A new ponzi is in town. Will you ponzi it up?

Bitcoin is very much the [WORLD TREE](https://peakd.com/@edicted/bitcoin-world-tree-hive-is-agave) of crypto. . In any case.... What is debt even? . FOR AL…

Can we... not?

Flat Architecture is weird!. Crypto is volatile. . That awkward phase of stability. . Famous last words:. The shifting sands are a great thing. . Conclusi…

Hardware only gets cheaper.

Now that we are sneaking above the $29k line I'm starting to get some major FOMO on Bitcoin. . Of course my biggest bag is Hive. Narrowing bands . So why's …

For the last ten days I've been stepping away from crypto a bit.. For example if XRP sales get deemed to be an unregistered security, this could easily have a…

We've all see a bunch of crazy stuff play out in crypto.. So how many times has it happened? . Best Example is @Dan Larimer. Want to know the reason why thi…

Slowly: Then all at once.

There's a certain unit-bias involved in symmetry . But what of conversions? . Looking at other types of conversions. Yeah it didn't work out so well for the…

The sky is falling, bros. . CFTC. And it makes perfect sense why it has to be this way. . Speaking of overreach.... What is CZ being accused of?. Of cours…

It's important to understand that the economy is a complex living entity.. Main Theme: Money Printing. Banknote Hypocrisy . My request to @taskmaster: . He…

Hyperinflation gonna getcha.

Taking a look at skill & item enchantments among other random things I missed.

For those of you who don't yet know what this pictures is.... The story goes something like this:. So what had happened was: . "Environmentalists" don't car…

I've been having some conversations with people and noticing everything going on in the markets.... There are some advantages to waiting.... Performance anxi…

For those of us who are old enough to remember or care: . There are a few parallels to be made here.. The war against crypto is also fought under false prete…

Ah, I remember when I used to be pretty bullish on ETH. . But then... something happened. . There are many reasons to be bullish on crypto right now. . What…

All in good time. . The greed index is higher than ever. . Peaks and troughs. FOMC meeting tomorrow. As if the situation wasn't crazy enough, XRP has spik…

A game about the end of the world during the end of the world.

To start it looks like a website from the 90's. Then I noticed this:. This is what I saw... so I clicked "Receive" because this is what I would normally do t…

It's happening

But I'd still like the take the other side of that trade. . [link](https://twitter.com/Pacemak3r/status/1636451048192872450). What I have seen is this.... 76…

Repo Market (Repurchase not Repossess) . After all "Repurchase" doesn't have an 'o' in it. . But what if there was no delay? . In other words, the governme…

Now that three major banks in America have gone under the EU banking sector is looking extremely weak. Anyone who's been paying attention could see this comin…

[What is Operation Choke Point? ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Choke_Point). So the government fucked around and found out. . So what is Operation…

of Fourth Bailout. Is anyone noticing a pattern yet?. [Signature bank is no more.](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/new-york-state-regulators-close-s…

Before we get started. . Hank Green is a pretty smart guy. . 222,430 Hive Confirmed (including delegations).. Powered up 25k for good measure. . Onto the r…

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. The bond market is fucked. Money Funnel:. lol? . Sounds like a prophecy more than a consolation. . This is not a bullish or a bearish…

So yesterday I may have not have done my due diligence. . [link](https://twitter.com/Pacemak3r/status/1633900493280821267). It was significant. . [US Govern…

The path to moon is long and arduous. . I just couldn't do it, could I? . STICK TO THE PLAN. Support for Hive in the 35-37 cent range is thick. . Short ter…

There is no getting away from greed. . Unfortunately communities tend to scale too big. . "Generation Wealth". Incel Logic. NOSTR. Conclusion

X dollars go in, Y dollars come out. . WEB2 is not built with productivity in mind. . towelie. Now compare this paradigm to WEB3. . Best example: algorithm…

AI is coming for your rewards! . Okay well what if no one wants to read your never-ending yammering? . Work smart not hard. . Either content has value or i…

Recent HBD upgrades:. What are the possible future upgrades?. What are the properties of HBD? . HBD outsources volatility. The same exact thing happens to …

Yesterday's News:. Today's News:. Well that's fun. . Then an hour later what does the market do? . It's actually funny how triggering events like these are…

What is stability? . Is it the foundation of:. The definition of "stability" depends on context. . What is the most stable asset on Earth? . The simple tru…

Trading the crypto markets is competitive by nature. . wagmi. In my [Post from Feb 22](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/getting-greedy), I made some claims abo…

The above list of NOSTR clients was then presented to me. . First I tried Hamstr. Looks like this... decent Twitter clone. . Snowden's pub key:. Easy enou…

The month of March and early April can be a very cringe time for crypto. . March 2019 was the opposite situation. . Speaking of the halving.... Think about…

I saw this meme on Twitter and I just couldn't ignore it.. My personal experience with this topic is likely similar to many others. . Very few people actuall…

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. . Fun times. . Our perception on good market prices for crypto alters with time.. But this is not a speculative post…

It's been a while since I've asked the Interwebs how to make money.. Reading this list I was kind of shocked.... Could this be a demographics issue? . Overh…

I just typed in "SEC news" into Google and it's mostly crypto stuff, with the one outlier being the Mormon Church hiding a $32B investment fund from the gubmen…

NAH! Degen fo life. . Hive is rocking three pretty solid support lines right now. . The Hive/BTC chart is also interesting. . But what of Bitcoin?. What's…

Worthless fiat isn't so worthless after all.

This is a message we will hear echoing over and over again across multiple timelines, philosophies, and religions. . Give what you can; take what you need.. …

Threads is pretty lit, yall.

Measuring Volume. Water Displacement . Bruce Lee on Becoming the Cup. What is the point? . But something... changed... didn't it? . What is the solution? …

Number Go Up

Hive is undergoing a massive trend reversal.. It is quite obvious that the FTX collapse was the ultimate 'anger' moment.. 2014. ALL. Threats of recession. …


So much is happening right now. . Hm there seems to be a pattern here. . We've all seen what crypto has been doing recently. . Bitcoin price action has been…

Zero-Sum Game Theory . Crypto pvp (trading) is a lot more like poker. How does that work? . DCA tactics. Example 2. Say Hive pumps x2. . Competition vs …

This is a story that deserves a lot more attention than it's being given. . On with the show!. So I decided to go the opposite way and see what MSM is saying…

[Wall Street Journal: Crypto Firm Paxos Faces SEC Lawsuit Over Binance USD Token](https://www.wsj.com/articles/crypto-firm-paxos-faces-sec-lawsuit-over-binance…

Hmmmm there are so many new ones to add. . I have WAY TOO MUCH to talk about in this post!. Conspiracy 1: EGGS. Oh what's this?. But here's something that …

Valentine's Day in Two Days. Bad news is good news. . The logic is absurd. . Oh yeah... my liquid Hive.... Conclusion

Market sentiment in crypto shifts with the wind.. It's really in the greater market's hands at this point. . FUD!. "Gary Gensler: Not your keys not your coi…

So what would the Founding Fathers have to say about the current price of eggs? Probably that they are insanely cheap and it's amazing a profit can be turned …

I'm getting pretty bored of continually talking about the fine details of HIVE >> HBD conversions, and I'm sure my readers are much more bored than I am. I'll…

Take it back ten seconds.... I'm Helping! . https://gitlab.syncad.com/hive/hive/-/issues/129. Right off the bat we see that:. Uh... okay. . It's easy to s…

[Yesterday's post was quite well-timed.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/selling-the-hive-hbd-pamp-hive-hbd-conversions). https://hive.ausbit.dev/hbd. …

[HIVE >> HBD Conversions are Weird](https://peakd.com/@edicted/hive-to-hbd-conversions-are-weird). Conversions are an advanced feature. . HBD pumps are highl…

Actually scratch that:. The lazy-panda account is going hard.. https://peakd.com/hbd/@lazy-panda/re-dalzshorts-rpo9ny. LOL HWAT?!?. Earlier today I was abl…

Was one ice-wall not enough?. Yeah that's my shit right there. . A DEADLY PLAGUE YOU SAY? . In any event. Switching gears.. How many more times will the t…

What is it?

The next bull run is going to be insane. . But what about THE GREATEST DEPRESSION?. Looking at Hive. Bull run narrative though? . Looking at history:. Now…

774628. . [See for yourself](https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/blocks/btc/0000000000000000000515e202c8ae73c8155fc472422d7593af87aa74f2cf3d). [Bitcoin Recor…

1%? Who cares? . Short Story: Michael Burry ragequit. https://twitter.com/michaeljburry. KEK! . Focusing on something more positive. . But what of the ac…

Crypto banks. . [Investopedia:](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kimchi-premium.asp). [Bitcoin in Nigeria is 60% more expensive, but there's a catch](ht…

Complaining about problems is easy, but what of actual solutions?. Okay so turn it off then.... We think we found a solution. . Potentially? . Conclusion

You've probably all noticed the pullback today. . Expecting a 25 point increase. . Wouldn't it be nice if business was... booming? . Getting back on track…

To quote myself in my last post about the Koinos Whitepaper:. I asked around for some resources on Koinos consensus/mining and received several good links. .…

No such thing as free transactions. But this post isn't even about Bitcoin... is it? . Here's what's going to happen:. No one thinks this far.... What does…

lol, yeah.... And what about Elon Musk? . Oh shoot, did I forget to mention governments? . So again.... Conclusion

Aright so I was reading a few reviews on games in the Watch Dogs series:. What is ctOS? . The opening cutscene is intense:. Hot damn that intro jacks you up…

Let's be honest.... "Market Manipulation". Bitcoin Dominance. Ripple lawsuit. Conclusion

Forgive me Father: For I have sinned! . JUNE!?! . That's the thing about the Internet. What was this about again?

What is "insider trading"?. [Insider Trading to Become Acceptable Business Model?](https://peakd.com/@edicted/insider-trading-to-become-acceptable-business-mo…

Decrypt says:. Bloomberg says:. Cointelegraph says: . Binance SWIFT banking partner set to ban USD transfers below $100K. Analytics Insight says:. AsiaMar…

2023 is getting extremely mixed reviews. . Tech companies are absolutely scrambling.. What does this mean for crypto? . The fact that my girlfriend's compan…

The Preamble: . [July 5th, 2018: HACKED BY RUSSIANS](https://peakd.com/@edicted/hacked-by-russians). Aside experience. So how did he get his revenge?. Back…

Whelp, I done did it!. Hmmmm, yep.... Conclusion

WTF is Steemit.com? . And so my journey began.. Take Hive for example. . Conclusion

Within the context of crypto: bad debt is quite different. . Taking DAI as an example. . It gets worse.... It gets worse.... But is the theory an actual re…

Before this most recent dip I was gonna say that we were out of Bart Simpson territory... but it appears as though I am mistaken. . One mini-dip later we are …

What gives a derivative value? . DIGITAL ASSET. . Now do Bitcoin!. But that's just not how the legacy economy sees it. . When are derivatives appropriate? …

So I still want to create my own cryptocurrency.... Hm, well how does Hive do it? . Because what even is a block producer within this context?. There is als…

A little less than a month ago I wrote a post entitled [Defending The Quarter.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/defending-the-quarter). Speaking of sca…

What people think: matters. . Take the obesity rate in America for example. . Some people can deal with it. . And some people: CAN'T. So how can these prob…

That escalated quickly.... Is this... a bull market? . How could someone so boring be unreasonable? . Conclusion

How do we define mental illness? . Considered to be a benefit. . Not all issues are created equally. . It's weird to think of mental illness in this way. . …

And how is USD different? . I've overtalked the CBDC thing. . Oh... lol. When it doubt, zoom out.

Selling the bottom to buy the bottom.. So I took the deal. . Selling the bottom to buy the bottom.. Conclusion

This is comically short-term thinking. . Think about it:. Really imagine it though:. But it's not going to happen anyway. . Conclusion

Let's be real though. . Counterpoint. Diet and Exercise. . Trust is lacking. . Vitamin C . Vitamin D. Zinc . Which one of the above quotes was generate…

It's the little things.. Today I got my account stack up to 5000 tokens.. https://hivebuzz.me/ranking. Adding up the numbers. Wow, short list. . Conclusio…

Genre . Storyline. . The Malaise. Personality . Difficulty levels. . Easy to learn, hard to master. . Mechanics. Breach. Bonus Treasure Rooms. Speed b…

In any case, the story I wanted to tell today was of a friend of mine who sent me a question in Discord: . Ah there it is.... And it's just so absurd on so m…

Christmas Miracle! . So this thing gets around 5% yield.... It's just kind of hilarious how this all worked out. . Conclusion. wild...

A lot of people have been talking about this protocol lately. . However, that's not really how crypto operates. . [What Is Nostr and How Do I Use It?](https:…

Exchange outflows at record highs. . Personally I think we will crabwalk for a few more months. . Identifying bear vs bull market. . We are obviously still …

I'm back!. For Christmas I received... homework. . Ah, yes well I did receive one of these bad boys. . So what ends up happening is that I'll end up getting…

He literally asked me the other day:. It's kinda funny because I can't say "no". . Vulnerability 1: Water insecurity. Circling back to water as a critical r…

Kids! . Much timing, very wow. . Conclusion

So much news so little time.

Remember when these things were made of silver? . But I don't want to talk about fiat today. . Floor price is still 10 cents. . Bankroll. Conclusion

Has anyone seen this 'documentary'? . But... . Cousin Died Unexpectedly. The Rules of Capitalism: . Rule 1: People don't matter.. Rule 2: Profits matter. …

Binance FUD. HBD Savings. On financial life support. Conclusion

Bitcoin crashed from $18k. lol of course. Conclusion

Coinbase. To be fair this is how most exchanges do it. . Kevin O'Leary's hidden political agenda. . Only 2 more months of larynx claims!. Conclusion

Have you ever made a grilled cheese sandwich?. That worked out just fine. . Turns out the mayo version is superior to butter:. And I got to thinking... you …

First thing's first. [No, the world would not be a better place if you were in charge.](https://peakd.com/@edicted/the-world-would-be-a-better-place-if-i-was-…

Another winter in PA. . S.A.D light. The REBRAND . Speaking of snow.... [Although common, water is one of the weirdest molecules in the galaxy.](https://w…

Sure every crypto could use a big win.. Seriously though.... Wow! That is ugly. . It's been a wild ride on the high seas! . Perspective matters. . What ab…

After getting 5 different answers from the same question I decided to break it down into smaller parts to see why the AI was failing so badly at a problem it s…

Be On the LookOut:. Conclusion

There are other problems as well. . Misery loves company. These AI chatbots change everything. . https://beta.openai.com/playground. Value has exploded out…

Most crypto users assume that Bitcoin will never be able to scale.. Conclusion

This has been going on for a while now. . https://open.spotify.com/episode/6RNJavo9WwUgyo4uRuRA6S. Big Tech is the Backdoor around the Bill of Rights. Mixin…

lol... so the robot is named Max and his dog is named Max? . Nice recovery! . Tech is breaking barriers in every direction. . https://openai.com/dall-e-2/. …

[link](https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1597570529627901953). Vitalik must be pretty jealous of Hive right now. . It's all a matter of distribution.…

This is something I've never seen before. . We already know this is not the case. . Too big to fail zombies. . 2% inflation target. Ultimately what appears…

Congratulations!. https://www.coinbase.com/advanced-trade. No instead I get bombarded with reasons for why Advanced Trading is so super dooper awesomesauce! …

What is HBD outperforming? . Crypto is a lot like this. . What does that have to do with HBD?. Speaking of debt-ratio.... "This time is different". HBD st…

I missed three days of blog posts due to technical difficulties. . Speaking of rolling insolvencies.... Speaking of bad risk management.... Metamask announc…

Ah remember a year ago?. Conclusion

Fly in the ointment . Conclusion

Catan or Catant? . Theoretically there are several ways to resolve these conflicts.. The open source nature of development. . Skins. Conclusion

Bitcoin is very confused right now. . FTX contagion . Rock-Bottom. Conclusion

What does a decentralized MMO look like? . Have you ever looked at the credits after beating a video game? . Pay to win is not an ideal model. . So what do…

This is actually somewhat of a new development. . If you can't explain the yield, you are the yield. . So let's explain the HBD yield. . Third prong (infla…

So many bottom signals.. [Big Banks, NY Fed Start to Test Digital Tokens for 'Wholesale' Transactions](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/11/15/banking-he…

Ah another year has passed. . Mid November is always a critical time for crypto that sets the tone.. 4 year cycle still seems to be in play. coffee . This …

CZ is still out here playing 4D chess. . The bank-run against crypto.com continues. . The market is very confused right now. . But they didn't even sell an…

Sleep pattern. crypto.com holds 20% Shib. crypto.com sends $400M in ETH to Gate.io. SAFU. Binance halts FTT deposits. Huobi does the same shit? . FTX "ha…

Run to the hills!

Collateral Damage . Hurp a Durp. . X minutes later.... Y minutes later.... lol.... 134 firms... all belly up... wows. . Bitcoin price targets. . As far …

The story doesn't totally add up. . Justin Sun is also getting in on the action. . CPI. This marks the end of the bear market. . The year of the maximalist…

Oh, where do we begin?. The rubble or our sins?. Everyone thought FTX was solvent.. It began on Nov 6. LoL, wow. Shots fired. 2 exchange in the world and …

The term "Red Mirage" was coined during the 2020 election.. It's happening again.. Is this appropriate? . Exactly.... John Fetterman. . The importance of …

El Presidente is a weird dude. . [STOP DRINKING THE ELITE’S KOOL-AID](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/print/stop-drinking-the-elites-kool-aid). Starting off stro…

Crystals Girl energy intensifies! . It was not a fun time. . https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/L4s5xXFs. Speaking of the election.... [Crypto Giants Get Hu…

https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@taskmaster4450/kfafgrmi. But then @taskmaster4450 made his most absurd claim yet! . WTF is the Z1 money supply? . Basic Googl…

People don't like being told they need to pay for things that were previously given to them for free. . Oh, and the tears are a thing of legend. . Calling o…

You will own nothing; You will be happy.

https://www.thecontentmines.com/p/elon-musk-is-not-a-deep-thinkerdetails (13 min in). 17 min in. Elon Musk is really just a dumbass? . $5? $20? $8? . $5/m …

[Mark Zuckerberg cast as web3 supervillain in forthcoming game](https://www.theblock.co/post/181220/mark-zuckerberg-cast-as-web3-supervillain-in-forthcoming-ga…

It looks like our favorite person Justin Tron just took over Huobi. . [Huobi May Soon Lay Off Employees Under Its Rumored CEO Justin Tron’s Leadership: Report…

First, some current events. . Apparently GDAX rebranding to Coinbase Pro was not enough. . Hive deposits back online with Binance/Mandala. New King in the C…

Tune in to watch Jim Cramer cry on live television.

Today I'd like to do a bit of a deep-dive on this concept:. How can edits be trivial when the data literally can't be changed? . How does that work? . Certa…

The madness continues as the bear market potentially draws to a close.

Serendipity is often referred to as a "Happy Accident".. All created completely from random chance. . Of course, there was no way to avoid accidentally disco…

Hmmmm, okay boomer. . https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quantitative-easing.asp. Wow... . I'll be honest. Talk about derivatives. . But how is the mone…

Cyclical nature of history. Certainly that would be the preferred option. . Year of our Lord, 2022. What would it take to get there from here? . Conclusion

Consensus is the Key. [The color blue didn't even exist until shockingly recently](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-blue-and-how-do-we-see-color-2015-2…

URGE TO SELL: RISING. 😬😬😬. I remain in a holding pattern until the New Moon. . I feel like I should sell a tiny bit of my Hive as well, but.... BOO. Co…

So much cringe; I can't take it. . Oh my god... the cringe! . Speaking of community.... What this propaganda is really saying is:. Can you imagine? . The …

Bear markets are brutal. . But that doesn't resonate well. . And that is when the series of bad ideas begins. . How about not though? . How do we stabilize…

Owned by the team itself.. This sounds very decentralized. . To be fair to Bluesky:. Incentives on Bitcoin equated to POW mining. . Getting back on topic.…

Funny story... . Could be a lot of reasons. . Why does any of this matter? . Guess what the hardest thing to balance is? . That's terrible. . It is what…

Technical analysists see that calmness and proclaim: . Speaking of the curve. . Why else?. Did you say bear market? . Also, look at the damn rainbow chart.…

The satire is real. . But the real "Turbo Encabulator" of crypto: is CBDC.. Hm, yeah... okay... so that's weird. . CBDC is only valuable to those that contr…

The price is right!. The problem is that there is no such thing as "free". . Everything costs something. . [See: Subsidy](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edi…

As I begin rotating more and more of my assets back into Granddaddy Bitcoin, I find myself asking the same old tired maximalist questions. . As crazy as it s…

You need more BigCorns

Just do it!. RC costs are going up. . Economy looks bad, should I sell? . Take back, ten seconds! . It's not about number go up anymore. . Conclusion

A note about liquidity . Some notes on HF26. One-Block irreversibility . 30% haircut . Receipts please! . [HBD: 10% Debt Haircut is Too Low](https://peakd…

Sell the news?

So yesterday I got really bad anxiety all of a sudden. . Then I hop onto Discord 5 hours later just to see if anything weird happened. . [BSC bridge hack Tw…

Inverse Cramer FTW

[Framing the narrative.](https://bigthink.com/thinking/moral-relativism-some-cultures-worse/) . The ultimate problem with idealism and claiming absolute moral…

Everything is connected.

[wut?](https://peakd.com/@dalz/top-hive-earners-by-category-or-authors-curators-witnesses-dao-or-september-2022) . [Proof-of-Brain? More Like Proof-of-Circle-…

Don't waste your time, or time will, waste, you. . https://twitter.com/_BitcoinMatrix/status/1576569531237294080. Where's your crown, King Nothing? . Crypto…

Saying things doesn't make them true. . [dollar milkshake theory](https://www.techinasia.com/dollar-milkshake-theory-means-crypto). Hm yeah so that's fun. . …

Can MLM Business models be legit and equitable?

Wow the SEC is about to get dragged across hot coals.

Hmmm yeah... . The thing that none of the TA is paying attention to is: volume. The bottom.. Dates of note:. Wow, what? . Uptober? . HIVE?. What about H…

powerdown complete.... 8k out of 13k is still in there. . Prime minister of Italy. Guess I have to go back to the @tdvtv post. Ah, so this is the face of …

Japan said no, now USA says no. . [The Fed has 'not decided to proceed' with a digital dollar, says Powell](https://www.theblock.co/post/173111/the-fed-has-no…

Think about how crazy that is. . What was this about? Subsidy? . Pegging HBD to Gold Would be Pointless. Velocity of money. But again, HBD is not gold. W…

THE IRS IS COMING FOR YOUR CRYPTO OMG OMG OMG. So... yeah. Let's just dive right in so I can show you what I'm talking about. . [IRS Can Now Hunt Down Ameri…

Nope, not a post on video games. . The Queen Dies and then.... But fear not.. SOMETHING IS GOING TO BREAK. What are the circumstances?. More importantly: …

Shweet deal. . Many think this wedge is significant. . ZOOM OUT! . This is the wedge everyone is making a fuss about.. What does Goddess Moon have to say a…

[A Year ago today I moved to Pennsylvania.](https://peakd.com/@edicted/ride-it-till-the-wheels-fall-off). In another year I'll be 40 years old!. Staying pres…

What do we see? . Yeah that's a fun fact, what else? . lol wut? . Nobody thinks it's going to trial. . Buy the news.. More on the Howey Test.. But those …

Progress through failure. . K?. In any case. . 17808 words... lol wtf.. Hmmm, yep. . Hard to explain. I didn't used to take these notes. . Since I start…

2022 Google seems to think I was correct and Dad was wrong. . Applications to crypto. That is just common sense.. Market feed is better. What is the risk o…

Federal Open Market Committee Commences... . The one-day candle... . What support is below this level? . 1-hour candles are cray. . [Who wants to see some …

[This week, on Clown World:](https://www.theblock.co/post/171565/draft-stablecoin-bill-in-congress-to-require-fed-state-regulator-approval). wtf does this mea…

Sounds weird but I think this will play out in a very weird way.. So again: back to insider trading. . Is it insider trading or a self-investment? . Okay so…

Not gonna lie... looks very bad. . RUNE GAMBLE. Yield Curve . DXY chart. Maybe that just means that Europe is fucked? . Zooming out. Conclusion

Maybe it's poetic that POS is an acronym standing for piece of shit. . But that's beside the point. . So many people... . just another sad fork. . If someo…

[Bitcoin (BTC) Stronger After Merge?
Here What MicroStrategy Michael Saylor Thinks](https://coingape.com/bitcoin-btc-stronger-after-merge-michael-saylor-th…

No such thing as free money, amirite? . [So I was thinking about this post I wrote on CUB the other day...](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/cub-s-new-a…

Gamble Gamble

The cake is a lie.

Privacy Good.

We are seeing the signals of full capitulation. . Oh really! . avarar. What else am I seeing? . [China Back Among Top 10 Countries In Bitcoin-Usage Despite …

You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

No one says it anymore.. Not great. CPI. See that? . Too Big To Fail. What was this post about again? . And the follow-up? . Fuck yeah this kid really j…

Number go up?

It's easy to get trapped into a box of present times. . So how is Splinterlands doing it? . So the problem is destroying the stable coin for the governance …

CUB has been on a wild ride. . Hm yeah it's been pretty rough for the LEO ecosystem. . Can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. . It's a bit ironic.... …

Hm what a "surprise". Fun! . Elon Musk. What is racketeering, you ask? . Only the most vague crime (and language to describe it) imaginable. . lol kk sure…

I've played me a lot of World of Warcraft back in olden days.. In any case.... Crypto itself is still in the PvP phase. . Bitcoin. Ethereum. Privacy coins…

The scaling issues are real. . The hypocrisy is real. . In any case. Advantages of EVM. Second layer. Conclusion

Wait... or is this the Bad Place? . Wen moon?. Hive eh? . Wow... for real?. Speaking of being ignored.... What does Hive have going for it, anyway?. Hive…

https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/e62f703604a94538a1f1bc803b2d579f. Okay perhaps I have misspoke, it looks like they are keeping USDT.. In any …

Don't be fake.

The results are in! . Having a routine can be a very good thing.. True story, bro. Momentum: Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.. Circadian Rhythm . …

So what's going on in Factorio? . How did this happen?. Four kinds of Factorio Bottlenecks:. Alright so what happened here.... The ultimate endpoint: . Th…

Ah, the sweet sound of infinite resources. . Pyroflux . Coal. Water. What was I talking about again?. Solar energy beam. Well shit.. "The Environmentali…

Haven't looked at this part of my base in hundreds of hours played. . In any case! MODS! . So far I've played in this same game for 316 hours and I haven't …

My ADHD knows no bounds! . Hm, maybe the bear-market has me depressed. . Current obsession: Factorio . I'm already dreading this.... Rules for Hyperfocus p…

Recently the SEC forced Coinbase to make a statement. . Hilariously enough:. [The thing about bankruptcy is...](https://peakd.com/@edicted/bankruptcy). So C…

I mean.... How did they get their money? . Getting back on track. . 1) Leech value from users. . 2) Leech value from employees.. [Time vampirism strong.…

Just wanted to give a little heads up on my test with Hive >> HBD conversions now that I actually know how it works. . If you recall when I was talking about …

ah there it is. Wait, who runs this account again? . Is that right? . downvotes started after this post. Discord: Edicted2356. lol, wut? . A bit of cont…

Last night I was alerted by @cflclosers that HBD was spiking again. . In any case.... Why bring this up? . Classic Know-It-All. Other examples of Know-it-a…

Turning raw data into useful data is difficult and expensive.. How many threats are made on the Internet every day? . Wouldn't you delete the data?. THE MOB…

Building things is hard. . In the context of coding: modular is always better. . How to get there from here?. What about flat-architecture? . Does that mea…

Okay so every once and a while @taskmaster4450 and I get into a mini feud. . Here's how it works:. Right.. Weezer sucks, just like my contrarian habits. . …

I've been really busy today.... bHIVE and bHBD. Grossly overextended. . HBD liquidity is really really good right now on internal market. . Hm yeah that's …

There's a bunch of crazy energy out in the world recently.... But how does this relate to the markets?. CPI data. Gas . Even my Twitter feed. . A real bul…

Theycallmedan still beating the drum. . [OP Tweet](https://twitter.com/TheycallmeDan_/status/1557625210811351040). Classic Dan tweet. Woof, time to parse th…

Crystals girls have invaded my email! . Crystals girl thinks dump before pump. . Broken or inverse-correlated? . So right now at this moment we are testing…

School Isn't about learning; its about conformity.. More about socialization than learning. . Same with drugs. So why did I hate writing? . Look at me go!.…

The term "store-of-value" get's used a lot in crypto.. I've already been quite clear on this issue. . It's not a store of value because USD valuation can dro…

[My post about jobs perhaps needs an expansion pack or two. ](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/an-economy-that-doesn-t-provide-jobs-isn-t). "Uh, no I di…

Went to a mall today. . Can crypto solve this problem?. I thought I was supposed to be talking about the mall.... Conclusion

Jobs that are provided by crypto: . The first variable is pay-to-win. . The second variable is compensation. . Definition of a job:. Blogging on Hive is n…

Making it easier for those who come after us.. My trip look about 5 days. If you build it.... Conclusion

Well that was a wild pump. . Looking at the chart.... MA(100). Sell the rumor, buy the news. Back to Hive. . Golden crosses everywhere . The MA(200) is a…

Changing perspectives. . The new struggle.... This post is neither about Hive, nor tribes on Hive. . Money has no intrinsic value. . So what do we have no…

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.. Examples of synergy. . Symbiotic. win/win . Diminishing Returns ( 2 + 2 = 3 ). [Irony of Maximalism.](htt…

However.... Yeah, but what even is a vector image? . This means that theoretically we could be doing NFTs directly on the layer one chain.. What about music…

I've heard many scoff at the CEOs and dev teams of a token who premine their project and then say: . How is that decentralized? . Speaking of decentralized …

Note the date . Don't fade the Scarlet Which!. I give it 2 or 3 days. . I mean... who knows. . Conclusion. The bull trap is real:

Miners no longer control the price. . Halving: . This is prix fixe. First year after the next halving. . LOL... who cares?. Halving is a bearish event. . …

Looks like the FED meeting is tomorrow at 2 PM Eastern. Don't fight the FED. Don't fight the FED. Don't fight the FED. I am hoping they do raise rates by 1…

Over a decade ago I was very bad at working out. . Hm yeah, that's not how it works. . 95% of gains come from failure. . As long as I'm still talking about…

HBD is the best crypto investment out there. . Weird claim, right? . 3000 rank on the market cap? But there is some truth to the statement. The ability to e…

"You can't have it all.". [Can Crypto have it all?](https://peakd.com/@edicted/can-crypto-have-it-all). This is the triangle I wanted to talk about all along…

None of that matters long-term. . Wow, the 1980's though. Risk-on; Risk-off. Market slightly dips on Tesla's BTC dump declaration. . Doubling curve trendli…

Governance is hard.

The odds are good but the goods are odd. . Zuckerberg has been creating crypto infrastructure before crypto even existed. . Taking a look at what Meta (forme…
![Stopped Reading the [Crypto] News thumbnail](/blog/dMr4dx-tsg-144.webp)
Why not? . Alright I'm gonna do it.... Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. . News outlets are so bad right now. . Why not add a dose of ironic sarcasm into…

Claiming. . Speaking of auto-claim. After all, RCs and transactions on Hive are free. . Bullet points on Hive whitepaper brainwashing:. Just because it's b…

The insufferable emotional swing of the financial roller coaster. . [CPI 9.1%.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/full-supermoon-dump-into-9-1-cpi) . Co…

Bitcoin maximalists are pretty ridiculous. . Bitcoin has a comically small niche. . Silly things that Maximalists say:. Bitcoin is Gold 2.0. 1 BTC = 1 BTC …

Hm, yes, exactly. . [Crypto is the next Gold Rush.](https://peakd.com/@edicted/the-blockchain-wild-west-gold-rush). What does that mean? . Crypto is usherin…

Venmo doesn't actually do chargebacks. . Venmo only reverses transactions when they don't get paid.. Wish in one hand. . Why does this matter? . And that's…

Crypto regulations don't exist in the way users assume they do.

Haha, remember TenX?. In any case. I did lie on my application a bit. . So yeah just went from $500 limit to $3500 just like that. . Bitcoin is not correla…

Another full-moon, another crashing market. . Not that it matters. . Migration back into CUB. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. . Have I not talked…

Wen though?. There are a LOT of developments going on in and around the Hive ecosystem. . Games . Hive Hardfork 26. LEO ecosystem. Interoperability. Conc…

Imagine that.

https://hiveblocks.com/@edicted. https://hivebuzz.me/ranking. 1. For example, @chbartist has an account worth $2.50 and hasn't posted since 2019. That makes…

You will own nothing, you will be happy! . Which leads to deflation. . Where does that leave crypto?. This is a matter of perspective.. Supermoon July 13th…

I was supposed to write this post a week ago.. A lot of people have linked the above video.. 9:50 into the 11:50 video. Because that's not how liquidity wor…

Hmmm... let's see.... I can see exactly how this happened. . Actions speak louder?. Conclusion

From $4000 to $13500 to $6500.. Institutions were just as greedy and stupid as retail. . Clearly, that was grossly inaccurate. . Bulls just need time to reg…

Peter Schiff is rolling in his grave right now.. Hahaha wtf.. LOL! WHAT?!?. Notice the language:. When it rains, it pours. I knew I preferred silver for …

We live in a digital age. Just look at how we 'cure' cancer. . Crypto fixes this. . Can't rely on altruism. . Misinterpreting the data. How do crypto aggr…

Learning the painful lessons. . Example of how our own minds deceive us: . Of course there's a lot more too it than that, but.... What does a volatile netwo…

And this bear market is no exception. . Still, there are many similarities between crypto and poker.. Poker tourney walkthrough. Every time I look in my wal…

Is @taskmaster4450 the only [one who can see it?](https://leofinance.io/@taskmaster4450le/minimalism-is-deflationary). Essential vs non-Essential. Everything…

If you can't explain the yield.... The funny thing about yield is that it's not hard to explain. . 21M 21M 21M 21M 21M. Stability requires inflation/yield/e…

Bitcoin was comically overleveraged. . Bitcoin is actually losing dominance. . USDC almost 3 by market cap. . Bitcoin is still losing dominance. I mean, ho…

Bitcoin was comically overleveraged. . Bitcoin is actually losing dominance. . USDC almost 3 by market cap. . Bitcoin is still losing dominance. I mean, ho…

And what response do I get? . WHAT?!?. I mean, sure, it SOUNDS right. . No though... . Exponentially worse. . Uh okay, what does the trending tab have to …

Bitcoin Doubling Curve. In fact, this is how it always happens. . STICK TO THE PLAN. Where is the doubling curve now?. $36k. DAMN! . STICK TO THE PLAN. …

Law is a very difficult subject. . Howey Test. https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/howey-test. "Common Enterprise". “Common Enterprise” contin…

Transfer Anxiety is the very worst part of the crypto user experience. . What about Hive? . Instant Gratification. . Timelocks. Conclusion. Disruption com…

Obviously everyone is QQ about the market right now.. 15%! WHAT! . Speaking of Bitcoin.... 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curves. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Curv…

I've got a confession to make. . Yeah, but, what are the odds of that actually happening? . So I finally set up Discord notifications using this bot. . Step…

My predictions on the market have been fairly decently lately.. We are scraping the bottom something fierce.. The economy never tanks when it's being watched…

@blocktrades and friends just keep pumping out sweet code. . [Link to OP, May 8, 2022](https://peakd.com/hive-139531/@blocktrades/one-block-irreversibility-fo…

1 Month of Consolidation. Do you see?. Deep cut. This is what the market looked like a year ago. . "Inflation" is permanent. . September is always a good …

How do we get the most out of the resources we have? . That's because many applications are linear. . Threads. Factorio Magic. Poker Database Example.. T…

How scalable is Hive? . Suddenly I'm reminded of overclocking a CPU. . Simple and elegant. . Hive is kinda like this. . Do we even want to increase the blo…

Size matters. . So why am I glad that Bitcoin didn't increase blocksize? . But I am definitively warming up to the idea. . Unhackable RNG. . Another exampl…

First thing's first. . Very thin liquidity. . Splinterlands. Polycub. Speaking of factoring in yields.... Rune. Bitcoin. Conclusion

STONKS. Small cap stocks and crypto are even more dissimilar. . Even that statement makes like zero sense to me. . So that's the first difference. . Here a…

My credit score rose two points today. . Anyway... "debt slavery" . No, no I did not. . What was I talking about again?. Conclusion

June 2nd. . Stick to the plan. . [Hm, that aged alright.](https://twitter.com/Pacemak3r/status/1529897802016468996). Still, this is very likely a hardcore l…

Polycub has done exactly what I said it would. . Prototype. Getting to the point. [More on why decreased inflation equates to a lower token price.](https://…

We see this proven time and time again. . This issue is two fold. . Hive is ahead of the game. . Account recovery on Hive is a big deal. . Look at this gar…

But Matt also wanted to be a Hive whale.. Beep boop Beep boop: Hive whale, lol. . Dirty dirty taker! . I'm kind of a big deal! . Wait, did I just make this…

Devil is in the details. . https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/did-fed-just-signal-when-rate-hikes-will-end. Zerohedge analysis (BOLO September). So we are ho…

Tinkering with my database.... Hm I guess I've said the word 'fuck' in 360 posts. . lol. In any case.... Very cool. . lol... dsteem. But is it accurate? …

Depends on yield, actually. . But 'decentralization' is more robust! . What are algorithmic stable coins even good for? . Sort of.... Printer go brrr tange…

Number is about to go up. . But that's the thing about pricing these things in, eh?. Don't fight the FED. Will the FED back off? . Do you prefer rock or ha…

@taskmaster4450 probably cringes when I tag him in my titles. . Wow look at the top comment of that post.... Hey @oldtimer, remember Koinos? . So why bring …

Step 1: Getting there. . Luckily.... Topics of conversation: . Splinterlands. Decentralization. Sustainable Practices. . RIP daily quests? . Modular cod…

I don't particularly like this show.... But I digress. . Ah well, history was always my least favorite subject anyway.. Poor people vs poor people with a ni…

Take a liquidity pool for example. . There are other examples as well. . [Reminder: Inflation is crypto's killer function.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@ed…

Development. Witness partner @rishi556 did not approve.... Cost is what you pay; value is what you get. . Overhead Costs. Infrastructure . Payoff is all o…

Example. Could this happen to crypto via the stock market? . One of crypto's biggest deterrents is the volatility. . Bitcoin mines the truth. Conclusion

Dirp a Dirp a Dumb! . This mechanic was instant conversions. . Unfortunately, that which does not bend, breaks. . And now people are saying UST wasn't decen…

Hm, yeah.... But funny thing about my gut feeling.... Haha seriously... . How quickly the tables turn. . Now we have another one of these events on midnigh…

Zero upgrades in 5 years. Sad...

The Trust Debacle. Most people have no idea what they are talking about. . Four central banks connected to 20 banks is decentralized. . Take Hive for exampl…

Well that escalated quickly.... The problem with LUNA is the debt ratio. . LUNA can't live without intervention. . All in a matter of 3 days. . Types of cr…

And now... for more speculation! . https://leofinance.io/@edicted/market-watch-bottom-barrel-support-levels. We are testing our bottom of the barrel support …

Moon Soon or Doom?

No time to talk! . Are you really not?. You know who is?. People are so terrified right now it's not even funny. . Seriously... doesn't get any better than…

Ah so that's what a normal 30% retracement feels like.. 2000 Sats. Shorting the market. Crypto is building the alternative system. . It's a two way street.…

I often talk about the doubling curve.. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Time to celebrate?. How inaccurate is the linear iteration of the curve? . $y = $100 *…

Market has been getting it's ass kicked lately. . Mercury going into retrograde in three days. . Full moon cycles. Flower Moon. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve…

This is the first article I came across:. Interesting scam.. Meanwhile... on Venmo.... LOL. That is laughable.. But that's not even the info I was looking…

The basics. This is the classic escrow problem. . Decentralized version?. dreambig. However what I really want to talk about, and what the title implies, a…

So I drew these lines and then literally five minutes later the market did this:. Hmmmmm yeah not great. . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. $40k was a pretty ob…

I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't express a shout out. . Remember when Star Wars used to be for nerds? . I liked it before it was cool. . Nebulon-B escort f…

Most people think the barrier to entry for Bitcoin is the price per token. . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. THIS is the real barrier. . Seriously, look at how…

We see this happen all the time. . But that doesn't mean we are in a bear market. So what is the market trying to price in right now?. Next recession will b…

People love airdrops.. The big problem with airdrops is that they are almost never worth it.. But what if you had just dumped in the middle of the hype-cycle…

HIVE HAS DONE IT! . All of the moving averages for Hive are in order from from highest to lowest: . WOOF! . But I don't think it would come to that. . Poly…

I'm seeing... red! . Bitcoin still king. . Conclusion

[Illinois law bans schools from fining students. So local police are doing it for them, issuing thousands of tickets a year for truancy, vaping, fights and oth…

Elon Musk paid $192 per daily active user. So I was just thinking about this today.... Damage inflicted on LEO ecosystem. Taking a salary in Bitcoin. @toni…

It's funny how people care.... Solving world hunger tangent:. Meme my girlfriend sent me personally:. The cure is worse than the disease. . This is how com…

The Market is cowering in fear right now.... Can devs do something?. Again, it's all about balanced positions. . Where are the support levels? . 2022 Bitco…

2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Unless.... So I'm shorting Hive. [This is why shorting as a hedge is so critical to crypto.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edi…

Market Watch Preamble. . WHAT BEAR MARKET? . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. iRate. https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/reputation-for-liquidity. SteemLEO…

Fame is pretty weird. . So let’s talk a little about April May’s theory of tiered fame. . Tier 1: Popularity . Tier 2: Notoriety . Tier 3: Working-Class Fa…

Crypto Twitter is at it again. . But you know me.... 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Again, take a look at the doubling curve. . INFINITE GREED. PTSD incomi…

The Wash-Trade attack. . But don't operations on Bitcoin have a price? . So if Bitcoin can just increase the blocksize and scale up, why don't they?. That i…

Resource Credits are an extremely valuable asset on Hive. . Not really a problem at the moment. . You need a variable-cost pricing-model. . This is the prob…

https://ragnaroknft.info/. https://vue.dlux.io/dex/?api=https://inconceivable.hivehoneycomb.comduat. Don't forget to log in... :D. Interesting. . Lock icon…

Price price price wen wen wen

We all know what inheritance is.... Another weird thing about situations like this are the taxes. . What is money? What is value? . Inheriting... reputatio…

Introductory market watch.. It looks like we've experienced the full bottom out. . Main post: What is DEFI 2.0? . But what did we learn? . Printer go brrr.…

I've never seen volume this low. . This leads me to believe that we are about to step in a bear trap. . No one said the road to moon as easy. . Conclusion

SEC caught with hand in cookie jar?. Community. Going much better than expected. Double standard. . XRP gets more decentralized every year. Conclusion. 2 …

So far the pool looks good.. How much HBD can we buy out of this pool? . Seems like a good sign.... 0.25% fee . Conclusion

I'm writing this post to say that it might not even matter. . 1. pHBD/USDC is liquid.. 2. USDC is more stable than HBD. . 3. It becomes very easy to arbitra…

Hive gets a lot of blow-off tops. . 20% HBD yield. . MA(200) is my favorite. . 7, 25, and 100 are the defaults. . Tight Band. Other projects. . 80 cents …

[Who knew that complaining like a punk would have such splendid and efficient results!](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/stop-curating-usd0-downvotes). Now my q…

[HBD Interest Rates Are Now 20% | We're Building a $5M Liquidity Pair for HBD-USDC](https://leofinance.io/@leofinance/hbd-interest-rates-are-now-20-or-we-re-bu…

CAN THE DEVS DO SOMETHING?!?. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Doubling curve still looking sexy. $100k is not a lot. . Conclusion

Before we begin:. 15 and not at risk of being bounced out of the top 20. He does good work. I can also see that perhaps some of my witness votes need to be m…

Main argument: 20 consensus witnesses control the chain (only 16 required to agree), and thus it would be easy for 16 of them to collude to steal from whoever …

[What did I say last week?](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/market-watch-tax-season-crunchtime) . MA(100) goes under MA(200). Bitcoin. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling …

I can tell you I was proud of those 1000 coins I acquired. . But that's not the point. . The price of transitioning from WEB2. LEO and SPK network. And Thu…

Seriously. Conclusion

It's very obvious that crypto will have to find the middle ground:. Fractional Indexing. Example: . Decentralized Centralized Fractional Indexing . Jack of…

Prices are going up.. Price of gas . The stacking sunburn. . Preparing for an actual bear market . Oh yeah and funny story:. So obviously I personally hav…

[Resistance Crushed: Official End of Bear Market](https://peakd.com/analysis/@edicted/resistance-crushed-official-end-of-bear-market) . In any case.... Price…

Printing money out of thin air.

Clearly I am not Khal's favorite person right now! . Yes that does certainly seem to be the vibe. . [March 17th, 2022: XPOLYCUB MECHANICS](https://peakd.com/…

"In the context of central banking". What I have since come to realize is that when a cryptocurrency offers negative interest rates on CDP contracts, not only…

But it's more about the tech than the price sometimes. . So what's the good news with Polycubbers? . Vault (POL). Loans. Bonds. [Looking at potential exam…

Still on that DEFI kick. . But wait, I thought you said DEFI tokens themselves should be stable coins... why would we need two stable coins? . So what is the…

[I've done a LOT of research on AMM.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/k-x-y-amm-equation-explained). [Yield is the crux of AMM.](https://peakd.com/hive…

The premise of this theory is a pretty simple one. . Um... easily? . As you can imagine, this is a frustrating experience.. What? Why? . Meanwhile.... So…

Bitcoin looking madly bullish. April is legit never a bad trading month. . This also seems to line up with our relationship to the doubling curve. . 2022 Bi…

readContract. 12 and 13:. Paste your public address into pendingLength
to find out how big the array is. . Find the bugged harvest.. 12 (pe…

Bitcoin Doubling Curve. And again, this is a good thing. . Example short sale. . But then BTC goes up another 20%. . Why?. Assets after the 20% BTC increa…

Bonds. But what is a bond? . Conclusion

Breaking news:. This actually solves a lot of problems. . Game-theory on xpc loans.. Bad debt. . High interest rates. Short moving average. . High collat…

3Speak has been around a while now. . But this is neither here nor there. . What are the points of failure? . Importance of SPK incentives. But why? . Wha…

First thing's first. Yeah... there is no grammatical error. . This changes my entire strategy going forward. . Rent Seeking Bid Bots activated. . "Party". …

[What are LARYNX miners?](https://peakd.com/hive-112019/@spknetwork/what-exactly-are-larynx-miner-tokens). So this is pretty crazy to hear.... So this is pre…

Yeah... Bitcoin is none of these things.. Bitcoin is obviously not that.. Everything about Bitcoin points to security. . The lack of inflation is secure. . …

xPolyCub all the rage? . But how is the ratio calculated?. In the docs it just says.... Shoot, I was supposed to save that for another paragraph. . So xpc…

1234. PSA. https://debank.com/. Hive. Conclusion

It was only a matter of time. . This is the... 15th time we've broken up?. Speaking of uproot.... Money. How did this even start? . So there's a certain l…

https://anyswap.exchange//router. LEO bridge. Because Anyswap has "fake" any-pegged tokens. . What happened next?. "Estimated time of Crosschain Arrival 1…

https://paraswap.io/. So if you can't tell, I'm pretty out of it. . https://paraswap.io/. https://anyswap.exchange//router. Conclusion

Hank Green is some nerd scientist on TikTok. . This is the crux of the entire economy.. The true irony: . Crypto captures all value. . This was the busine…

BRUTAL! . I've said it before and I'll say it again: . What is the benefit of single staking? . Why would we want to make the price go down. . Only up. Di…

Dear Diary,. Sorry about that! . I had a plan. . LOL NAH. Strategy. . LEO liquidity. Marketing campaign. Polycub launch. What does a fair launch look l…

Gold 2.0. What would WEB4 even be?. DEFI 2.0. Conclusion

However, there are quite a few things I can talk about. . But now we are in soonest™ territory. . First four weeks. . Checking our work. . After the first …

So the market is pretty wild right now.... That being said, an instant 17% dip on a currency is massive. . And then... crypto. . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curv…

What makes a blockchain different from any other database? . Not so fast! . A node is a node. . Timestamps are not linear, blockchain is.. Where does the d…

What is middle class?. I feel like if you asked someone on the street what middle class was they wouldn't say any of that. . Also, what's up with that chart?…

The pendulum is good if used correctly. . Like no, we already tried this. . Anyone can look at the Den. . 74.4% of all CUB is already in the kingdom. CUB n…

Fractional NFTs?. Brilliant! . Time-Shared NFTs.. Airdropping as a marketing tactic. . But how do you airdrop an NFT community? . Anti... factional... NFT…

Emotions run high. . https://caitlinjohnstone.com/. WHOA... . Abby Martin? . Conclusion . Hm, worst apology tour ever.

The first Tweet's reception was overwhelmingly negative, so of course I doubled down on the troll and wrote something even worse than the first one. . But why…

Behold, the smuggest person on the Internet! . Picking apart crypto and talking trash is the easiest thing ever. . Let's complain about everything and offer …

What was this post about again? . Meritocracy is a sham. . Because how would it work? . What about AI? . It's such a simple concept. . There are so many …

You wanted a bearish prediction? . At the same time, a legacy bear market could catapult crypto adoption. . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Imagine a bear mark…

Let's be honest.. Expectations vs Reality. The average person will always be average. . What's going on here? . AH! FRESH MEAT. . Yeah, but what is the p…

Time has a way of catching up to us. . And by the way. Conclusion

We're going places.

I used to be able to mint more than 10 accounts a day. . So what? . Yet. . However, there are weird edge cases. . This is the problem. [This is why I blog…

All rise for the national Anthem! . Not quite my taste. . In any case... The rundown:. BABYRAGE WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!. Nobody Caribou? lol... k. . But there…

Oh yeah, I love Sports Ball. Half time show. Oh yeah. REALLY?. Crypto crypto. The backlash is real.. Haha... nice. . This was the first one.... They pa…

Who controls Hive?

Do we really think it's a good idea for the apes to lord over themselves? . It's easy to see how 'democracy' came into popularity. . "democracy"?. Democracy…

[This is a theory I have talked about at length, but haven't put into practice yet (because I have no token to test it on).](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edi…

Market looking pretty sexy.... Seriously though, look at this trading action. . The goal now is to trade above all the averages. . Speaking of LEO. Matte…

Hive Application Framework. Some context. . Hm, yeah, that's not how it works. . Yep, exactly what I needed. . Conclusion

Regulators are losing their mind over crypto. . It is truly insane how hard the governments are scrambling right now. . Uh huh, sure, that's going to work.. …

When I was a kid, chess had not yet been solved by computers. . That's the thing about specialization.. Automation is the future. . This is what AI is good …


Cryptocurrency and taxes are a huge problem. . Crypto Context. . Flat tax. The rules of this system would be simple. . Pros/Cons list. 5% or 10%?. The N…

Motto:. How would Rugpull work? . What's the point?. How would it become stronger? . Think of the ramifications. . Conclusion

Really?. So as you can judge from my hysterics. . Lucky for me I haven't suffered any opportunity costs on this pump.. It's never been a good month. . What…

The 48 Laws of Power is a book written by Robert Greene.. Now I don't do a lot of reading. . Luckily this 48 Laws book acts as its own CliffsNotes. . Upon r…

It's pretty crazy how much I've been talking about taxes lately, only to be hit with this bombshell in my news feed last night. . This is pretty huge.... Con…

Can you hear that?. Burn baby burn. . Hive is actually looking pretty good. . The real question is why I keep shit posting when I have a backlog of like tw…

Hive witnesses are pretty weird. . But what will Hive look like in five or ten years?. Scaling up. . The point is Hive has chosen a hybrid path. . But thi…

Alright... that's it... I'm calling it.... But aren't you always wrong? . Buy range for Hive. . The HIVE/BTC MA(200) is just under 2000 sats.. Looking at …

Oh @dan. Gee, I thought EOS was supposed to be the original vision of EOS.. Uh, huh... sure bud. . Right, what happened to Steem again? . Oh so you're goin…

And these are just the things I come with off the top of my head. . Conclusion

As per usual, the market is very weird and unpredictable. . 2022.... Really Biden? REALLY?. Institutions want regulations. Russia Russia Russia! . PolyCu…

Refusing to accept cryptocurrency is currency. So why is cryptocurrency not currency? . How we got the USD in the first place is another story.. [Another is…

I feel so weird right now.... There is no right answer. . Risk averse. . We see these strategies play out in crypto all the time. . It's easier to take ris…

This is what bear markets are for.. Speaking of liquidity. . HBD/BUSD. Yield/liquidity ratio. . How can we guarantee a yield between 10%-20%? . Is $5M a l…

NFTs are a pure scam. Blockchain gaming is a pyramid scheme. Play-to-Earn is not only a scam, it's deeply immoral.. Spoken like someone who owns zero crypto i…

So what did I learn? . The math of it all. . 2x Long. 3x Long. Correct. Shorting is the opposite of this... sort of.... Shorting as a hedge. . taxes. L…

So today was pretty weird. . Bitcoin has the most obvious trendline ever ever. . Seriously though I just want to shake people and be like.... Doubling.. Ev…

CUB has been around for about a year. . March 8th Confirmed. A much better technical analysis metric for CUB is the market cap. . The DEGENS. Not Khal's fa…

Have I written about these yet? . August 30, 2020.... [Virtual Operations](https://peakd.com/condenser/@edicted/virtual-operations). Oh wow do not click tha…

The internal market is a mindfuck. . So which price is correct?. Order of operations. . It legit took me hours to understand IL because every website explai…

It's pretty obvious that Hive has a liquidity problem. . Hive-Engine Testnet. . Hive also needs outside liquidity.. That would be a good starting point. . …

Market crash got you down?. [Buy the Dip](https://peakd.com/ethereum/@edicted/buy-the-dip). [Buy the Dip](https://peakd.com/proofofbrain/@edicted/buy-the-dip…

Wouldn't you know it!. [Remember bloodmoon666?](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/bloodmoon-666). This most recent full moon gave me a bit of false hope…

Last night the market was "spring loaded". . Magic Internet Money. WEB2. MIM started as advertising. . WEB3 game changer. . What is the foundation of WEB3…

You ever notice how the richest people are never the ones who actually control the money? Never see a central banker on these lists. Weird right? I wouldn't…

Can you believe how good I am at this? . [MA(100) is your new god now!](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/ma-100-is-your-new-god-now). [Like cockwork](https://p…

I woke up this morning groggy and turned on my news app.. [Microsoft Makes a USD 69B Gaming & Metaverse Bet](https://cryptonews.com/news/microsoft-makes-usd-6…

Anti-Tribalism: Finding our similarities . Hm, yeah... so that's weird. . We have more in common than we have differences. . Tribalism is toxic. What is th…

The Chronic. Hive Proposals. Hm, interesting... what does "goyim" mean? . And what did I find? . Oops, was that racist?. https://www.adl.org/education/ref…

[Ragnarok Update](https://peakd.com/ragnarok/@ragnarok.game/ragnarok-update). hahaha... . I can only imagine how many people have been on the 'wen' train.. …

I honestly can't get over this.... Added some new lines. . 2022. So glad we didn't mega-bubble in Q4.. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. We aren't that far awa…

Is deflation always bad? . So why is deflation so terrible? . Other comments about deflation.. Okay, so in what context is deflation a good thing? . What a…

AH YEAH! . Delusions of persecution:. Delusions of grandeur:. It's worth asking:

Change my mind:. But on a technical level.... Monero is a superior clone of Bitcoin. . While these two things don't seem like much, they are everything.. P…

It's time for another one of my famous 'conspiracy' posts!. Nothing to see here, fam! . Oh yes, very interesting! I feel much better! . LOL, pick a lane? .…

Been doing a lot of rebalancing. . At the end of the day reflection tokens are dumb. . Looks like I crashed the price by a lot huh?. No more speculative tra…

Market still green across the board. . Wait, are we still in the mega-bubble foothills? . 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Again, I actually don't want this to …

Speaking of experience.... Followed by a resounding "no".. Interesting.. Trust me, I get it. . Scientific experiment. . Purist. Example: . It was weird …

Well then!. I have the urge to buy back in. . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. The Doubling Curve. . An origin story you say!. Jan 21, 2019. ["Dead" "Altcoins" an…

https://vote.hive.uno/@deathwing. So a week or two ago I said I told @deathwing I'd put a bid in for him as a witness. He needed a few million more HP in vot…

Hеᴦе ìѕ ᴍу Bítсоἰᴨ wаllеt: bc1qfup4q7hmhmk602mfyey4etwf5f5qcxpg768q5y
. How many times has this happened to you? . Hmmmm where have I seen this b…

Bitcoin still giving off a lot of mixed signals. . Why's that? . Disclaimer . What about February? . March. Bitcoin Doubling Curve. I think we can assume…

Bitcoin at extreme make or break levels. . I'll say it again:. It is nice to see that the fear/greed index in our favor. . Hopefully January 17th is strong.…

When theory meets reality: Nothing happens in a vacuum.

[RUNE Has Become the Centerpiece of My DeFi Portfolio](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@khaleelkazi/rune-has-become-the-centerpiece-to-my-defi-portfolio). Hm, y…

Don't think about it: just do it.. Do it!. 70k HBD is a small price to pay. How many other communities have a story to tell? . Besides, even John McAfee ha…

So the market is dipping a bit.... Why though? . I started writing this post 7 hours ago. . https://app.thorswap.finance/. pCUB is coming: Sooner™. pCUB i…

What a weird day to be getting a double Airdrop. . But we're here today to talk about fun things. . I tend to agree. . https://spk.network/. Three posts is…

Hm, yeah... but they don't though, do they? . Does Blackrock have "woke" score ratings? . [BlackRock’s ‘No. 1’ goal in ‘woke’ investing: Huge ESG-funds haul]…

Fun story:. 2022 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. The doubling curve will be above $50k by EOY. . Ragnarok. https://peakd.com/hive-181335/@theycallmedan/xepgkhus. …

Our little boy is growing up! . To be fair Bitcoin has a lot more feminine energy than male energy. . So Bitcoin has turned 13.. Institutional adoption. . …

LOL... TOO REAL!. Since then I've been paying attention very closely.. However, there is some dissension in the ranks!. haha. Demographics. Meet: Ben Wyat…

Hm, well that escalated quickly! . Good stuff! . Corner to Corner... eh? . Sybil Attack?. Another interesting fact.. Interesting game length. Gold cards …

Goddess Moon is not on our side!. [AMM and IL: Convincing Communities they shouldn't HODL.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/amm-and-il-convincing-commu…

[The game design post for Ragnarok was quite extensive.](https://peakd.com/hive-131619/@ragnarok.game/ragnarok-game-design-document). [I invite everyone to li…

[I have often compared the legacy economy to the undead.](https://peakd.com/bear/@edicted/bitcoin-join-us). And that's where Bitcoin comes in. . And now I ha…

Oh no! Uber leet haxor alert!. Repulsive creatures! . Color itself is one of these weird things. . [Calm before the Storm: We are the Swarm!](https://peakd…

[What is ladder anxiety?](https://tempostorm.com/articles/ladder-anxiety-and-how-to-overcome-the-fear-of-ranked-play) . Ladder Anxiety is ultimately a fear of…

YO! . [Ragnarok - Game Design Document](https://peakd.com/hive-131619/@ragnarok.game/ragnarok-game-design-document). 4164 words and 21 minutes later.... Ope…

Check it out. . 2019. 2020 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Bitcoin Doubling Curve. The rules of the doubling curve are simple.. The …

Back in olden days there was a shitty TV series called True Blood.. In any case, I've been recently triggered. . I bet you can see where I'm going with this.…

[But now I know better.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/the-power-of-cbdc) . What do I mean by this? . The Internet and Crypto are the opposing force…

What did you do this year?

Said the reptilian!

When shit gets real.

Do you think this is going to be difficult? . So many ways to disagree violently. . But none of that really matters. . The problem with flat architecture, i…

There is a LOT of tech coming out on Hive.. Sounds like a good problem to have! . BXT Beeswap. Hive Application Framework. 3SPEAK/SIP. Ragnarok. Back to …

Nobody knows how the economy works.. And yet that is what all these Bitcoin maximalists are doing.. BTC is not a store of value. . Really, is it now, Jack? …

The cringiest smug-fuck maximalist is at it again! . So what's Saylor done this time? . [MicroStrategy’s Saylor Lays Out Ways Firm Could Generate Yield From …

Aim for the stars and you'll hit the moon! . Multiple wedges have built up and are coming to an end.. numbergoup. The problem? . But I digress! . Zooming …

[Justin Sun Steps Down From Tron to Join Grenada Government](https://decrypt.co/88594/justin-sun-steps-down-from-tron-to-join-grenada-government). [Justin Sun…

My personal example of crypto "communism".. This is swiss-cheese garbage and it's full of holes.. It all comes back to DPOS. . Someone tell this guy you're …

Why is that? . So now I need to issue some context on brainwashing. . This is a tall order. . How does one remove their own thoughts outside of their own bo…

Taxation is theft. . My favorite libertarian saying by far. . Wow, 3% sounds pretty steep! . How do I know? . 16 minutes into the video. . [Currency Tidal…

Edicted goes on another rant about a topic he barely understands.

I will now attempt to create a relevant analogy with this information. . Central banks and fiat currency are the oceans. . So how does salt water become ~~p…

Be like water, friend. . How does it work?!. Reverse engineering chaos is extremely difficult. . I actually learned a lot of what I know of the FED from @ta…


EOS freezes transfers to block.one. [EOS community halts payments worth $250 million in EOS to Block.one and Brock Pierce](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post…

No... not the Amazon original.... And this is the environment we evolved in. . Hyperinflation is the future. . The future of humanity is entertainment. . S…

Automated market makers are the future of crypto. . Why would LPs remove their tokens from the pool? . This is the more complicated version of y*x=k. . Ste…

Hodling is not a good community strategy. . [The Crux is AMM](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/crux-of-amm-yield-vs-volatility). [Impermanent Losses](h…

Blood in the streets? . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Need I remind everyone that Bitcoin has never been in a bear market. . In fact, December has never acted lik…

Humanity has not learned how to scale. . The context is irrelevant. . Bitcoin maximalists are extra-special hypocrites. . The Swarm governs itself. . But b…

Oh, imagine that.... Shocked I say! . What is a bear market? . Crypto removes the ability to make excuses. . Let me explain that. . Crypto changes the ent…

So the market obviously isn't doing great right now. . Hive?. PolyCUB. Punks. Fear in the market? . Also this. AnonToken? . Conclusion

Last night my mind was blown, yet again. . [BREAKING: Square rebrands to Block as focus shifts to blockchain](https://cointelegraph.com/news/breaking-square-r…

Central banks hate this one weird trick citizens are using to escape debt-slavery!. Bitcoin has to go up to this number in order to go up some more! . Take t…

Speaking of Hive firsts.... Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's Punks.. Feel better, Clay. . Ragnarok though. . Ragnarok discussion starts at 1:10:30 and o…

Greed is the ultimate motivator of imperialism/capitalism. . MOAR!. And we celebrate greed in my home country.. But I'm not here to talk about age-group dem…

Money is officially meaningless. . Nothing makes sense anymore. . [Training Grounds](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/trapped-in-a-game-of-factorio). …

But this is off topic. . But what about that third option? . Do I think this will happen?. But what if they don't FOMO?. Classic retail:. Conclusion

Woke up today feeling very low energy. . Then I looked outside:. That being said my life is not very stressful. . Speaking of Hive, . Writer's block.... …

https://peakd.com/@hextech/wallet. Why upgrade to a full node? . How big? . 1 spot on the witness list. I bet that sounds pretty ridiculous to witnesses in …

Buy it

Crypto twitter makes me laugh. . [Say Hwat?](https://twitter.com/TheycallmeDan_/status/1462853293504282632). Uh, okay... so... that's insane.... And he know…

I really really wanted to stay away from this one. . This is a very heated debate.. The media ran with this story hardcore. . And wow! Are these Children an…

[Seller's Remorse](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/seller-s-remorse). Uh huh. This is a terrible mindset to get stuck in, because it will cause us to …

The metaverse is not a thing. . [Facebook can't build the Metaverse.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/facebook-can-t-build-the-metaverse) . In the con…

How is it that 99% of people are wrong when it comes to crypto? . I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMURICA! . Take a nice long dirt-nap, corporate America. . Conclusion..…

The market is not performing as well as hoped. . Hopefully we will be up for the next 2 weeks. . HIVE THOUGH! . MT GOX. [Hillary Clinton says cryptocurrenc…

Of the thousands of punks I've gazed upon, for some reason this guy is still my favorite, lol. . I have always been a stanch opponent of NFTs.. So why FOMO i…

SHIT!. Binance caves to regulators once again! . Huobi: the poor man's Binance. . Annoyance 1: Huobi is not connected to BSC. . Annoyance 2: Huobi is not u…

News of the day (before we get into the shit).. [Turkey On Verge Of Currency Collapse As Lira Implodes, Crashes 4% In Minutes](https://www.zerohedge.com/marke…

Savor the fleeting victory, fam. . 200 on the market cap. That's just silly. Meanwhile, things like MATIC and RUNE are trading near enough to all time highs …

In my quest yesterday to prove how much of a hypocrite I am and FOMO hard into HivePunk NFTs I forgot to report on the actual news of the day. . First things…

first things first.... Yep, another year, another Nov 14th. . BEAVER MOON NOVEMBER 17th. Treat yo self? . No Ragrets . This one might be my favorite so fa…

I have talked A LOT of trash about NFTs.. [But apparently that didn't matter.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@themarkymark/do-you-feel-lucky-punk) . Looking …

Good sir, I will meet you in the square at mid-day!. This is how people used to measure time:. There have been many technologies like this throughout history…

When bad things happen, sometimes good things come from it. . There seems to be a trend here. . The Hive has been poked. . The Swarm has been activated. . …

Unpopular Opinion: . BLASTPHEMER! . 80 cents has always been a critical level.. But I hope it doesn't though. . For me, this is not about making money. . …

[Bank of England Says CBDC Could Launch by 2030](https://cryptobriefing.com/bank-of-england-says-cbdc-could-launch-by-2030/). Hahahahahahahahaha... What?. [F…

0xC75E34E3ee9a343041B3322E1bD97b4940Ed721d. RIP @belemo. 0x158ccd4e081cb0701b724780042fef5bb963347e. feelsbadman. How did this happen?. Speaking of Hardwa…

A blockchain is a country. . @RealNatashaChe. Now that the bootlicking is over. . ETH fees are low, you just don't have enough ETH. . Unit-of-account. ETH…

Notice something funny from the Picture above?. Look back to that post I just linked. . ETHEREUM would absolutely love for you to "kill it". . [Trickle-dow…

What do I mean by this?. What happens then? . So back to the porn example.. Now Hive is a porn network.. Game-theory doesn't decide how technology is used …

So today is the New Moon.. Let us consult the Oracle! . Hmmmm... interesting prophecy from the Scarlet Witch indeed.. Hm, yes.... PolyCUB. This is the att…

Sharks that stop swimming end up dead.. Huobi.Global is pretty similar to Binance.. It was not... working correctly. . But still, I needed to get some Rune.…

[PolyCUB Tokenomics Intro](https://leofinance.io/@leofinance/introducing-polycub-or-preparing-for-launch-tokenomics-airdrop-details-and-partnerships) . Ah so …

V is for Venture Capitalism. Nobody knows! . M is for Moon. V is for Venmo. V is for Ven Diagram . Have I padded this post with enough content yet? . Con…

Let's get right down to the point. . What are the properties of gold? . What was gold supposed to be? . Meh, not terrible! . Characteristics of money. . …

What is the Metaverse?. Enterprise Blockchain. THE BEST! . Conclusion. build

[Lost Hiker Ignores Rescuer's Calls From Unknown Number](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-hiker-got-lost-in-colorado-then-ignored-rescuers-calls-because-the…

However, for some reason, I was compelled to keep reading. . $11.7M? What?. Yeah yeah, whatever!. LOL... what?!. WHAT?!. But that doesn't matter, does it…

Today we witnessed a fabulous upset. . Is it demoralizing? . Eye on the prize . But if I had traded the market perfectly I'd own the world right now! . Wh…

List of Conspiracy facts I found on a Google Search:. Watergate. Operation Paperclip. Operation Snow White. Blackbox Scandal. The “Fruit Machine”. CIA Pr…

It's like watching one of my own dreams. . Mash them all together and behold this abomination! . The planet: Snoopiter... lol what?. Conclusion. Which fat…

But that's not what this post was supposed to be about.. My Kingdom for a time machine! . Conclusion

Here's something you don't see everyday. . So what? Seems like a small move. . What does it mean? . Let it ride! . Full on alt-market. Hive. Largely un…

Aftermath . ETC ETC ETC. Greed wins. But that's not what this post is about... damn it! . Trying not to get sucked back into this GD topic again.... The b…

Fool me twice. . Fascinating! . Sounds like a fucking Black Mirror episode, lol. . Hm yeah, but what if you're wrong though? . But what can I do? . Perhap…

WOW... BAD FORM!. Epic troll of the highest order. Personal opinion:. Conclusion. Also as long as I'm reporting on sensationalist bullshit here's a video o…

Spotted Lantern Fly . Yikes. Comedic relief . AND NOW FOR THE GRAND FINALE!. Seriously, what the fuck. HOLY FUCKING GOD. Upon further review.... Spiders…

The Pact has been made.. Souls have been sold. . On to $100k.. Oct 20. One-dip November? . DEGEN DECEMBER. This is a money attack. . What goes up, must …

This is a somewhat bittersweet moment for me. . October isn't even the good month. . Degen December. How can we time to top and try to take gains?. Conflic…

Oh look at that a cold place figured out you can [get heat for free.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/bitcoin-is-under-attack-by-the-establishment-but-l…

There is no such thing as IP. . Attack on free speech.. Think about all the popular brands and franchises.. None of them are safe.. And that's the funny t…

Financial markets are a zero-sum game. . However, we currently do not live in the future.. Flag 1: Bitcoin is x10 above the doubling curve. . Flag 2: A doze…

Bitcoin Doubling Curve. The doubling curve is still spot on.. Is Bitcoin bubbled?. What goes up, must come down. . Conclusion. THIS IS NOT THE SUCKER'S RA…

Conclusion. Send it!

Two days ago I opened a short on Bitcoin at $55750.. Looking at the math.... Further explanation . Unit-of-Account. BTC/ETH

I got massively triggered yesterday when I came across an article titled:. [a16z to Lobby Policymakers On Crypto, Web3 Regulation](https://cryptobriefing.com/…

Decentralization comes from the metaverse.. This is where the metaverse comes into play.. Razor thin profit margins. Razor thin profit margins (part 2). Ma…

Lots happening in the month of October.. [The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF](https://decrypt.co/82788/bitcoin-price-soaring-sec-btc-etf). A 75% chance of be…

Greed scales better than not. . And so we see that greed scales and generosity does not. . Crypto financially incentivizes generosity. . Don't give someone …

Watching Hive price go from $1.60 to 85 cents isn't easy! . Turn that frown upside down!. So when do we get to the tipping point? . Get paid to ______. . C…

I don't often have technical issues with LeoFinance and associated subsidiaries, but when I do I use the [tech-support channel in Discord.](https://discord.gg/…

So yeah last night was pretty crazy. . hm... no... that can't be right.... So I did what any reasonable human would do:. But then I noticed something strang…

In addition to this on the astrology side of things.... El Salvador subsidizes gas prices (20 cents). . XRP lawsuit . Clarity for Digital Tokens Act of 2021…

So if California gets taken out no more Peaches for me eh? . And this concept that California could flood or be hit by earthquakes and whatever else is not ev…

Enter stage-left: cryptocurrency. Think about it. . This will break the entire economy. . "Life finds a way.". informationwar). I literally have a direct h…

It should be no surprise that the market pumped today the second we got out of September. . Uptober begins! . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. How do we know we hav…

YOLO! . Consistency is key. . 2k+ Hive accounts. . Cubbers? . Conclusion. All I can do is keep my head down and grind grind grind.

The point here is that crypto isn't about money: it's about survival. . Sink or swim together. . They don't make um like they used to!. Conclusion. Transp…

What started as a nice thing became an expectation.. Whatever you say, Twitter. . Comparing Smallpox to Covid is a ridiculous joke. . The MSM NEVER EVER use…

From September 27, 2021 to October 18. [Astrologists will advise hunkering down during this time.](https://www.wellandgood.com/what-not-to-do-during-mercury-r…

After a brutal 2700 mile move across the country, . A lot has happened since then. . Don't put all the eggs in one basket. . Silver Lining. [Bitcoin to Bre…

You can't get much more in sync than that. . Conclusion

1%-10% range. In any case, let's look at 1% inflation.. What about 10% total Hive inflation? . Conclusion

AMM internal market. [Of course the CRUX of AMM is yield.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/crux-of-amm-yield-vs-volatility). 1 on the speculation board…

DPOS flaws. [RC Pools are now the 1 priority.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@taskmaster4450/hive-a-resource-credit-crunch-in-2021-2022). RC pools. How did …

But that's not the point. . But that's the thing about mega-bubbles.... But this story isn't over yet. . Hold on, are you telling me James Earl Jones is Dar…

LTC. In fact, the entire market felt this one. . Bitcoin. LOL! . So many traps out there. . Mega-bubble targets. yeah, not too shabby. Mega-bubbles go x…

Judging from my last post on the subject, previous CUB bulls are now totally burnt out on CUB. . Soon™. Yeah, well... too bad! . In any case. . What does …

I tag leofinance and proofofbrain in every post.. Conclusion. Crypto is all about finding money you never knew you had.

September is crap.. LEO massively oversold. . Meanwhile, LEO has been stuck in a soon™ cycle for a while now. . This is the time to start pricing in airdro…

How much money do you need to retire? . Just look at @onealfa.... The war of work. . I do it for the paycheck. . Automate out the drudgery . They aren't e…

Adaptations: . Jobs are not being created.. Possible templates. . Conclusion

This flash-crash is honestly pretty great.. The real test is how long it takes to get out of this potential fear induced dump. . Yield farming bandwidth. H…

I've never liked Sandbox games. . New Game. Main resource: Iron. Getting ahead of myself. . First Factorio Game. Scaling up is difficult. Two steps forwa…

On some of the worst volume I've ever seen, Bitcoin continues to move up against all odds. . New moon is coming. . Corporate rat-race strong. . Alt-market …

Ramping up to peak absurdity. . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%27s_law. Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Shortly after 1975 the [Byzantine's General problem](ht…

/remove/0x2F0De2CFa6F4B3a7FD4B650A4C771e07718Bb4b0/0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56. Even Litecoin decided to take off. . Huge POB liquidation. LEO…

Everything is up today. . Hmmmmm, Yep! . [Point of guaranteed return.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/eat-my-shorts-point-of-guaranteed-return) . HI…

What does this mean in the long run?. Application Specific Integrated Circuit. . Monero Magic! . ZK Proofs . When should we start investing in privacy? . …

Against my better judgment I threw caution to the wind and FOMOed into the Cakepop IDO this morning. . OOPS! . Hm, yes, not great!. So off to a rocky start!…

What changed? . Hey look at me, pushed the funding up 0.6%

Do nothing. 10% loss vs 100% loss. I will opt for the insurance, thanks. . Conclusion. I guess we'll have a better idea tomorrow eh?. Until then... NO DE…

Check out this baller website from the 1990's.. Distribution. Ticking clock ultimatum. On the other side of the coin, this isn't a bad strategy. . Conclusi…

I've done it! . I miss $1 LEO. LEO is on sale.. There's also the issue of the CAKEPOP IDO. . Speaking of the tokenomics:. It's quite unclear and the exa…

We are likely all guilty of breaking this rule. . Where are the best hedges? . Conclusion

But I'm not here to talk about Bitcoin. . Is it just me... or is this kid way too old to be using training wheels? . Hive needs to remove the training-wheels…

What we have here is a deflationary defi token. . CAKEPOP Mechanics:. Then.... Giggity. . Sign me up for some gambling... it's been a while. . Security o…

We have a date! . I have some qustions:. The * on "Liquidity Lock". So this part is a little confusing. . Important details:. Verdict Edict: . Will I pa…

Corona Virus isn't the only thing cleaning house. . Bitcoin: confirming supply shock since July 20th. . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Need a bit of a buffer. . C…

So here I stand, adrift. . So rather than a five or ten year plan, I ask: what's your four year plan? . Where will we be in four years? . Conclusion

Why do I bring this up? . Reviewers must have something to lose!. How do we know if someone reviews things well (products/movies/whatever)?. Recursive Reput…

Twitter NFT. Observe:. 1% POB owned (12k of 1.2M). For today is the full moon..... Hm, yep, send it! . RC Crunch!. Why do people want Hive? . Do not un…

[So I've been doing more experiments with Subsidized Airdrops](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/subsidized-airdrops). Conclusion

[My Bitcoin predictions have been pretty on point lately.](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/buy-buy-buy) . These moon cycles are coming in extremely clutch.. T…

Before America took over as the ultimate world-police imperialists, that 'job' was privy only to Britain. . Logistics matters. Nothing about the current glo…

Why RCs are superior. . What happens on Bitcoin or Ethereum? . Business demands bandwidth. . Synopsis:

Bye bye. Venti Trading: . PROOF OF BRAIN. Are you mercilessly shilling this shitcoin? . Ultimatum:

The environment is changing. . Open source matters. . I still use and hold Litecoin. . An address can not have a reputation. . We are diehards: [Lord Kaz…

This is a big statement. . 1 goal is security so obviously there would be a clash between the maximalists/idealists. . And what have we seen since that time? …

Conclusion. Market Watch:

Goddess moon sells the peak Sept 6th. Do we have that kind of momentum?. CUB IDO. Conclusion

Politicians are becoming obsolete.

Nothing to do but wait. . Ground Control to Major Tom. Rebalancing waterfall. Where does Hive factor in? . Why does it happen that way?. Conclusion

Sad bear is sad; bulls win. . Double resistance at $45k stronk. . $45k, 1-2 point play.. The tournament rules are as follows: . Volatility meter. . Stoppi…

Cubdates. First IDO. 2 and IDO 3, they've chosen the "IFO" model developed by other BSC platforms which we have adopted for CUB IDOs:. 2 to raise somewhere in…

An x10 from these lows is around $1.70-$2.00. . This is how high I set the bar. . 250 range by market cap has been an insult for quite some time now. Every o…

Market Watch: . LOL. Went from this:. To this: . Ha... perfect . Conclusion

How well are my BTC predictions doing lately? . Six days ago I wrote this: [Volume Drops off a Cliff.](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/market-watch-volume-drop…

Stable coins are pretty weird. . Why $1? . Two Archetypes. One of these archetypes has a future.... Fractional Reserve Banking. . Algorithmic Stable coins…

You can't buy the dip if you are the dip. . Sometimes the underdog wins. . Conclusion

Quite convincingly we are confirming support near $40k.. The $5k Crux. price price price blah blah blah

2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. News Flashes. [Binance CEO CZ playing 4-D Chess.](https://peakd.com/binance/@timcliff/why-users-are-using-mandala-exchange-to-tr…

[The latest update from LEO had a lot of information in it. ](https://leofinance.io/@leofinance/kingdoms-ui-update-or-data-displays-api-improvements-and-cub-id…

The regulators are fighting the damn war of their lives right now. . CZ has agreed to set up an official global headquarters.. WE OPERATE!. BSC

Low volume warning still in affect. Shifting sands of capitulation. . I can't turn it off! . Conclusion

Low volume warning still in affect. The incentives of legacy order books are backwards.. The answer is: we can't. . [BUT AMM IS THE FUTURE!](https://peakd.…

Conclusion. HIVE!

Automated Market Making is the future of liquidity. . Opposite of Bitcoin . In any case,. 4 Tools in the kit. . Conclusion

Eight days of solid green.. July 25th. Real resistance at $45k. Supply Shock

DAO Hack hardfork split. Building up Runway. This is simultaneously a feature and a bug. . HF25. Does my opinion on Hive matter? . Minnow Army . Upvotes…

Today is a dark day! . Competition. Conclusion

Market Watch: . Dominance. . This is exactly what I've been predicting for a while now.. $100k DISASTER . cryptotwitter changing their profile pictures to "…

So easy to lie though. . Bittrex's sorted history with Hive. . Conclusion

[8 hours ago:](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/big-tech-wants-your-data) . Now:. So... that escalated quickly. . Apparently this was also written in …

Bitcoin 4-year mega-bubble cycles: . 2023: Rabbit Zodiac . How delightful! . Zoom out and think long-term. . Abundance thinking. . Conclusion

Nom Nom Nom. But make no mistake. . What should we do? . Actually, don't do that. . The same is true with Big Tech. . So Big Tech wants your data.... Bu…

Native NFTs. Is it better than what we have now? . Market Watch:. cryptotwitter that most retail enthusiasts are absolutely thrilled that we didn't tumble be…

Double resistance at $45k. . dreambig . 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. 4 year cycle stronk. But But But: bear market? . Conclusion

Today, we see the tech companies doing the same thing. Government can not keep up with technology, and in fact use that to their own advantage. . The realiza…

Hive is constantly suppressed. . Way ahead of the game. . Five years ahead of the game. . What do we need to work on? . Hive is much more sustainable. . …

[What's up with POB?](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/what-s-up-with-proof-of-brain-token-pob). So why are you stacking POB? . I do it for the triple …

I found this little gem a couple days ago. . Conclusion. Diversity is beneficial.

THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY! . Threat of flash-crash? . Hive has scraped rock bottom multiple times. . Conclusion

Large buffer. 2013 mirror . If we get a replay of this pattern the market is going to trade largely flat until the end of the year, exploding into a blow-off…

Compare that with stable coins. . Algorithmic stable coins. . How to further stabilize HBD? . [The HBD haircut](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/hbd-…

Privacy matters! . Bitcoin has no KYC. However, Bitcoin is still 100% private by design. . So imagine it. . Without KYC it is impossible to track Bitcoin.…

[Wikipedia list of largest employers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_employers). So far, crickets. . [Take it from my good friend Bo Burnham!]…

However, the show's not over. . IDO. What does IDO stand for? . 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Analysis . Gotta catch um all.

Getting to the point:. The question becomes... what should I sell? . bLEO yield. Conclusion

Nasty Dynasty.. Deflation is bad. . Money velocity. . DPOS . "My vote doesn't matter!" . The minnow example. . Inflation doesn't matter. . Conclusion

Exponential math is crazy at these levels. . First of all, many will look to APY. . Conclusion . P. S.

In any case.... OOPS! . Put your money in the mattress! . Should of bought Bitcoin, dummy! . Conclusion

CUB. Hive. Conclusion

Automated market makers (AMM) are the future. . AMM Evolution . ["Impermanent Loss"](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/impermanent-loss-the-one-topic-ev…

[CUB](https://cubdefi.com/) is up another leg. . Let the cannibalization begin! . The "Everybody Wins" scenario. "So I should exit the LP and all in the kin…

Cub seems to be springing to life. . DEN vs LP. Conclusion

First of all, liquidity doesn't work like that. . What is the goal of a venture capitalist? . Less blood-diamonds, more diamond hands. . Think about how cor…

Could it be too late to get in?. The dips happened when RobinHood suspended trading... talk about manipulating markets. . Tapping into nostalgia. When are …

Alright boys, who dun it? . So what happened? . Oh yeah, this money is definitely cursed! . Market Watch. Conclusion

Someone's been putting in legwork on this. . Hive is back in the news. . Seriously? Wow. . Shadow bans. Hive people into an eco-chamber where we get very l…

2k POB is a ton. . Drama! . @onealfa is in? I'm in too. . Yield. @lucylin. Inflation schedule . The best solution is to ditch order books and switch to…

I have a confession to make! . Sneaky @edicted!. Incentives . DPOS is superior to republic voting. . Stake. Having a soul. . Conclusion

Happy fourth of July and all that jazz. . Soon™

Hm yeah, no idea what I'm doing. Very meta, much wow. So I added the following text... . Professional bloggers.. Meanwhile.... This does get me thinking t…

Drip Drip Drip. Death Kneel . Unit Bias. . Blah blah blah making stuff up is fun. . [Privacy is a crime](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/government-must-…

Corporate greed? . Undead Projects don't have a soul. . Conclusion

I guess we should have seen this coming.. Cost of doing business. . @acidyo has described this problem in a bit more detail

Conclusion: respectful tolerance

In this case we won't take the road less traveled. . Shoutout to all the Hive devs who made this happen. . RIP Steemit Inc. . Convergent curve gone. Curat…

Market sentiment has changed. . The mob is never right. . We finally broke out of this damn wedge. . ZOOM THE F OUT! . [No reason to "diversify".](https://…

Rule 1: buy a house. . Rule 2: acquire precious metals. . Rule 3: invest in the stock market. Hm, yeah, so that's not great. . Rule 4: acquire crypto (duh)…

Did Nakamoto know? . 21M supply! 21M supply!!! 21M Supply!!!!!11! omg!. So what's good about Bitcoin? . Security. . Bitcoin can not scale. To recap: . N…

Literally go to any website that attempts to explain "impermanent loss". . Coinmarketcap? WRONG!. finematics.com? WRONG!. Bancor Network? WRONG!. LOL, WRO…

NINE TIMES! WOW!. What to lookout for? . And then: BOOM. . Silver lining. [1000 account milestone](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/1000-account-tok…

[It is so weird that four days after writing about custom subsidized airdrops that El Salvador would announce just that.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edict…

People are people. Layer Zero. Conclusion

Werewolves are buying . [Bitcoin dominance continues to increase.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/prepare-to-be-dominated) . Am I just making stuff u…

The Unit-Bias is Real. . Haven't you heard? . 1 million 1 million 1 million! . NO DEAL!. How much is enough? . 2021 Mega-bubble year. . Conclusion

The road to recovery is daunting and arduous.. Never forget... 2018. 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Bitcoin is still doubling every year with mind-boggling pr…

Stop being greedy. . But that's no fun, amirite? . Wow, would you look at that.... Trade against the market. . It's a shame I was right. . [Fantasy Bitco…

Subsidies? . Clearly we should socialize the method in order to make it profitable for the network. . Oh no! Socialism! Run! It's the devil! . In any ca…

Trips . Timelines. 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Let this be a lesson to all. . August target. Conclusion

Working 40+ hour weeks takes a lot of spoons. . Mana Pool . Bad habits die hard. . Right action . But what is a sustainable routine?. Synergy.. Conclusi…

In reality it turned out a bit more like this during this cycle. . Hot Vax summer: gross. . Oh, okay cool.... Conclusion

1 by market cap. The same people that say Bitcoin's killer dapp is liquidity are the ones who could never imagine Bitcoin sliding down the ranks of the top 10.…

Old habits die hard. . Infinite loop. What if temp == 0 ?. So what does this code do? . Schedule. [I detailed this concept in my sliding-scale post.](htt…

As you may or may not know, a random DEFI token called Titan got wrecked yesterday. Crashing to zero after a hack.. [Mark Cuban Calls for DeFi Regulation Aft…

Just In Time . Summary: . Introduction: Boba shortage. . Yeah, remember this bs? . But that's not all.... But wait, there's more! . Yikes, so many logist…

Should you declare bankruptcy? . Surprisingly, most people don't know. . Rule 1: Bankruptcy is ironically expensive. . Rule 2: There are two kinds of bankru…

So far it seems to be a hit. . It's hard to know where the resistance is, but my best guess would be back at our previously "unbreakable" $1.76 support line.…

But this post isn't about his old stuff. . INSIDE! . On to the main event! . Haha, so much yes. Holy god. . Full version (no video). WELCOME TO THE INTER…

Hey looks like the world is ending. . Just can't get over it. . Let's face it. Very few. . Zombie apocalypse babies.. What does this mean for the econom…

Here, take this box, but don't open it! . No, I said don't open it! . You know who doesn't have nine lives? . Have you heard about Cuba? . Bitcoin Doublin…

[What Is Taproot and How It Will Benefit Bitcoin](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-taproot-and-how-it-will-benefit-bitcoin). How is this accomp…

[El Salvador Demo-crazy hacked!](https://theconversation.com/el-salvadors-facade-of-democracy-crumbles-as-president-purges-his-political-opponents-161781) . W…

Synergy is key. Conclusion

[Seriously?](https://twitter.com/nayibbukele/status/1402680890057166858). Bitcoin mining with very cheap, 100% clean, 100% renewable, 0 emissions energy from o…

Programming exercise:. Type in:. No problem!. Now add a zero!. Easy, add another 0.. What's the point of this again? . Okay, this is getting ridiculous..…

So here we are again retesting support at $30k. . My cyclical chart doesn't mean much right now. . 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve

Savoir Saylor. And that's what Coinbase, Bittrex, and Kraken are: Banks.. And on to the Grand Finale! . Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet…

[Often times, friction is imperative!](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/auction-house-resource-credits-make-the-best-listing-fee). Hive Electric. [RC a…

Magitek. Conclusion. P.S.

How crazy is that? . So who's delegating to @binance-hot? . lol, there has to be a story there. . But then I saw something horrifying: . OH NO! . Privacy …

Seriously, just stop. . Seriously though. . Conclusion

June moon soon. . However, fear reigns supreme. . 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. But until then.... Why's that? . Speaking of $50k.... 2017. What about al…

Yeah, but it wasn't though. . Bye bye $100. lol @ 2018. YUP!. Beware 2022.

Blackhole void: @null. Whitehole . Thought experiment. . Conclusion

Yesterday was a weird day. . I think it was the White Claw that got me. . Ah, Smirnoff Ice, those were the days, but I digress. . The power was not back on.…


Is the startup Gencoin real?. Gencoin price: $0. However...

Redundancy. [Magitek](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/magitek-tokenomics). Arbitrage . Cache. Prophecy. Ice modifiers. Governance. Maintaining ba…

All the sharks have to do is short the market there. . Two weeks to peak. . CryptoTwitter. Oh the wallowing and suffering. Why me god why? I thought I was s…

New witness voting point system. . Unit-bias. Why is this system superior? . Downvotes?. Conclusion

There's just a bunch of random things I'd like to say. . This was a fun little tweet I just saw. . Cubbers . Crypto MLM. Perhaps MLM is always a scam no ma…

Oh no everyone!. No, seriously though. . The goal is stability. . Dat Crypto Doe!. Yield farms. . Magitek. That's right, boys and girls.. INFLATION. Ho…

Also this in my email inbox:. Yep. Hive. Still claiming 10+ accounts a day on Hive.. Deflation makes price go down. . Conclusion. dreambig

13.3 cents. I've been robbed. . Call me crazy. . Very few people actually Dollar Cost Average. . Conclusion

Red market got you down? . Sunday, bloody Sunday! . 2017. This is exactly what happened in summer 2019.. This is exactly what happened in Summer 2016. So …

Something I realized just now: . Just did it.... There is a chance that this strategy backfires. . Conclusion

I think this is 100% inaccurate. . Why will demand for physical cash increase? . Whatever else.. DECENTRALZATION IS AN INSURANCE POLICY. But that's off top…

The coordinated attack on Bitcoin continues. . Most importantly, a strong link to cash is being forged. . [Chainalysis Data Shows Hedge Funds Bought the Bit…

[Twitter Rumor](https://twitter.com/FinanceLeo/status/1395143287133163522). lol holy shit. . Silver lining. . However I do know one thing:. And then he g…

[China is at it again!](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/what-beijings-new-crackdown-means-crypto-china-2021-05-19/). “For those new to bitcoin, it is cust…

That's the beauty of technology. . They just work (until they don't). That's the advantage of building on top of old knowledge. . Tinkering with the inner w…

Why though? . So many reasons. . Opting out with custom time-lock smart-contracts. . This topic is grossly overplayed. . The solution is simple: enhance go…

When it really comes down to it, alts should be bleeding WAY WAY WAY worse than they are right now. The standard dip for alts is x2 that of Bitcoin. . Bitch p…

Automation is coming! . Abundance is coming! . Displacement is coming. . We've reached a turning point in society. . [Crypto is all about robust redundancy…

Everyone in crypto seems to want to scale up. . Well I certainly don't want to centralize... . When I look at Hive I see a frigate. . And that's fine. . I…

The best lies are mostly truth. . That's why it's such a good lie. . Conclusion

The timing of all this is nothing but impeccable. . Bloomberg and Reuters eh? . Translation:. Translation:. Translation: . Seriously though. You can't se…

At first, this function was a little intimidating. . That's it.. No mention of these key details anywhere. . Okay so... . This video kind of explains it. .…

Taking a WOW auction-house refresher. . Hey, don't take my word for it! . [Everything I Know About Business I Learned from World of Warcraft](https://joshkau…

Do you solemnly swear to to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? . Sure, why not? . So yesterday I started tracking the price feed. .…

Everyone says "buy the dip".. [Green with envy](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/hard-to-see-with-salt-in-your-eyes) . 5 on the market cap and copycats …

Why is Bitcoin valuable? . Less Risk == Less Reward. Bitcoin maxis will be the next Peter Schiff. . What do we need inflation for?. Conclusion

Resource 1: Aether. Resource 2: MANA. Resource 3: Fire. Resource 4: Lightning. Resource 5: Ice. Resource 6: Dust. Resource 7: Ash. To Recap:. Conclusio…

Don't wanna spend too much time on Hive/LEO today.... This is actually nothing new. . The economic theory here is painfully simple: . So what am I building?…

Very few seem to understand where this is all going. . Barring that inevitability.... I'll know it when I see it. . Conclusion

Slippery slope, friend! . [Impermanent loss is irrelevant](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/logarithmic-volatility-protection-more-impermanent-loss-nons…

The Fire is Lit. Don't worry about the downvotes! . Virtual Smart-Contracts. But is it too much work though? . Work smart; not hard. . How is this possibl…

The Rules of Web 2.0 are very clear: . The Rules of Web 3.0 are quite unclear: . Fun? . So what do I do when I lose it all? . Appologies for "Steem is a to…

What is the purpose of venture capital?. To fund the extreme overhead costs of new "ventures".... Let's have a look at Trezor. . Mainstream adoption. So wh…

I decided to do some basic math to figure it out. . What is the maximum size Bitcoin block? . Technically, the maximum Bitcoin block size is supposed to get …

Lots to say lots to say. . SJW time:. Wanna see something crazy? . [Term "Reward Pool Rape": Offensive Exaggeration](https://peakd.com/steemit/@edicted/term…

This, of course, is fucking ridiculous. . Biden is a known policestate-loving boot-licking pig.. Working as intended. No fucking shit. . Conclusion. I im…

Whelp... $$$. Another Flippening I'm looking out for is XRP. . 2 rank (maybe even 3 at this point) this could also signal the beginning of the end. . Great …

Greedy assholes need to shut up. . BUT WEN THOUGH MEHHHHH!. Hive. Scarcity mindset . Conclusion

If you're like me you've seen these advertisements everywhere.. Yeah, except not. . Texas Holdem is my game. . HODL! . The rake. Even more importantly: ch…

Market Watch RSI: . But that's not what this post is about! . What could possibly go wrong?!. Just look at Hive!. What doesn't kill you.... LEO 2nd Layer …

Bitcoin had Mega-Bubbles in 2013 & 2017.. Stability is better than mega-bubbles. . Is this possible? . What did I notice? . Mind-blowing. Corporate adopti…

In any case.... So how does it work? . Now I know what's you're thinking.... Example. What about longing the market? . 40% long-term capital gains tax. I…

Preface: . So I directed him to a post that I wrote recently: . Rule 1: Bitcoin is the Gateway. . Rule 2: Ignore Unit-Bias. Rule 3: Stop trying to time the…

Too many people are comparing this drop to 2018. . 2013, 2017, 2021. Now many are calling for a repeat of 2013. . 30% retracement. . Conclusion. Yep, I w…

Taking a look at Big-Dawg Bitcoin. How do I know a bear market isn't starting? . 2 or ETH flips BTC. Keep an eye out on pointless ICOs that shouldn't pump bu…

If you want money: you have to work hard!. However, you might have to get down and dirty . [I Do Evil To Stay Competitive.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@ed…

[ERC20 : BEP20 Bridge](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/erc20-bep20-bridge). How many steps are involved? . Wow, that's a lot of fees :(. Holy shit! …

[Reputation System](https://peakd.com/reputation/@edicted/decentralized-reputation-explained-odd-point-dynamic-rating-system). Rake. Conclusion

[Mpemba Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mpemba_effect). What I will say is: this is a clear form of scientific irony. . How does this apply to crypto? …

At the end of the day this is very centralized thinking.. Hey can we do this to the other Ned too?. ~~Not Not~~ Financial Advice

Hidden charges . APR. Overdraft fees . Speaking of infractions. Late registration. Healthcare . Status . Conclusion . Laughable. Would you like to kno…

[So perhaps not Dogecoin whiners!](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/market-watch-babyrage) . The important thing to note here is XRP.. Weak hands don't…

Got a nice 15% flash crash just now.. For the most part crypto news is overwhelmingly bullish.... Analysis

So apparently the inflation does indeed come out of thin air.. And so I will now theorycraft another non-existent problem!. To quote @blocktrades:. Ah so th…

People are losing their damn minds over this Doge pump. . 7 cents to 45 cent peak in four days. . Conclusion . We are not as evolved as we think.

HardFork25. Honestly at this point it's hard to keep up with all the amazing changes to fundamental gains for Hive tokenomics. . To recap. If I had to pick t…

2 was HODL. So of course I decided I would troll this process and just start making up random rules like "Rule 1 is don't talk about Rule 2" like it's Fight C…

Corporations aren't evil. Lawful . How did we devolved to this level?. Most people are good. . This is why we are here. . Crypto Lifeboat.

So it's been exactly one month. . [Coinbase is unlike any market debut Wall Street has ever seen](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/13/coinbase-is-unlike-any-marke…

Woof. So maybe it was an accident.. Classic case of killed over air-freshener. . Doesn't really matter what the warrant was for. . No more trust: fuck you.…

What kind of messed up stuff? . Imperialism . Taxes are antiquated. . ACAB. Kings & Queens. So you like NFT art? . Dinosaur Debt-based economy . Healthy…

Main event: . Ripple wins huge battle in the war for XRP. You know what I wasn't expecting? . Haha, get wrecked, SEC!. 2 coin: we are in extremely dangerou…

Dat god complex doe. . To be fair, people have died there. What's the point? . Yeah, but what's the point? . You can't kill an idea. . And who are they? …

Not creepy at all. . Masayoshi Son. Community Adjusted EBITDA. How is this crypto related?

Hive is as volatile and unpredictable as ever. . BNB. BSC . ETH fees. Steem Hostile Takeover. Conclusion

[Children's Table of Politics](https://peakd.com/informationwar/@edicted/the-children-s-table-of-politics-and-the-second-amendment-money-can-solve-everything).…

And you can't smell your own shit on your knees.. Well, that escalated quickly. . Fear rules the world. . The veil is being pulled back. . Inefficiency of …

Grease the wheels. . This is just the beginning. . Sup with Hive? . Sup with LEO & CUB?. Sellers beware. Matching BNB. It's interesting that I was able t…

Turns out, exotic dancers are people too! . And they also have to pay taxes. . Guess not... . [Poletic Justice](http://www.poleticjustice.com/)... lol. Yep…

I have been seriously triggered. . [Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, says he will only buy “clean” bitcoins that are mined sustainably in countries that use …

This is why we can't have nice things. . But crypto doe. . What is crime?. Regulations. Real Estate is doomed. . The Golden Crypto Opportunity.

I can't find the scene but at some point they are searching the Internet for how to launder money and it comes up blank... my how the Internet has changed. . …

Not that kind of salt. . May is going to be a pretty fun month. . Conclusion. Be patient.

Example:. [Some speculation on HBD price movements and how it impacts proposals](https://peakd.com/hive/@blocktrades/some-speculation-on-hbd-price-movements-a…

[Robust Redundancy: Crypto Compliments Gold & Silver](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/robust-redundancy-crypto-compliments-gold-and-silver). Perfectly …

[Get Rid of the CONVERGENT CURVE ASAP](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/get-rid-of-the-convergent-curve-asap). Win/win. . [Never send a Human to do a…

Thinking more about BSC security and how it is largely tied to Binance's security: this got me thinking about the incoming CUB bridge. . Compared to using Bi…

CUB DEN. Q2. Beware BSC . [I <3 Binance Mafia](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/i-3-binance-mafia). Conclusion

We've already cannibalized 4 farms and 6 dens. . Apparently, a lot of others had the same idea. . The network has spoken. Suggestion? . Khal busy. BNB is …

[NFT Insanity Part 2](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/nft-insanity-part-2). And what do we have now? . Do you want to buy my art? . Remember 2018?. …

Lot's of energy on the chain of late for obvious reasons. . Hive spiking. Conclusion

EW!. This shortwrite is a fun little lesson in perspective:. Apply this concept to your own life. . HaHa.... Yeah, I wouldn't want to make first-contact e…

Cannibalization . other developments. New Cub Kingdoms Feature. LEOBRIDGE. Conclusion

Not sure how many times I need to post this:. April 1 April 1 April 1. [woonomic Tweet:](https://twitter.com/woonomic/status/1374974960523862016). Exactly..…

As the market bleeds a little today you'd think it was World War 3 out there. . Devastating losses! . It's embarrassing really. . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. U…

This must be some kind of @edicted world-record. . This is the birth of Uniswap.. Why did this happen? . Liquidity is liquid. WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN?…

49% of all CUB is in the Den. . winning. The ERC20 >> LEO << BEP20 bridge will be up soon.. Conclusion

Seriously I couldn't shut up about it and barely anyone listened. That's crypto for ya. . Hm, yep.... Hive/LEO ratio. LEO maximalism . lol... no.... 40 o…

Attack vectors?. What do we gain?. Just be more responsible! . Comments

LifeWithoutMenWouldBe was trending. Tens of thousands of Tweets all with this tag today. . Conclusion

What is the market telling us?

Allow me to explain: . /swap and try to dump 10k BNB for Bitcoin. How much BTC will you get? How much slippage will there be? . Permissionless systems win.…

APY. Considering many users are publically declaring they will support the $3 level, I'd say it's a safe bet we aren't going much lower than that. . What abo…

Passive income. . This is it, BOIS!. Dem Alts Doe.... Market Cap

So we've all heard of APR.... What is that? . Actually... not. . How is that different than APR?. It can't be that high.... Unsustainable . What about 1%…

I finally did it guys! . CUB inflation can't be contained. . Inflation schedule . Layered Farming 2.0. Three tokens. How would it work? . Two variables. …

Why propose this change now?. It's finally happening. So yeah that was my idea.... One flaw:. Preventing oversupply of HBD. HBD haircut doe. Conclusion .…

Thus far I understand the basics:. Begin Garbage Experiment!. Guess & Check slippage. Buying $100k worth of CUB: . Total USD value: $1,873,592. END Garbag…

Alright then! . Again, I'm here for the long haul. . Revisiting impermanent losses. No.... Example. Example 2. Rock: meet hard place. . I did it for yo…

Because I have all my stake in the Den:. My farm is suffering. . 1%. Current strategy. Push/Pull. Tie goes to the LP pool. . Double bottom? . Conclusion…

[Crack reduction complete.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/crack-reduction-incoming) . Rugpulls & Reputation. Full disclosure. . x140 points total. …

CRACK!. Crunching the numbers. Hive at 40 cents. . Looks like my witness bros have been busy. . Send your CUB now. . LEO Bridge. Additional DEX listings…

Everyone knows these yields are unsustainable. . We going up or down? . The ides of March. Enough about CUB... . CUB, CUB, and MOAR CUB!. Conclusion

Seriously though, think about it... . We got em by the balls... . Demographics. $10/$10/$10. What a boss.

Yep, I'm still on that CUB train. . Certik audit. Utility. Synergy. Inflation schedule. Double bluff. Moving on. . Is it worth it? . I have a pretty g…

ROI. All farm goes into Den. . LP yield on PancakeSwap. CUB/BNB LP. I can't even express how amazing these two pools are. . Again, we have to think long t…

March 10, 2021, 2:52 PM PST. @edicted airdrop: 348 CUB. Where is the price going?. Diamond Hands. . This ape doesn't really care. . Claim your CUB, frien…

I'm a big fan of Blizzard Entertainment.

Well would you look at that?. BSC: 3 seconds per block. . The important things to note are this:. What kind of DeFi dapps? . What is CUB for?. So how high…

Alright then. . Totally blown away by CUB. . The CUB airdrop is going out today. . In total, there are currently 22 ways to farm CUB. . Stable coin Dens. …

https://docs.cubdefi.com/. Copy/Paste. Binance Smart Chain. https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org. 56. BNB. https://bscscan.com. [bLEO Contract address](http…

Flexibility is important. . Stress is a resource. . Stress can literally kill you. . Idealism dies in the real world. . Can the legacy economy adapt?

Conspiracies. Free-Range Humans! . Control is difficult. . Consolidating power is an artform. . This is not a good vs evil issue. . Privilege of the eli…

Possible Solution?. How do we stop the best content from being so subjective? . That's the goal, anyway.... Ignore referral policing. All software not open…

[NFT Insanity Part 1](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/absolute-nft-insanity). God, he's such a little bitch it's unbelievable. . This status-whoring k…

Haters gonna hate! . HODLing is a big deal!. We win, you lose.. @jrcornel blog content. @abh12345/re-jondoe-qp7lvf. @jondoe. HODLER!. Collateral Damage!.…

Imperialism reigns supreme. . My kingdom for a horse! . Time to grow some wings!. Perhaps I should do more research on Native American culture, because it i…

Living in abundance is very difficult task to accomplish.. Easier said than done. . Don't hobble me, bro!. Zero-sum thinking is toxic. . Our economy reward…

[Dan Larimer’s newest project is another attempt at decentralized social media](https://cointelegraph.com/news/dan-larimer-s-newest-project-is-another-attempt-…

How does the Bitcoin not exist? . How high can we fly, Icarus?. Conclusion

Power Hive Up Day. Like a boss. . Yield farming. . Granddaddy BTC. Stay Diamond!

Back in the olden days when I was still in high-school living with my mom and brothers, I stumbled upon an extra garage door opener. We were living in a condo …


Conspiracy Fact. Just ask Edward Snowden! . Head in the sand!. Conspiracy theory 101 baseline. . It's simply a matter of trust and needing evidence. . Tru…

USERS USERS USERS! . [LeoInfra Onboarding Report and Dev Updates](https://leofinance.io/@leofinance/leoinfra-onboarding-report-and-dev-updates). Web 3.0 does…

Obviously this story is getting a lot of attention. . Innovation zones? . Why will they fail? . War!. Death & Taxes. Yes, obviously. . Ya don't say! . E…

[TETHER SETTLEMENT .gov .pdf](https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2021.02.17_-_settlement_agreement_-_execution_version.b-t_signed-c2_oag_signed.pdf). Yes, …

First things first:. Why o why didn't I take the blue pill?. Again, Q1 is a garbage quarter.. But look what they did to me! . And I will make them pay for …

But that's not what I'm here to talk about in this post. . There are two ways to take losses: . Buy the dip or ride the coattails? . Get outta here with tha…

Time to refactor!. Proportionally these two dumps are exactly the same. . Don't believe me? . Exactly.... As predicted, $70k here we come. . Conclusion.…

I have nothing to hide! . Privacy matters!. Wrong on all counts! Ass-u-me.... No point in using a mixer. . The problem? . Paying for trust. Big IF! [I <…

Isn't that adorable? . Fucking... Legend. . You buy and you hodl, end of story. . be an ape.. Just ask Lorne Malvo:. Sounds about right. [@acidyo Gave Me…

Do you want _______ to go x100? . But what happens after that?. [There be dragons here.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/part-2-lorne-malvo-alignment-…

Spoiler Alert!. Lorne Malvo . The perfect question asked by The Wolf. . Well... not everyone. Not Evil. Malvo loves chaos! . LOL. This is the perfect su…

Where do you fall on the spectrum?

Alright friends. LOL: WHAT?. I actually had to watch the video like 5 times before I noticed this: . lol. AH HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! omfg too good. . :D. Hm, …

High Hive Hopes for a livin'. Do you think Hive belongs in the top 40? . 13 at the moment, and I don't even have any qualms with that. Community stronk. . E…

@belemo. This comment aged well... . AHHHHHH!!!!. 63k Hive. It's time to HODL on all fronts. . Upvote power. Black Swan Event . Conclusion

Unit-bias stronk. . Not a security! . Hive. What are corporations going to see on Hive?. What about dear old LEO? . 440 ETH is not a lot. . Conclusion

Lot's of news out there in the cryptoverse.. https://www.hive.org/socialnetwork/. Looks like a mix between Facebook and Twitter... just totally biting off th…

Dominance is an important technical analysis metric. . Powerup dominance . WOW! . Higher dominance = less Hive rewards. Shill Hive moar! . Conclusion

Tweet breakdown: . So many ridiculous things said at once, where does one even begin to parse this message? Let's start at the beginning: . Clearly, Bitcoin…

I would not want her job! . But corporations are competing now.. GUYS!. Conclusion

Yield farming. Bandwidth . Positive feedback loop. Ya never know.... Conclusion

BEHOLD!. POGs! The gambling game for kids! . Oh, the drama!. This is why we can't have nice things! . Coulda, woulda, shoulda! . We can learn from the pas…

The writing is on the wall. . So what's better? . After all, these are RESERVE assets we are talking about. . Holders gonna Hodl. . I can hold anything :D…

Bearish scenario... . Bullish scenario. . Stimulus checks. Fantasy Bitcoin. Conclusion

This is something I talked about all the way back on March 3, 2019:. Oh, dude: You're a little Bitch.... Side-note on master keys. . Why doesn't this exist?…

Overwhelmingly bullish news . One Point Out! . Rules of Fantasy Bitcoin. . Conclusion

Of course those who bet against me are usually greatly rewarded. . Conclusion

Hard times are coming! . Communist Anarchism & Fascist Socialism. The problem with band-aids?. In the future all forms of government will be a subset of ana…

And so the World Tree of Bitcoin dropped all kinds of weird fruit and seeds on the ground, and many of these seeds took root. . Check it out... Ethereum and a…

https://hub.amazon.work/news/. Blue Origin . Market. Conclusion:

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/face-masks-public-transportation.html. My cat's health is improving. . ON TO THE MAIN EVENT!!!1. Hive. …

Crypto is the opposite of this idea. . Gold 2.0. Bold claim. But Gold will cease to be a good Investment! . Yes, I am right. . So when should I "invest" i…

We've all seen the insanity over the last few days. . I think it's pretty clear that the snapback whiplash reaction to all this is inevitable, but so far it'…

WOOF! . vestibular disease. Checks all the boxes.... THE BILL. Classic doctors. THE BILL: PART 2. Scroll to minute 4:00. Damn car salesmen! . Unexpecte…

How do you stop people from dumping an airdrop?. BOOM. Inflation. Want a community? . The crux is the opening distribution.. Conclusion. You Peons aren'…

What happened?. WOW! Look at that... . Business as usual. . Conclusion

Start this off with a bang. . So many lawsuits... so so many. . Seriously, think about it... . Let's rewind . Free-range Humans.. Traditional Corporation…

Tell me how you really feel! . Why is that? . But how much fiat?. Currently: 20 points all-in; 0 points fiat. . Gratitude is important. . lol.... heh... …

First thing's first:. [2019-fractal-is-still-in-play-possible-ath-in-1-week](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/2019-fractal-is-still-in-play-possible-ath…

[Early CryptoPunk Digital Collectible Sells for $762K in Ether](https://www.coindesk.com/early-cryptopunk-digital-collectible-sells-for-762k-in-ether). Guys..…

Bullish on Hive/LEO. I've touched on this once before: . Silicon Valley Fail. Crytpo is the answer. . When life gives you lemons.... Bearish on Q1. Concl…

Spoiler alert: @edicted never wins. . But @edicted is not pleased with what he sees.... Moral of the story? . Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Because where is the …

Please welcome:. Oops! . LEO is a pretty generous community.. This is why we can't have nice things. . Fun Fact Flag:. Lowering the bar of development. P…

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. . The FUD is ramping up. . $15/h Federal Minimum Wage. Choked out much? . Unicorn Asset . "Wast…

I forgot I had done this... . So where are we? . Conclusion . Chart of Jan 12: . Analysis

Everyone says to buy the dip.... DCA. Many are looking to 2017 for the answer. . Side note. I stand alone . There's nothing bullish about Q1. Bitcoin Dou…

Bitcoin tends to post the same bullish pattern over and over again. . I call this pattern.... [The Volcano.](https://peakd.com/steemleo/@edicted/the-volcano…

This is where I usually get fleeced by the market.. Unit Bias trading. . But you know what I wasn't expecting? . That's right baby you ready for some Hive F…

Coinbase Delisting XRP. RIP? . Time is the great equalizer. LEO? . Is it? . BITCOIN. Q1. 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Yeah, remember the doubling curve…

[Byzantine Generals Problem: Medium.com](https://medium.com/coinmonks/a-note-from-anthony-if-you-havent-already-please-read-the-article-gaining-clarity-on-key-…

Do you know what the Secret Service's job is? . Terrorist Funding. Money Laundering. Bitcoin Wastes Energy. Do regulators care about the reality of the sit…

Something is stirring in humanity.... Trust Science! (doublespeak) . You're both wrong. . This is genius and Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis.. Crazy stuff.…

Can you feel that? . Bitcoin is doing the same thing. . Market is holding its breath.. Bitcoin?. Volatility breeds volatility. . For the Swarm! . So wh…

Just look at those piercing blue eyes! . What an appropriate time to make inappropriate comments like I'm John Oliver via Adam Driver. . Okay, I'm done with …

MATH IS HARD! . ['We Cannot Afford Inaction': Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Plan](https://www.npr.org/sections/biden-transition-updates/2021/01/…

How much security does LEO have? . [WOW: 17586 Block Difference Between Steem and Hive](https://peakd.com/steem/@edicted/wow-17586-block-difference-between-s…

But that's not why we're here! . 2:20 . In any case:. Guys, aren't you worried? . RUN TO THE HILLS!. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!. This is where he loses me. . D…

https://leofinance.io/@taskmaster4450/uqdrkoes. Implementation 1: Centralized. Implementation 2: Decentralized. Implementation 3: Proof-of-Burn Index. Exam…

Let's not forget how all this started:. [corporate-sharks-try-to-bait-bears-into-trap](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/corporate-sharks-try-to-bait-bea…

Really? Thanks Hulu. . [Save the date: December 14th; Faithless Electors, Civil War, and Martial Law... jk](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/save-the-d…

War and Terror are good for the markets right now. . I just now walked into the other room and some political nonsense is on the TV. I immediately heard the …

Bitcoin Prediction. (42k + 30k)/2 = $36k. Not to worry, . I remain skeptical. . R.I.P Q1. Very nervous . It is what it is. . [The Children's Table of Po…

Let no good crisis go to waste. We are entering a period of insanely intense risk.. Ultimate scapegoat. Nov 15, 2019. [Trump Scapegoat: Negative Interest R…

As soon as Bitcoin broke $20k I wrote about this:. [Two Weeks To Peak](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/two-weeks-to-peak). Looking at the 2019 run again: . W…

30/30 ??? . Analysis . A guy can dream.

Last night I saw this happening in real time. . [Corporate Sharks Bait Beartrap](https://leofinance.io/@edicted/corporate-sharks-try-to-bait-bears-into-trap).…

First thing's First:. What do you think guys?. The attacks will be relentless. . And they are setting the precedence to make all these attacks right now as …

No bulls here... only.... Nothing to see here!. You can pump the price now... . Analysis. MakerDAO (DAI). LEO . Hype shill, shill hype. . Hive

[Leo and Hive. Two paths, one way.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@palasatenea/leo-and-hive-two-paths-one-way). Message received! . By all accounts, everyone…

And that's what these bears are. . Never before in the history of Bitcoin have the bears been so comically powerless. . 24h/6h/1h Candlesticks . What does i…

TSM: Tradeskill Master. Tradeskills . Instant gratification supreme!. Time is money, friend! . Best gear. DISENCHANTED!. Mastery. Critical strike . Has…

June 2, 2019. The EIP introduced 4 new mechanics (all garbage):. But the sky didn't fall. . FREE DOWNVOTES BAD!?. 50/50 Curation. Brain-hack kickback. Hu…

This is a post of should have written before my last two about HBD.. Why?. The main example here is the powerdown period. The only arguments I see are on op…

Oops they did it again....

Introduction . Ask literally anyone you know who the richest people in the world are. None of them will list any of the names above. Why? Because when you'…


https://leofinance.io/hive-167922/@edicted/new-usd50k-price-target. Predicted on November 28th.... Looks like this is happening guys. Use Bitcoin to Frontru…

HBD. I've explained in extensive detail how this can be accomplished. . Incentivizing the savings accounts. Ah, I'm glad you asked!. Why would I want more …

Have you heard of Fractional-Reserve Banking? . Seriously though, this is how it works:. Grossly off topic. This is the news of the month. . Highlights fro…

This is why we can't have nice things!. Bulls on Parade . They don't need "permission". Speaking of the vaccine.... Why? . They're trying to build a priso…

I better sell some BITCOIN!. Much Ado. DCA. Conclusion

There are cycles and patterns everywhere. . Estimated Value (EV) . [The house always wins.](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/the-house-always-wins) . …


How should I trade this? . For example. Flash crash scenario. Conclusion

DogeCoin Moon Machine. When should I sell?!!. How much should I sell?!?!. In fact I can't write this post fast enough... because it just happened.... Here'…

Appearances can be deceiving!. Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Nobody cares. . Supply, meet demand. . I can't believe it's taken me two posts just to get to one p…

Ground Zero. It's both. . Or is it? . No one wants to be the "Lil Bitch". Haters gotta hate somewhere, amirite? . Sound about right? . BLOCKCHAIN NOT BI…

This is Doom Lord Kazzak. Prepare for your doom, mortals!. World of Warcraft patch 1.3 date:. I haven't even mentioned the worst part.. Capture Soul. Even…

Tell me, would you bet your life on it? . Ultimate backfire recipe: . Conflict of interest? How do you mean?. I can tell you've really done the math on th…

https://leofinance.io/@edicted/two-weeks-to-peak. Mystical 4th flag. . Conclusion

49,983,911. In about 14 hours well hit that legendary 50M milestone. Congratulations, 150M seconds of Hive have passed! That's 150B milliseconds :D. Check ou…

What is the point of the SEC? . First and Foremost:. https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-delist-xrp-exchanges-dilemma. [Securities Act of 1933](https://www.in…

If you have a better name post below :D. Creating an account on Hive isn't like sniping a domain name. . Seriously, go check Twitter. . myfirstTweet" which w…

https://leofinance.io/@edicted/1000-account-token-milestone-and-leo-airdrop-worth-usd6000 . Why would I do this? . Where are we headed? . Account squatting …

The Point of ~~no~~ guaranteed return:. This implies that we can sell here and be guaranteed to be able to buy in at a lower level sometime within the next 12…

YUP!. Abundance?. Bitcoin. Market Watch. Ghosts of Christmas Past. 2017-12-31. [Cryptocurrency Crash Incoming January 1, 2018?](https://peakd.com/cryptoc…

Why is that? . However, corporations are now starting to acquire Bitcoin as a reserve asset in addition to USD. . [What Is an Index Fund?](https://www.invest…

The alt market is getting absolutely wrecked.. Bitcoin strong. Sad turtles . Late Feb. Say goodnight to the bad guy. . Conclusion . Long term:

2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. 2020 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. What's up with this dip doe?. Example. What's up with this dip doe?. Borrowed time. Bear market…

[Unsung Hero Anouncement](https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@slowsundaygames/slowsundaygames-presents-unsung-hero). Should be interesting. . The good:. The bad:…

Bitcoin network, and a lot of the current holders were willing to sell near all time highs set three years prior. . Rather than asking who holds Bitcoin we sho…

I was trolling through my pictures archive and found some very interesting screen captures.

I don't know why I let this one trigger me. . The easiest way to see if a "scam" is legit. . LOL. What was going on here. . https://www.minereum.com/. Con…

Not about timing the market. . That's not how it works. . That's what all the current crybabies about price don't seem to understand. Seriously, talk to me …

Just don't pay them, amirite?!. [Investopedia: Capital Gains Tax 101](https://peakd.com/taxes/@edicted/investopedia-capital-gains-tax-101). If, like me, you …

Lot's to talk about so let's get to it. . Should he do it? . BITCOIN. QQ. "Say What Again". Why is that annoying? . [Bitcoin is ALIVE](https://leofinance…

The risks of buying Bitcoin at this level. The truth is: this is nothing. . 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Conclusion

Bitcoin has been consolidating under all time highs for an entire month now. That consolidation has come to an end today. . Retail, prepare to get fleeced. .…

Geologist: . Economist: . Gold Bug: . Programmer: . All to programmer: . ALL:. Programmer. Geologist:. Economist:. Gold Bug: . Programmer:. ALL:. P…

Perception is reality. . L134. Conclusion . Thanks for doing all the work for me, suckas!

Scotbot crashed!. So why does this affect LeoFinance.io? . Math.random(). Why is this bad? . If HiveEngine miners simply generated a pre-determined amount…

Remember this little gem?. Conclusion

Why is that?. Truly, the list just goes on and on.. Analysis

Think about it. Centralized social media business model. This is how centralized social media works. You get a tiny bit of value from each user on average an…

Honestly, this is getting pretty out of control. . [Lucky number 7's](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/market-watch-lucky-number-7). Ask yourself: . M…

"Pardon me if I don't shake hands.". Regulation? Really?. [Remember when @Blocktrades explained how a fork is not theft and you ate that shit up like it was…

Centralized exchanges are a double-edged sword; complete wildcards. They both hurt and help the cryptosphere in a variety of ways. . steemhostiletakeover and…

Bitcoin is looking extremely weak right now.. However. Not so fast!. Oops! Too late!. 2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. Bitcoin is like life itself. . Zombi…

Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class. In any case, I'm quite the scrapper myself. . Like a boss. . 4 buzz cut, as always. I've cut my own hair over a…

Five days ago @blocktrades issued an announcement on what they are working on in terms of the next hardfork 25 . This is always something to be mindful of. .…

Bitcoin has a way of making huge moves when I'm sleeping at 3 AM (6 AM East Coast) and I feel like I could be in for another surprise when I wake up tomorrow. …

I've actually been saying this a while now but to actually get statistical confirmation is something quite different altogether.. Stats. Initial airdrop. Ho…

Analysis. Conclusion

Finally made it to 1000 account tokens. . Most recently I took the names of accounts for a ton of Twitch emotes in addition to a few others I thought of along…

Volume is high but volatility is low. . Why bullish? . BUT ATH THOUGH!. There is simply way way way too much volume and low volatility to be anything other…

Tipping point is near. . UBI. One of these forks has a future; one does not. . Conclusion

Today Hive spiked up 10% giving the opportunity for @fbslo and someone else to arbitrage this buy wall and pump it into the ETH market. . Hive vs LEO . Imagi…

Forgot about this game.... [Old post summer 2019](https://peakd.com/gaming/@edicted/marbles-on-stream). Why do I make this claim? . Slot Machine 2.0. If we…

Today the ETH2 fork has gone live. . Sell the news?. [Plasma: Ethereum's Lightning Network](https://peakd.com/ethereum/@edicted/plasma-ethereum-s-lightning-n…

Matter of perspective. . Spawn Camping. Takeaway

[Tower of Babel Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel). Failure to scale. Bitcoin Book of Genesis . Explosive environmental change and evolutio…

However, today the market perked up just a tiny bit.... ATH. If this mini-2017 pattern completes, the upside will be massive, in as little as 3 weeks. . And…

Speculation is pointless . So apparently Libra is launching in January? . COVID . Back to Libra. Speaking of venture capitalism. . Wow, Alec, you've got …

Everyone is making quite the fuss over this regulation rumor. The Trump administration may want to KYC all wallets that Coinbase and Bittrex send funds to. W…

Everything is looking good and right on track. . [No Dip November](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/no-dip-november). [Lucky Number 7](https://peakd.co…

The Market was looking very strong Earlier today. . Conclusion

Looking at both sides of the dystopia.. But it's obviously not just Facebook. . Both sides of the coin. . This "New Normal" is happening one way or another.…

Lot's of crazy stuff doing down.. 3 spot back from Tether. If you'll recall, the market has reached maximum greed when XRP flips ETH. Be on the lookout. It m…

[Investors Want Higher Inflation!](https://peakd.com/cdp/@edicted/investors-want-higher-inflation). Inflation leeches value from the users that don't control …

[No Dip November has not disappointed.](https://leofinance.io/hive-167922/@edicted/no-dip-november) . Think about it. . Extreme FOMO. . 2021 Bitcoin Doubli…

Bitcoin . [Pocket Full of Quarters](https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-sec-gives-crypto-gaming-firm-the-go-ahead-on-quarters-token) . Summer 2019. The above …

The Collapse of the American Dream. . Before we begin: . So the craziest takeaway I had from rewatching this video were the references to Alexander Hamilton.…

Going through the actual steps. . Step 1: Control an exchange. . Okay.... Arbitrage. Finally . But wait. . Crap. Tether. But wait, part 2. Bitfinex . …

The market tells a story. . What is Bitcoin telling us today? . 24. I'm seeing an equilibrium. . VOLCANO. Too fast too furious . Taking a step back. . 2…

Within the last 24 hours SBD spiked from $0.98 up to $1.91. . I guess the Koreans didn't learn their lesson.... Markets are not rational. . "The situation i…

It's a metaphor! . [Triforce Slavery](https://peakd.com/slavery/@edicted/triforce-slavery). [Work ethic is dead.](https://peakd.com/blockchain/@edicted/the-b…

The next decade is likely going to be the most historic one in all of human history. The greatest shift of power this world has ever seen is on the horizon. …

Trump isn't even out of office yet and the Kamala administration is already pissing on an empty grave. . [Here's what the Green New Deal actually says](https:…

As all of my readers clearly cling to my every word, I'm sure that you've all been awaiting the epic Bitcoin pump I've been promising today. . To Recap. Or p…

wLEO 2.0 relaunch. https://info.uniswap.org/token/0x73A9fb46e228628f8f9BB9004eCa4f4F529D3998. [Investors want higher inflation](https://peakd.com/cdp/@edicte…

Dumbest music video ever. . loveit. This news is quite timely, as just yesterday I wrote a post about how centralized vault security will operate. [Sounds a…

The vault. Number of transactions. Liquidity. Regulation. Collateral . Will they engage in factional reserve banking? . Example 1. Example 2. Conclusio…

[Bitcoin Showdown With Governments Could See It Banned—But Markets Don’t Care](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-showdown-with-governments-could-see…

The American People have spoken.. WE LOVE YOU KAMALA! . Will QAnon's literal-Messiah Donald J. Trump come to drain the swamp and banish those demonic child-r…

[Why Bitcoin Stagnance From Vaccine Hopes is Suddenly Causing an Altcoin Boom](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/why-bitcoin-stagnance-from-vaccine-hopes-is…

The crypto news circuit is embarrassing themselves today. . https://www.newsbtc.com/. Cointelegraph:. Said it before; say it again. . OMFG WHAT HAPPENED L…

You remember that time that you wrote a comment and it turned into a damn essay? This is that comment. . 1 option will not happen until Hive price is bubbled, …


I've spoken to this time and time again. . But what else?. This made me realize something very important.. Everyone chasing the dragon. . How could you no…

Here at the bottom of the pyramid (or middle, I guess), it's easy to look up and think, "Wow! They have no rules; they can literally do whatever they want and…

I'll tell you the difference:. Bitcoin update. Conclusion

2021 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. The last pump we have to look at happened back in Summer 2019. . 2019. That's a difference of x2.9. Day trade that shit. Wha…

Why is this bad news? . Even more disturbing: Citizen X . Conclusion

[Litecoin is darkhorsing](https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@edicted/litecoin-can-still-darkhorse-this-market). GOP calls foul . How much truth is there to it?. …

I wanted to write this last night, but I wrote entirely too many posts yesterday. . New Normal

Divide and conquer!. Conclusion

1 sport in Korea, and that includes all sports, not just e-sports. Grandmasters in Korea are more highly respected and adored with cult-like status than even t…

LOL! Remind you of anything recent?. Abstention . So we have to ask ourselves:. Let's take a look at the narrative being pumped out by these tech companies.…

2020 Bitcoin Doubling Curve. When alts moon? . Monthly candlestick. . Facebook banning bitcoin tag. bitcoin hashtag under the guise of "protecting their use…

Monthly Candlesticks. . Conclusion

[Dow falls 250 points, S&P 500 slides more than 1% as Wall Street heads for worst week since March](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/29/stock-market-futures-open-t…

Welcome the beautiful disaster! . Gee, kinda seems like we need to implement decentralized structures to counterbalance this heinously corrupted system. . Of…

Alright so it basically took me like an hour to hash this out so I figured I might as well share with the class. . https://blog.bancor.network/beginners-guide…

I'm having EXTREME flashbacks to my [Bitcoin Has Never Been Worth More Than It Is Right Now](https://peakd.com/speculation/@edicted/bitcoin-has-never-been-wort…

Let's get to it. . FOMO. What if there was a better way? . How? . Sidestepping the fear. Conclusion

When will the process of mining evolve away from simple lotteries?

Silver Lining. Not only is selling here a bad idea because of this invisible buy wall, it also centralizes the network pretty bad. . 2020 Bitcoin Doubling C…

Litecoin is up 16% in the last 24 hours. . So what's the point of Litecoin?. Bittrex. Bittrex points. To capitalize on these points, you have to make a lim…

Venmo fo sho


Koinos mining update. . Koin can not moon. . Equilibrium. . Make no mistake, I'm still ultra bullish on Hive. . The other day he said something to me of e…

Can't stop talking about Koin mining and Uniswap farming.

OR IS IT? . But wait, I'm not done! . Napkin Math. What's the difference between compound interest per day vs per hour? . Okay, I'm done.

That infamous contract (that I still don't know what it is) that was selling wLEO onto the market just started dumping Koin 15 minutes ago. . This is great fo…

Mining Koin is still super profitable, but the cryptosphere knows it.

Doing the math on Koin Mining.

Sometimes you win the lottery.

First off, Koin was lagging my comp pretty bad. . I was given some good advice from @deathwing to limit the .exe's access to all my cores. . Version 1.0. ste…

Mining some Koin.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Maybe this hack doesn't have to be the worst thing.

What do we do in the face of this adversity?

The ETH/DAI Uniswap pair is VERY interesting.

All aboard the hype train for the next 3 months.

LEO LEO LEO LEO Can't stop.

Just because they say it doesn't make it true.

How many corps need to buy Bitcoin before the world realizes it's grossly undervalued?

Outlandish conspiracy theory.

Who is this pseudo-masked wonder?

Must... stop... blogging... about... leo...

The first step toward zero curation is here.

October will be... okay.

Ramping up for a small Q4 bull run; precursor to Q4 2021.

Could I be any more over-extended?

wLEO has more buying-pressure than selling-pressure, this will only get more exaggerated going forward.

The seedy underbelly of centralized banking.

Flash-Loan-Style Ethereum-Ninja just fleeced someone for 0.7 ETH.

LEO is still making moves.

Exchange hacks are only going to get worse in 2021.

Dynamics are shifting quickly in wLEO land.

Guess who just got some free money?

Much to consider with this new and desperately needed market.

Make some money during the next LEO spike.

Eth gas fees and wLEO tutorial.

What you need to know for tomorrow's hype train.

I'm a sucker for FOMO.

September has never been a good month for crypto. Ever.

Another million coins goes long. The Bull run foothills are here.

FOMO Fo Sho!

Lots of random musings about crypto stuff.

look who made it to the six digits club.

A free $2500 airdrop? Really?

Litecoin just got a whole lot better.

KYC doesn't work on people who don't use their identity.

Sorry... not sorry?

I can't fucking believe this shit. Truly.

Bitcoin good, masks... bad?

Let it ride!

So much news! So little time!

The IRS is broke and desperate and it's hilarious.

The Toad Boils Slowly.

The colony of humanity needs a lot of work.

2020 continues

Leo's volatility is just getting started.

Stop blindly following the herd.

Goodbye coins, good riddance!

Turns out not all scams are crypto scams.

I thought we forked Steemit Inc into the ground? Guess not.

Bubble Deflated Successfully.


Best crash ever.

"Bitcoin" is a totally pointless and arbitrary value. Sats are your new god now!

Stop making the rest of the market look like jackasses, ETH!

Reputation matters.

And the bull run hasn't even started yet.

He's at it again!

What are virtual ops and what kind of history do they have on chain?

Poor people get wrecked, as per usual!

One bug two bugs three bugs score.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Hopefully 4 months is enough time.

Pointless and unrealistic hypotheticals explained.

The market wants support confirmation!

Pump incoming?

Who will scoop the most ninjamine? Time will tell!

Double Down on 17? Are you sure?

My precious Leo Stack!

Guess who finally pulled their heads out their butts?

Ta da moon, bitches!

x10? Take gainz dummy!

Bad experience or learning experience?


Ya done goofed, Tron!

My town is on FIIIIRRRRE......

What a wild ride it's been!

https://peakd.com/speculation/@edicted/tactical-powerdown-initiated. Down to 32k HP, I've finally decided to stop my powerdown. My upvote power is getting a …

Take a step back and ignore the short-term.

stormcloudsgathering leofinance

Would it really be that difficult?

Ride that roller coaster baby!

Hopelessness as we watch the slow-motion train-wreck.

Taking out the trash.

Let's normalize domestic warfare!

Gogo gadget Hextech!

What does it all mean?

What am I looking for? . Kickbacks. Maximization . Liquidity. Income. Applications . How long will the delegation last? . Speculation. Conclusion

Classic blunder or underground sex cult? You decide.

Top 6? Really? LINK smash!

To Blurt or not to Blurt?

Flip-flop Flip-flop Flip-flop... oops!

When Moon?

Tech is Magic.

They've got you arguing about topics that they pretend to care about.

What to do, what to do?

Gamble Gamble!

Decentralize Factory Production!

Where'd July Go?

Powering down in anticipation of possible Bitcoin ATH in August.

Just kidding, let's talk about financial slavery more.

@lucylin took issue with my ["Inflation is good"](https://peakd.com/cdp/@edicted/investors-want-higher-inflation) post!. First off. I'm trying to ascend past…

Why allocating inflation to the bank accounts makes everyone rich.

Inflation is good and we are dumb :D

Not to be confused with Barium Impregnated Polyethylene Spheres.

Bitcoin has more features than you think.

How do we know somebody owns something?

The prison industrial complex is a big piece of modern slavery.

Devs love to hate themselves and their job.

A little investment can go a long way in the cryptosphere.

The ascension of dumb-contracts are on the horizon!

What is capital gains tax and how do we get the best deal?

Member? I member.

Trezor's TOS is amazing, COBO not so much.

I thought the downvote pool and the upvote pool were separate. Nope!

More on the RC system and how we should be utilizing RCs on Steem

Resource Credits as an Attack Vector.

Fact: modern hardware wallets are clearly not to be trusted.

Assuming we have a local database, how do we get the raw data to populate it?

What technologies run the Hive blockchain and how do they interact?

LEO on a tear, yall!

Hive can employ pseudo atomic swaps and transition into a more decentralized solution.

Describing POB and how it applies to my specific project.

So much to get done, so little time.

The COBO plot thickens!

MakerDAO flaunts their ignorance to the world.

Granddaddy Bitcoin is going to flood the entire market with value.

Shit is going down on the daily it seems.

When you know you shouldn't, but you do anyway!

Bank bail-ins are the new negative interest rates. Long live 2020!

Can you solve the puzzle? JK, I'll do it for you.

The dumpening saga continues!

Bitcoin, Hive, Leo, maker, eth, covid, lockdown

Nothing is perfect; get over it.


Started playing again randomly.

My COBO Vault experience.

Orca achieved and where I'd like to go from here.

Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game.

The results are in!

Member? I member!

It's just another Fork with a different distribution.

A Nakamoto Always Pays His Debts!

Wow this shit cray!

More shenanigans from our benevolent overlord. #bullish

Is he really THAT stupid? Maybe it's just blind rage...


She got more than she bargained for.

So many Tethers, so little time.

Maybe I'll get this job after all. :(

Making HBD more stable than USD.

HBD is currently a very poor stable store of value, but we can fix it!

Clawing my on-grid identity back to "normal".

Happy Halvening!

Some musings over coins I'd like to build and how to trade them.

Strange Bitcoin price movements.

P2P gambling dapp in the works.

Explanation of Escrow operations on Hive and their extreme importance.

More information on Steem's latest crypto scam.

Guess who bought back up?

So many milestones, so little time.

Random news for your consumption.

The world is going to shit and everyone is blinded by COVID.

Vote for our witness node: @hextech

Precursor to my witness political platform.

Not financial advice™

I really just can't get over this:. [Justin Sun Recounts Steem-Hive Hard Fork at Virtual Blockchain Week](https://cointelegraph.com/news/justin-sun-recounts-s…

WTF is a reset account?

Taking the day off work for various reasons.

Bitcoin to the moon. Freedom from debt slavery.

My stop-loss orders have been triggered. Conclusion. P.S.. 427 of accounts with powered up stake.


Airgap Hardware Wallets are here and the open source economy is unstoppable.

Volatility is creating arbitrage liquidity gaps.

How many more bad trading decisions can I make? Let's find out!

Playing with my new Raspberry Pi Zero.

I go to work for five hours and come back to this?!?! . I was totally going to write a post tomorrow about how this is going to happen. @binance-hot was just…

Thinking about economics for a blockchain video game.

Small businesses are being destroyed in a controlled demolition. Amazon wins.

The three day price feed average is not accurate due to Hive pump.

Steem has missed 17586 more blocks than Hive since the hardfork.

Yesterday I went into the HiveDevs channel to ask a few questions.. I never wrote down the Owner key for my account. . However.... Making accounts for your…

OMG give me my coins back!. In any case, why could the price go even higher? . Publicity. . Hive has now proven all the fears false. . Chain reaction affe…

Thinking more on the impending black-flag event that will garner support for war with Iran.

Sold too early, once again.

We seem to be stuck in this ascending channel. . Up or Down?. Correlation to the stock market. . Halving is a bearish event in the short term. . 2020 Bitc…

MURICA!. FREEDOM!. BLOOD FOR OIL!. Global thinking can get you in trouble. . :D. The problem is your assumptions have to be right! . The second I heard t…

My struggle to achieve account security without exposing my keys.

That being explained you all know where I actually stand on this issue.

Ciara Sun and Hive had an AMA today.

I wasn't able to cross off a single box.. I think that's enough gloom and doom for one post. . Oracles. What else would they provide? . A feed for Bitcoin …

A CDP smart contract on Hive would be extremely valuable.

I have literally been trying to write this post for a week.. Introduction. MakerDAO. The main problem is liquidity. . How can HBD do better? . Speed.. G…

Conditioning . Global Citizen: One World Together at Home. . Seriously there is a quote on the wall at work with expletives (shit) **** out praising us for d…

Ionomy is pretty cool.. I'm still in the process of testing withdrawals. . Still being listed at 234 on CMC. How hilariously ironic is that? . Conclusion

Have you guys read this???. [100 days of Steem Day 14: The Contest Support Fund](https://steempeak.com/steemit/@steemitblog/100-days-of-steem-day-14-the-conte…

For starters. On to the real news I found. . OpenSeed & OpenOrchard. Libra. UBI. McAfee . [Central Banks Recommended to Ban Stablecoins](https://cryptobr…

Every once and a while I look at the numbers and say 'wow'. Steem has 231,900,775 coins powered up. . Hive has 165,365,256 coins powered up. . Of course the…

First and Foremost. More like 100 days of "How many ways can we think of to get the community to build the value for us.". Seriously though. A Steem mentori…

Seriously though. . Duh. . Number of people in the world that can own 1 BTC:. Definitively, less than 5M people can own a Bitcoin in the entire world. . Th…

Goddess of Spring, Life, Resurrection, and Rebirth! . I received this message quite early on when my mom became a Jehovah's Witness in my fourth grade year, a…

Gotta get that $1200 stimulus check, amirite? . It's all going into Bitcoin, baby!. I'd say there is a decent chance of crypto breaking the correlation to tr…

A certain someone was using @blocktrades to convert Steem to Hive.. It was nice to finally test @bittrex's ~~(not @bittrix)~~ Steem/Hive deposits and withdraw…

Another Thursday, another powerdown. . Why 17 cents?. Real paycheck posted to my bank account. . This is somewhat interesting.... Another 4 years of Trump?…

@theycallmedan publishes article on Hackernoon. I've set up positions all the way down to this 508 Satoshi level. . @darthknight still on warpath. . This wh…

In case you missed it.. Biggest blunder in Steem history? . How did inactive troll account @bittrix get 182k coins?. @darthknight spelled Bittrex wrong :(. …

It was only three days ago that I implored everyone to stop buying Hive and let it crash to 10-12 cents. . Lo and Behold. Full disclosure, if the price goes …

Hive is getting dumped like mad. . @hot.dunamu. Apparently all these coins might get dumped as well?

Brothers and Sisters. Last night I worked the night shift at Amazon SMF5 just like any other Saturday.. Guess what awaited me behind the turnstiles? . I'm n…

There is nothing to protect Steem from.

Okay so I actually am pretty annoyed that I didn't take my own advice. . Yesterday I sold a powerdown for 14.5 cents even with the full knowledge that ol' J-d…

It just so happens that my powerdown day also falls on the day my paycheck becomes a pending deposit in my bank account. . In addition (double score). Volat…

Behold! . Who's ready to pay some bills, ya'll!. But this really isn't about me, is it? . However, what about everyone else? . But wait! That's not all!. …

So it's been six weeks since I was sick with a mild 'flu' that I got over relatively quickly. . The only problem? . Let me tell you, my coworkers do not ap…

Lo and Behold. Who'd a thunk it. . New spending habits. . Change coming? . Who's going to buy a $200 pair of shoes knowing the entire economy could be shut…

Another week completed at Amazon sort center.. Full-on Drone work. . Hours. In order to work more than 5 hours in a row you must sign a paper that waives yo…

Bitcoin Still "Correlated" . Stocks go up; Bitcoin goes up. . Stocks go down; Bitcoin goes down. . The problem with that... . How? . Bitcoin is the only a…

I was surprised to find this article the other night that almost parrots exactly what I said in my post about how [globalism is impossible.](https://peakd.com/…

The government is talking about central bank digital currencies. . One world government; one world currency. . The problem with all this talk... is WTF!?!?. …

Once again there is so much to talk about I can't even think straight and put it to paper in any kind of sensical order. . Remember all those times when you w…

I seriously don't even know where to start. . Wow that song sucks! . Let's see... what else.... More and more this shit looks to be a planned demolition o…

You... assholes.... Shut... The... Fuck... UP. . Of course, they are wrong. . @steemchiller. Lame. . God damn it. . The totally fucked up thing about thi…

Also this:. WOW. Remember that there can be no other fork; no other option. This community is simply too small and has too little resources for such compet…

Jsun is doubling down on 17. . Airdrop. hive even more momentum and media attention!. LOL, actual censorship on Steemit. . Meanwhile, on the Twitturd: . I …

Shit is going down, ya'll. . People sure love airdrops. . Justin Sun is not getting an airdrop. . I really don't know what I'm gonna do. . Stop buying Stee…

[Announcing the Launch of Hive Blockchain](https://steempeak.com/communityfork/@hiveio/announcing-the-launch-of-hive-blockchain). Oh shit, son!. Don't even t…

The hands have been tipped. . What is the worst thing that can happen now? . It's not really a big deal.. Does he even have the hardfork ready?. Binance. …

Dear Diary, . steemhostiletakeover, and this will be my final entry. The doublespeak and circular discussions have yielded no compromise. @blocktrades is for…

Dear Diary, . https://steempeak.com/steem/@ausbitbank/misterdelegation-just-moved-sp-from-abuse-fighters-to-abusers. steemhostiletakeover. . Jsun is making …

Dear Diary, . Twitter. My first real tweet was this:. I really have to wonder where we would be at right now if he hadn't attacked us. His accounts would p…

Don't worry, this was all part of the plan. . TOILET PAPER!?!. The lady in front of me spent 20 minutes paying with a check. . MSM. A Lot of people alread…

Apologies to everyone that took me at my word and bought Bitcoin at the doubling line. . QQ. Silver Lining. . Lesson learned.

Dear Diary, . Polarization. I take offense to this reductive dichotomy. . [@theycallmedan Tweet](https://twitter.com/TheycallmeDan_/status/12378180425343549…

Dear Diary, . I wish I was bringing in millions to the network and was a respected witness, but I'm not so my radical political opinions can't be taken seriou…

Dear Diary, . No rest for the wicked. . That's weird, I didn't think @theycallmedan was the cliffhanger type.. Interesting, is that all? . But wait..... H…

Dear Diary, . 16k Steem coin powerdown on Binance.. Perhaps they are still stalling, or perhaps this is an honest mistake.. We really have to consider how s…

Dear Diary, . No, this is not true.. @binance-hot. This says it all:. Conclusion. sunisdone. tronbegone. Updated evidence of premeditated escalation:

So much press, so little time. . !/v/phoneinf/crm9B5IbrIU. CZ is a liar. So you fired a bunch of people that lied to you?. Translation: . Translation:

Looks my prediction might be coming true. . Bitcoin is on the move up. . What about Steem? . I repeat: there are only 80 million liquid coins in the entire …

Sun's response? . It's not. Exchanges have not started a powerdown. . Why can't we retake the network?. I think about it like this:. Conclusion. I hope …

Everyone can see that the difference between goodguy24 and ausbitbank ia 6396M vests. . What is happening?. Bitcoin Wildcard. Korean Community. This is no…

Binance is Insolvent. Something like. Conlcusion. PS. Proposal 64

This witness race is very close. . Justin Sun is not backing down. . This is super serious. . THIS IS AN ATTACK!

I've had some time to decompress. . comments. 1 witness" of this blockchain hasn't made a top-level blog post in 2 months even after being sold to Tron..…

Sovereignty is Proven. . When something is illegal, it is illegal not everywhere, but in the Sovereign Nation of _______. Whatever rules dictate that soverei…

All hail Justin Sun!. Let's parse the optics. . I find this statement to be especially ironic because the actions that Steemit Inc. and Justin Sun perpetrate…

Needless to say, stable coins don't count. . Medium of Exchange. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. . Store of value. More on time. . Conclusion

Sure, sounds great!. How would the atomic swap even work?. Conclusion. I feel baited. . One-way Atomic-Swaps

Why's that? . Fledgling . Speculation. How does freedom of speech play into this?. Something as simple as a Bitcoin lottery taking over could crash multipl…

Easy. No Dice. Why Bitcoin? . Imagine how hard it would be to generate a totally random number with all those leading zeros. . So yeah, it's not easy.. In…

Pentaskill is the game I'm making for the Steem blockchain. . Gameplay. Create a game. . Variables. I've scaled them all down to 100x100 pixels just for c…

What about development? . Unfreeze the accounts. . Leave them frozen. . Conclusion. Prediction update. Pentaskill

The monopoly that these ISPs hold is legendary. Building new infrastructure to compete with the old companies is virtually impossible and certainly not profit…

[The drama continues!](https://steempeak.com/steem/@softfork222/soft-fork-222) . [On a side note](https://steempeak.com/steem/@berniesanders/it-only-took-4-lo…

In other news. . The Cash of the Future!

he-named-the-brand-after-the-victorian-era-in-england-wanting-to-evoke-the-refinement-of-this-period-in-his-lingerie-2). That didn't work out so well for ol' R…

News. How did he get caught? . Bitcoin is very anonymous. It's only when you start siphoning funds through centralized exchanges and other bank accounts tha…

1:30 Witness voting ratio has never been more relevant. . I asked myself why.. Nah everything is fine!. It is reassuring, to an extent. . All I'm saying i…

3 market cap). . And they're at it again!. Thought experiment. What if Ethereum stops making exponential gains? . A more likely worst-case scenario.

Witnesses . Justin Sun of probing the waters. . Crux. KEK!. We should be trying to figure it out. . NDA. UG (Steemit recovery account). Conclusion. Peo…

Sounds stupid, what's the point of that?. Takes money to make money?

The Drama Continues. Subvert our Politicians? . Take away our exchange listings? . Lose our primary development team? . Lose the main condenser node that …

To anyone who thought the AMA was actually going to answer a single question. . Why does a company buy another company? . There is no value to leech. . But …

Hostile Takeover? . What would it look like? . What are we willing to do to save the network?. Conclusion

Alright Fam!. What now?!. But how?. Isn't that just a centralized peg to Steem owned by the Tron Foundation? . What if the funds are hacked? . safu . How…

Most bullish scenario. . But Steem is being liquidated... right? . Interoperability . Biggest fears. . Conclusion. Oh SNAP!. Potentially what?

So my roommate was talking to me about how people are trying to project how many have died from Corona Virus by measuring sulfur in the air. My roommate kind …

Edit: Answer in top comment. . Continuing to travel down this rabbit hole of why rewards on the Steemit Inc frontend are being displayed strangely... . Accor…

Today something has been changed on the Steemit Frontend. . That's weird... wasn't like that yesterday. . Why?. They still managed to fuck it up. . Get you…

Wow that picture is so old! (July 1, 2018) Remember when Coinbase only traded Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum? Crazy. . Upon refreshing my Coinbase Pro tab …

Are your payouts still being distributed as 100% Steem power? . Why is SBD being printed again?. The dark days are over. . How to stay ahead of the curve? …

I lied. . Ethereum is kinda amazing. . 2 market cap network they have the advantage of being far less volatile than other projects. More importantly, the cha…

Yikes. . What is it?. What if x coin kills y coin? . When people ask me if Ethereum can "kill" Bitcoin, . Conclusion

Ethereum. Ethereum's birthday! How sweet of them. . Conclusion

If this keeps up, trading the market is going to be trivially easy going forward.

2020 Bitcoin baseline values.. Financial Crisis. . Atomic Swap to Monero. Example:. Back to reality. . Conclusion

plan. KICK?. 34 on the market cap. With my airdropped stake at just under 1M tokens, it would be absolutely insane if the network retook its previous value o…

Or is it? . Conclusion

Double-edged sword. SBD Peg. Still hoping for Monero atomic-swaps. . Predictions. . The question we have to ask ourselves: . Threat Level Midnight.

I really need to start work on my SteemEngine trading bot.... Craig Wright conspiracy theory.. What if Kleiman is the whale?. Market is looking good.

WOW.. Market didn't flinch.. Conclusion. A Patent troll and a grave robber is going to get away with it as best he can.

I was wondering how long it would take for the news circuit to start talking about the Bitcoin Halving again. Apparently they have succumbed to unit bias, as …

Needless to say, I'm expecting fireworks tomorrow.

Yeah... Right!. All of these shorts (and Bitcoin SV longs) are going to get squeezed tomorrow. . Craig Wright: Intellectual Narcissist . What's really happe…

I'm happy to announce that all the buying at the 0.12 to 0.15 range has paid off. . I now have an even 50,000 SteemLeo powered up.. Bringing value to the ne…

In this case what would be required is a link from a Binance account to its associated Steem account. (Plus all the orders each account makes on [the STEEM/BT…

The rules haven't changed. Craig Wright is still out there claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto with access to 1M Bitcoin. . There is a niche group of traders out…

There have been a lot of articles over the last few days that I've taken some interest in. . [Square Lightning Network API](https://medium.com/@squarecrypto/w…

I wonder how many people here don't even know they're earning interest on their SP even when they don't upvote. Probably a lot... although I'll be surprised i…

Irrelevant. . You annoy yourself?. Then why do you keep doing it?. Baseline. . Looking to the past.. 4 years prior. Conclusion. Sure would be nice!

Another good piece of news as far as my CPD loan is concerned. . 5.5% is still high. . The interest rate should be low (if not zero). Conflict of interest. …

I told myself I wasn't going to... . And this kinda blew my mind. . wtf... is that math correct?. I seriously believe in Steem's heinous liquidity issues.. …

Hell no, buy me some more Steem. . Swing trading all Litecoin into Steem. . Need as much Steem as possible. . Conclusion. Once Steem liquidity is gone... i…

I go to work for a five out shift and come back to this? . What's happened? . Hm, pretty much exactly what I said would happen. As soon as resistance brea…

I'm almost as bullish now as I was when Bitcoin hit the doubling target of $3200 exactly. . Could Bitcoin dip to $6400 at year's end? . However, in this cli…

Litecoin. Recap of the plan:. IMO there is not nearly enough bearish support to even make it close to the $6000 level. I feel like the bears have one push l…

Bitcoin has just gone x6 to $60k. . What did Steem do during that time?. Did it go x3 to ~50 cents?. Did it mirror x6 to $1?. Did it moon x60 to $10?. Di…

[Steem.DAO UI Live on SteemitWallet](https://steemit.com/steemdao/@steemitblog/steem-dao-ui-and-pausing-steem-sales). Look at me go Ma. No hands. . Wouldn't…

Bitcoin made an unsurprising move up to the resistance line and now it seems to be coming back down. . "Bearish". Zero effect on development. . Hang in ther…

No regrets. . Price of Steem.

Example:. Pentaskill. Wish me luck!

Slavery was pretty fucked up, so the men in suits designed a system far more palatable for the general population. . Now, there are all different shades of s…

[Marbles on Stream](http://pixelbypixelcanada.com/mos.html). What's the catch?. Speculation. Logistics. Can't be stopped. . Conclusion

Previous Update. Come on, lucky sevens!

Anyone else have a dream about the apocalypse last night?


Gamble gamble.. No, it's not the news.. Conclusion. Don't succumb to emotional illogical hype when making financial decisions.

This is what is seen from the top of the pyramid. . Slavemaster or Slave: Choose one.. One rule to rule them all. . This is why decentralization is so impo…

Why is this exciting? . Do you want to be OG Darius or Dunkmaster Darius? . With blockchain, I will take the skins business model one giant leap forward. .…


Are you willing to buy yet?

Hard Fork 21. Hit the button above that I've highlighted. It looks like this:

Lo and Behold! . But I just said "fuck it". Seriously, it doesn't get anymore perfect than that. . I can see the wheels turning:. This is totally 100% fals…

That's all curation is: an extra feature. . As a Palnet/SteemLEO whale, I've been giving this a lot more thought. I never really had to think about it as a …

How quickly we forget.. Every time the market crashed to the local minimum it was obvious to me, but I had already gone full FOMO and didn't have any hedge mo…

A lot of people (especially Americans) think that fiat currency is a stable source of value. . Ask them what they think in Venezuela.. Fiat. Well, guess wh…

[As predicted](https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@edicted/altcoins-under-attack). ***WHY?***. Plan == Hedge . Powerdowns . Conclusion

Besides the obvious reason for investing in a meta-community for investing, I'd like to point out a few other tidbits. . [My first SteemLEO post has paid out …

Also, there seems to be no mention of this on the trending tab.. In light of this new information... I am now powering... . UP. How do I bring value to PALN…

Last Night at 2 AM PST I got the confirmation I was looking for... sort of.... SBD. FOMO. Damages. Going forward. Importance of recording losses

This is what the market looked like 3 days ago. . This is what the market looks like now.. Bouncy Ball. Conclusion

The Grin Icon is a smiley face. . GBYTE. DigiByte. KuCoin. Coinbase. Binance. safu. I think this says a lot considering the localization issues of having…

Maximalists are in full throttle as they spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt into the altcoin market. . You only want the price of a project to rise if you i…

Whales Have to Think Differently. [Why I'm Hoping To Become A Whale In STEEMLEO](https://www.steemleo.com/steemleo/@videosteemit/why-i-m-hoping-to-become-a-wh…

Timing the market. Money where my mouth is. 60% accuracy

I was just minding my own business and.... BAM!. @Airdrop. Shitcoins vs Community. Conclusion

Trending. Comments. Resteems. Ad revenue sharing. What did I miss?. None of this fucking matters.. Blogging is the prototype.. Conclusion

Already we see this reality unfolding. . Zero competition. Five Pillars . Conclusion. Concluding conclusion

This is what the world economy looks like right now, and 99% of the world is blind to it.

No, seriously though, have you? . This is getting out of control. . @jrcornel. Bear market? What bear market are you referring to?. Just a reminder. Spe…

[a-monumental-fight-over-facebooks-cryptocurrency-is-coming](https://www.coindesk.com/a-monumental-fight-over-facebooks-cryptocurrency-is-coming). We should s…

Meta-Link to Palnet. . https://steemit.com/hackers/@edicted/hacked-by-russians. Alright so I just tried to copy paste it into Steem and there are invisible w…

Network effect. Reputation as a product. Conclusion

Yeah, baller. . Coup. Zukerburg took blockchain and asked himself:. The answer?. This is a line drawn in the sand.. There's a new sheriff in town. . Perf…

Interesting.... In the future:. Conclusion

With 6718 PAL staked my upvote creates 4 coins. . That's 40 coins a day. . 14.6k coins a year. How is that possible?. Because only 10% of the coins are st…

Too expensive? Compared to what?. Conclusion. Most people suffer from the Halo Effect when it comes to crypto. It is the ultimate form of projection. They…

This was exactly what I was thinking before I even read it. I'll be looking at Tor and VPNs in the future and blogging about them for sure.

@josephsavage/re-edicted-five-tags-for-five-different-frontends-20190612t202819050z. Yep. Burden lifted.. publicserviceannouncement

I got a taste of what it's like to be a whale today.. When you're a whale, you can't buy the dip.. With only three hundred Steem, . I increased the price of…

There will always be demand to buy votes. . The trending tab.. Demand. Dumb-contracts. Foundations. Conclusion

Blockchain is something the world has never seen before, but it looks very similar to previous technologies. . Case in point: look what happened after the bub…

However, today my bullishness has been rejuvenated. . A $47 airdrop? For me? Thanks guys!. Condenser. PAL. I don't know what PAL does or what it's going …

Parabolic to Linear convergent curve. Wrong :(. Flagging pool. NO!. 50% curation. Conclusion

Yeah! That'll solve our problems!. Every one of these ideas is a ***HUGE*** change. . Separate flagging pool. . Moving to a convergent linear rewards curve.…

Personally, I think it's a nifty little app. My roommates and I use it all the time. We even pay our landlord with Venmo.

Ah well, it was only a $240 sell. . Up $40 on the trade. .

Alright so, pretty weird story:. So I guess I have a lizard now?

Why is barbed wire facing America? . Conclusion. Stay alert, Don't get hurt.

I hope Bitcoin crashes to $4200.

Sure you might bleed, but what fun is playing it safe?

And I was greeted by 3 bots looking to exploit my gains. . 58 on the market cap. I've never seen Steem that low on the list. My experience with Steem is that…


Marijuana was never a gateway drug. The gateway has always been and will always be the black market in general. Making marijuana illegal in the first place w…

Not for no reason.. OOPS. Decentralized Sybil-Attack Resistant Reputations


And at the foundation is money. Diet and Exercise. How fitting. . Hypocrisy of Hippocrates. Placebo Effect and Mind-Over-Matter. Ultimate Hypocrisy . Con…

In the short time that I've been looking at these orders, two huge liquidity maker orders were posted:. Conclusion

Blessing in Disguise? . Conclusion

Number of rows.. Flanking. Now range actually means something. . Special abilities. Bazooka (AOE). Sniper (headshot). Ninja (first strike). Mercenary (…

So, you're telling me that Steemit Incorporated has time to work on all the projects they've started and still find the time to shadowban whoever they feel lik…

Thought Experiement:. This volatility is natural, it protects all crypto projects from being bought out in a hostile takeover. If liquidity (inflation) was a…

\*Wars. Why \*Wars?. Logistics:. Options:. Blockchain. Nexus Wars. Units. size. armor. damage/attacks. speed. vitality. special abilities. Wow, Ge…

Explanation . Here are some examples:. Two new units. Hobo. Spy. Unit HP being saved. Los Pollos Hermanos

A few days ago I stumbled upon this little gem:. HA!

Game on.

Even if these accounts won't be worth anything to anyone else in the future, they'll still be worth something to me. . Conclusion

Bugged. Works. It turns out dsteem.BlockchainMode.Latest
actually just evaluates to 1. Therefore, this code is equivalent to what I need (and h…

[From this](https://steemit.com/coinbase/@edicted/trading-maker-vs-taker). This is a total Goldman-Sachs move; I can smell it, and it stinks like shit.

3. Risks Associated with the Steem and Obytes Protocols. 4. Risk of Mining Attacks. https://drugwars.tokenbb.io/. Conclusion

Wait! What happen to the rest of the pool?. Conclusion

Oh really, you think you can attack me huh? Deflected. . Here we can see that I wiped out all his knifers, gunmen, hitmen, snipers, and 5/6 bazooka. Now I k…

That's right!. Arrays . Lowering the bar. Seriously, assembly is a fucking nightmare. This is what programmers had to use before Object Oriented Programmin…

Shit List:. REPTILE!

Other developments

Fee +2% to 3.5% total. Why is the Governance Fee called the Stability Fee now?. Where do the proceeds of the Stability Fee go?. Does the Stability Fee apply…

I'll give a full upvote to anyone who provides new information about how the @drugwars battle system works. . Well, guess what happened? Overkill happened. .…

Mark Sargent. "I couldn't leave even if I wanted to." . Division in the ranks!. How could anyone believe XYZ?!?! They must be fools!. The irony of global …

Not all gloom and doom!

Spoiler alert:. In any case,

This error message was added to the frontend less than an hour ago in the middle of me testing out the combat system. . One minute my client was trying to pos…

Send all drugs into the Heist and build an army with the rest.

The "find targets" tab is up and running and @drugwars players have unsurprisingly gone mad with bloodlust. . Now that attacking is possible users are shredd…

28 for highest paid in referrals and 23 in most Steem revenue generated. This is pretty good considering I wasn't even trying when I first bought in. Also, th…

https://steemd.com/@edicted. So then I went to Busy.org:. FAIL! SO MUCH FAIL! WTF!!!11. Then I went to Steempeak:. Spoiler alert: it didn't work.. Leavi…

Get Paid To Rule Your World. New Payout Structure. Point System. Delay that order!. Strategy. Rake 10%. The positive feedback loop of lowering the rake w…

This is an example of going on tilt. Tilt is something any poker player knows about. You make a mistake, and the stress of that mistakes cascades into one or…

Suggestions:. Tesla Coil. Iron Curtain

Alright, so let me get this straight.. Get ready for another propaganda campaign . HULK SMASH. Set phasers from 'stun' to 'kill'!. Spam is in the eye of th…

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 EVERY YEAR!. If anything, this bad news was only suppressing the value from going up, not pushing the value down. . 200 million coins are stil…

another victory for paid-to-game.

@bookkeeping/re-re-holger80-bookkeeping-a-new-service-for-keeping-track-with-steem-sbd-transfers-for-gaming-20190219t205521037z-20190219t205555z) . 1 because i…

@drugwars is a Ponzi scheme because they rake 20%, but other pay-to-win games that rake 100% are legit because reasons. . If this game can manage to have enou…

Pattern Blocks. . Bouncer. Knifer. Base 30 degrees. Skip Boring Math (begin). HEXAGON. SQUARE. TRIANGLE. TRAPEZOID. RHOMBUS (fat). RHOMBUS (thin). E…

@drugwars investments:

!/ref/@edicted) . Daily Prize Pool. Bank Heist. Total prize pool. . Edit: . Mechanics. Combat. This game is clearly in alpha stages but it might become …

!/ref/@acidyo. DRUGWARS EARLY ACCESS V0.1.2. Amazing work. . Cryptokitties just became that much more of a joke.

Singularity has many definitions, but those definitions are often tethered to the concept of infinity. . Divide by zero == undefined . Bitcoin. If crypto is…

The answer is all of them. . No, of course not!. 4 today on the market cap. . Community > All. . Consensus takes time.

https://discord.gg/yBvzf4. Growth happens is spurts.. If I may suggest something truly silly:. We are the Myspace, and the Facebook, and the Instagram, and …

QuadrigaCX (Canadian Exchange). Not your keys? Not your crypto!. Steem. Don't trust exchanges to hold your coins for you.. Trust in yourself, acquire fina…

Wrong. Distribution. GMO. Crypto. Jobs. Quality . Artificial Scarcity. Robust systems on a local scale. Community Representation . Conclusion. The th…

Imagine no inflation. Medium of exchange. Store of value. Unit of account. Conclusion. These are properties of money that don't even exist yet because fia…

Hm, yes, unfortunately my "proceeds" were negative.

The easy way. . The hard way.. Basic idea. There is no limit to how we can organize blockchain information. . Conclusion. Naturally increasing demand to u…

Trending. When I first got here a year ago, no one talked more trash out Steemit than I did. All I saw was a big broken thing that needed fixing. Now I see …

["Download Blockchain" Torrent](https://steemit.com/steemdev/@edicted/download-blockchain-button). verify();. Variables:. Why?

These are the actions I would take if I was in charge of Amazon's crypto division:. Create a DAG and premine it. . Distrubution. internal exchange / atomic …

First of all, I hate the term altcoin because it automatically implies Bitcoin maximalism.. Community. Thought Experiment . Altcoins can't die while fiat li…

Did you think 34M was bad? Welp! Now it's the full 42M! LOL. . Still bullish. Why we are not ready for a fork. . If Steem was still at $8 none of you w…

Here's a game I've been thinking about [adapting to the blockchain for a while.](https://steemit.com/gaming/@edicted/block-based-gaming-examples) Not because …

Playing Devil's Advocate. Transparency. Every coin is ninja mined. It's time to change our perspective about centralized holdings.

Well looky looky! Seems like all the witnesses are coming together and telling @ned to stop powering down!. +5 whales. @ned shows weakness. Self-fulfilling…

Introduction. Turn-Based Games. Permissionless . Who are they going to sue? The witnesses? The developers? The players? None of these are real options, …

Curation:. Why curation makes no sense on a fundamental level.. Wait, so how does curation work again?. Fatal flaw. As a failed lottery . Wait, who contro…

Uh... Yeah... Go Home.. The torso. My theory . One guy got convicted of murder because he killed his girlfriend in self-defense. The prosecution convinced …

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. . Decentralization. Consensus. Fearless leaders

What is Steemit Inc. really saying?. Conclusion

Prerequisite . Exposition. Idea. Introduction. Energy. Hardcore mode. Scarcity and Resource Sinks. RNG. cops. Map. Random events. Basic Economy. Cl…

Introduction. Exposition. Example. [Unique player-owned model](https://steemit.com/steem/@edicted/paid-to-play-business-model). Sacrificing one digital ass…

Worth it?. Wasting my time/money?. Conclusion

CCGs . Drawbacks. Variable priced packs. Internal market (universal price index). Timed Auctions?. Arbitrage . Bankruptcy . Tournaments . Second layer …

Quality over Quantity. 32 on that list with $39 million a day). Uh, yeah... we all know that Coinbase is one of the biggest exchanges so all these fake measur…

Inflation. [Very Moon, Much Wow](http://www.thehalvening.com/). Liquidity. Not broke, don't fix. Logistics of decentralized stability. Thought experiment.…


People who actually care design the best products. . We live in strange times.. Automation. Uh, no, we don't need those jobs.

Shut up about Dot Com already. . Conclusion

In the beginning, there was only one dimension, one plane of existence. It has many names:.

Bah! Humbug! . Sorry if you don't get it. It's best if you're a white nerd with delusions of persecution and grandeur. I'M A PICKLE MORTY!!! I'M PICKLE RICK…

True test of POB. Greed ruins everything.. POB. BUIDL. Consensus. Changing our perspective about flags. . What is a flag?. POB DAO. How?. 1 abuser a de…

COWARD!. What do I see when I look at @berniesanders?. Even if he's right, he's wrong.. Community Consensus. Proof-of-brain. Conclusion


Dead cat bounce incoming?. The F stands for fear.. Steemit.com. A toast!

Components. Proposal Descriptio. Examples. Benefits. Details. Synergy. Fungibility . Soul Collectors. Conclusion

[Unregulated gambling: Crypto's first and most prominent use case.](https://steemit.com/gambling/@edicted/unregulated-gambling-crypto-s-first-and-most-prominen…

Dai. What was Dai missing?. The new volatility of Dai will be superior to Tether/TrueUSD/Cloud/Gemini because it's more liquid due to not being stored in a b…

Bitcoin Centralization. [Steemit has Problems, I have the answers.](https://steemit.com/steemit/@edicted/steemit-has-serious-problems-and-i-have-the-answers).…

Conclusion. 1 main issue of all trustworthy blockchains because the only way trust is attained is through inefficiency. Our blockchain is already 140 gigs and…

Evening the playing field.. Break the cycle. Conclusion

[Money Rules Everything Around Me](https://steemit.com/money/@edicted/cash-rules-everything-around-me). If Google said it, it must be true.. To make the meta…

Fact One. Fact Two. Crypto is zero-risk. Conclusion

Bid-Bot Microcosm . Time to Opt Out!

@edicted/re-krnel-steem-is-10-ranks-lower-than-bitshares-what-the-20181211t210336664z) on @krnel's post.. What?. When?. Where?. Why?. Alternative?

Power of Log(n). Lack of incentive. Conclusion

What is Steem?. How did we get here?. What makes Steem different?. Mainlining Code. Community Cliche. Conclusion

FUD sells.. Reoccurring Theme. "I told you so." Mentality. Steemit is a Crutch.. What is 70%?

The IRS is not to be trifled with

23 on the market cap. Most of the coins are owned by private investors and the dev team itself. This puts them outside the bounds of the current regulation sc…

Worst case scenario. So what?. Have you really lost anything?

Curbing volatility . One post a day in the face of dismay.

"You ever play Factorio?". Problem

People are bad at rating things.. This is a system that blockchain can change forever. We can be the pioneers of a new superior platform. . The power of odd…

It's become very obvious that Verge has been forced to cheat in order to keep up their vote rate. I hope the irony isn't lost on the Steem community. Not onl…

The Anchor. Scarcity. Mainstream adoption.. Cryptocurrencies have a life-span. . They aren't immortal corporations locked in endless warfare.

Backstory . dsteem tutorials for Utopian-IO. SteemConnect research. But, Active key though.. Value of SteemConnect. Fixing the trust issues. . Conclusion

Tether is going to become insolvent and we are going to have front-row seats to witness just how much of a fractal-reserve they were running. . An event like …

Repository. You will learn how to:. Requirements. Difficulty. Curriculum. Proof of Work Done. file-inspect-html) Feel free to change the default au…

The second I made an account here I made the same claims.. Curation. How? . Logarithmic Soft Caps. Stronger Flags. Stronger Flags Reloaded. Occam's Razo…

Phase 3: Profit. "That's not what flags are for.". Virtual flag redirection. @fulltimegeek/re-berniesanders-re-zoidsoft-re-berniesanders-day-2-of-dealing-wit…

1 priority. . Trollvantage

Anyone can control, anyone can delegate.. Conclusion

@berniesanders/re-allseeingewe-good-morning-bernie-goodbye-cruel-world-20181013t150009551z. In the beginning.. These people are terrorists.. There's no…

code tag. sub tag. Clipboard Manager. [Atom](https://atom.io/). Conclusion

Even The Odds. | chance. Examples. Jackpot Drop. ticket" on a random thread. . Trust. Power-ups and grace period. Conclusion

ticket. ticket [hash code]. ticket 14069429150ABCBF244C4C2FB2C4C46A49C93CA9457263ECD9EBB176DE3A58BB. ticket ABBACABBA. ticket 1337DAD. ticket 80085

Pay To Play. Cost of decentralization.. Resource Pools. Conclusion

Maker. Where can you buy Maker?. Staying Power. Coinbase. Unassailable . Other coins in the future

Proposed Changes. Ownership = Potential


Hard to take us seriously.. Centralized. Untapped potential. Massively underdeveloped. Conclusion

ETF. FOMO > ETF. Not good.. Fool Me Twice.

Proof-of-brain. HF20 . Centralization. Conclusion

Mana. Centralization. Will RC conflict with SMT?. What have we learned?. Will 60-70% Voting Power Be the Sweet Spot?. Conclusion


Consideration. Chance. Prize. How will my lottery be different?. Prize? What prize?. Keeping it small.. Taxes. Not Centralized

How to avoid regulation and legal ramification?. Bitcoin

Repository. You will learn how to:. Requirements. Difficulty. Curriculum. Proof of Work Done. What's happening under the hood?. file-stakesterilizer-js-L…

Steem Can Evolve.

What is the value of a vote?. Exposure. Cashout. Push/Pull

Get your money in and don't worry about where the price is going. Short term analysis is 60% accurate at best. Blockchain will moon and be declared dead over…

So, what did I learn?. Accountability . Airdrops. Decentralization. Reputation = $$$. Promise to the people

War On Curation. Backend programmer. Steem Stake Sterilizer. Other Ideas. Conclusion

Blockchain is the ultimate form of automation.

Proof-Of-Work. Optional Math Lesson. (Math lesson completed). Energy consumption . Analysis. Dive Deeper

Unit Bias. So, what gives the Blockchain value?. Brainstorming Sources:

[Bitcoin is becoming zombified.](https://steemit.com/ungrip/@wwf/the-real-zombie-apocalypse). Bitcoin double agent.. How to profit from this situation.


apidefinitions-broadcast-ops-comment). Rant Over. What else did I learn?

Repository. You will learn how to:. Requirements. Difficulty. Curriculum. Proof of Work Done. discussionquerycategory). glossary-api). Acti…

2 coin in existence is "worthless":. Jumping The Gun. "Two Years Is An Eternity In the Cryptoshpere". Where is this lightning-speed development at?

Repository. What Will I Learn?. Requirements. Difficulty. Curriculum. Proof of Work Done. Tutorial Contents. tutorials-javascript) . HTML File:. JavaSc…

You can confirm that this is correct by looking directly on Steemit:. Okay! We got 100 posts! Let's filter them. . author). Scratch that... it looks like …

Uh... Hello World?. 8 hours later

Steem Exchange. Games

When?. [Ultimate Blockchains](https://steemit.com/blockchain/@edicted/ultimate-blockchains). Solution?. Communism?. t-69882. Burden of responsible spending…

Fake it till you make it.

game steemville. create 100 wheat. Decentralized


[Odd-Point Combat](https://steemit.com/game/@edicted/five-point-combat-white-paper). ANYWAY! . Now what?. Proof-of-Brain. So What?

Confusion. bless the metric system ). . BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE!. Tie it back to the main point.. Text Size Is Still Cheap. But what if you weren't blogg…

Block-Based. Which blockchains?. Role Playing Games. 1 most popular gaming genre. However, not all RPGs are real-time. The Final Fantasy series has made a …

Other examples. Cheating. Patent Trolls. Conclusion

Utopian-IO. Ether. Tron. Less is More. Only API coins can do it. We have the power.

Real-world application. Killer Apps. Conclusion

51% Attack. Airdrops. Ultimate goal. Governance.. Conclusion

Time to buy more crypto!

Reasons to not print more Steem

Money. Production. Conclusion

Depression. Steem

[Steam Town: Part 1](https://steemit.com/fiction/@edicted/steam-town-part-1)

Fiat is a desktop calculator.. Bitcoin is a flip phone. Privacy coins are burner phones.. Steem is a Blackberry. . smart-contract == smart-phone

Uh Oh. Steem 51% Consensus. Short-term vs Long-term

The rules are simpler, but gameplay is more complex.. Chess. Go. The board is massive.. Making life. Handicap and Rankings. Still fun to play when you ar…


1 priority. . Reversi. Because I haven't programmed a front end for the games yet, this is what it looks like on the command line.. Recursion. Rules. Here'…

I hope I'm right!. Swing trade incoming.

1 coin on the market cap. However, this idealistic view is not how things happen in the real world.. Dolla' dolla' bill yall.

How does it even work though? . Conclusion

[Daniel Alves Fraga](https://www.ccn.com/brazilian-bitcoiner-sees-passport-suspended-after-slamming-tax-service/)

Sup?. Honor Bound

Invest in the coins you use. . Put your money where your time is.


Games. Back to the Basics. Inheritance

You want to make a bid bot? Gross!

Fundamental Investment. More than just Fundamental and Analytical. Relative coin market cap. 36 (right now) on the market cap I try to swing trade it. Steem…

[Taxes](https://steemit.com/coinbase/@edicted/the-coinbase-bottleneck-and-taxes). [Tumblers, Mixers,](https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/bitcoin-mixers-tumblers…

Games. What do you think now?

!/v/fulltimegeek/8ewwuqdk. Thanks! I need it.. No. What would I do with millions?

Maker and Dai. 35 on the market cap. Pushing it up further would give it the liquidity needed to be directly listed on Coinbase. . Coinbase loves Bitcoin and…

How does it work?. Different from sharding? . Ethereum Killers?

Why are we doing it this way?. Bitcoin mining. Mining pools. Solution. Payout breakdown distribution . Increased overhead. Conclusion

MERGE!. Games. And I will call it: Diamond Development

Ethereum. Tron. Bitcoin. Conclusion

Key features of TRON. 12 on the market cap. It won't be a blank slate for long. Not only is Tron going to have official support for Java (which is currently …

Delegated Proof Of Stake. [Centralization isn't that bad.](https://steemit.com/eos/@edicted/centralization-isn-t-that-bad-eos-defense). We've barely even sta…

Race To The Bottom. Smart Mesh Token (SMT). Dent. Sure thing?

Why is there a debt cap?. How safe is the system?. Legendary Ethereum scaling issues. . Coinbase to the rescue!. Dynamics of an Over-Collateralized Reserve…

Recent breakout. 35 on the market cap. This is really low for Steem. Because of this, just a few days ago, I aggressively traded half of my Binance coins for…

Hybrid. Biggest Risk

The House Always Wins. Crypto as an extension of a home game.. Augur . Leveraged margin trading [(MakerDAO)](https://dai.makerdao.com/). But, gambling is …

Transaction fees.. Back to Bandwidth. Ramifications of actually being able to spend bandwidth.. Make the witnesses work for their money.. Limitations. Con…

Business as usual.

SUCCESS I did it! . What's the point?. Decentralized. How does the Dai stay pegged to $1?. WTF is Maker?. The push and pull dynamic of Maker coins.. Pus…

How to close the crypto-loop.. Fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat bottleneck. Second. Volatility. Dether. Uh, Okay, but what does this have to do with Stee…

Shifting Sands. Race to the bottom.. What makes a good platform? Jobs. . Trickle-down theory. . More jobs are coming.. Stuck in an awkward phase of puber…

Grasping at straws. Differences . Market Cap. Blockchains are self funding. Cooperative capitalsim. Open source. There can be only one!. Redundancy. Wo…

Binance regulates their own coin.. Binance is decentralizing . Know-Your-Customer (KYC) . Fiat to crypto. Other Exchanges not as good as Binance. Coinbase…

Ethereum fork. DAO hack. Okay, so... why ETC?. Hype

Maker. Taker. [Binance (BNB)](https://steemit.com/ethereum/@edicted/binance-coin-and-dai). Coinbase

1: Bitcoin. 2 Ethereum. 3 Ripple. 4 Litecoin. 5 IOTA. 6 Dash. 7 Monero. 8 NEM. 9 Binance. 10 Steem. 11 Siacoin. 12 Bitshares. 13 Nano. 14 Augur.…

IOTA (Internet of Things Application). Nano (Formerly Raiblocks). Byteball. Conclusion

[CCN](https://www.ccn.com/cftc-demands-trading-data-from-bitcoin-exchanges-in-price-manipulation-probe/). [CoinDesk](https://www.coindesk.com/us-department-of…

Purge. Blockchain to the rescue (hopefully) . Blockchain is backed by nothing.. Blockchain backed by community and trust. . What comes next?. Entertainmen…

How it works.. Why take out a loan?. Leveraged Investment. Example. SALT (Secured Automated Lending Technology). EthLend. MakerDAO and Dai. Conclusion

Binance (BNB). Crypto Trading Pairs. Trading Fee Reduction . Stake-Weighted Vote. 17 on the market cap right now. Even though these three functions are pro…

Golem (GNT). 60 mark on https://coinmarketcap.com, but now it's value has climbed the ladder up to 38 at this moment. It's practically nipping at the heels of…

Fear is the mind killer. . Steem to the Rescue!. Blocktrades is a Black Box. Coinbase. Binance to the rescue!

The market cap is a flawed measure of value. . Everyone is in competition (artificial scarcity) . The Evolution of Government and Law. "But, it's fake money…

Decentralize Holdings. 100 coins, but there are a few that show promise like Gridcoin, Genesis Vision, Presearch, and Manna that range from 200 to 1000. Even …

EOS, Tron, VeChain, SMTs, Casper, Lightning Network, .... [EOS](https://steemit.com/eos/@edicted/went-down-an-eos-k-hole-recently). Age of Abundance. Price …

Seriously, what downward trend? . Ripple effect. $20k got the attention of millions.. But, I want it now.. When to buy?

Why Not Bitcoin?. Uncontrollable . Unwilling participants. Patents. Thank you, predictable corporations!

Temporarily embarrassed Coins. Judas Coin. Threat to the crypto web. . Coins becoming centralized

2 for the blockchain. That and I'm tired of Comcast Xfinity Internet being the only damn option in my area. . [Mesh Networks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me…

5), Tron (9), and VeChain (16) are Ethereum's top coins, but they are simply being used as a temporary placeholder until the mainnet launches.

183 currently on the coin market cap. I'll definitely have to grab a few just in case.

Delegating Bandwidth but not Steem Power.

Rake. Decentralized Home Game Poker

[EOS](https://steemit.com/eos/@edicted/went-down-an-eos-k-hole-recently). Privacy Coins. Steem. Proof-of-work 2.0. Cloud-based storage coins. Decentralize…
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